
Chapter 011: Young Lord

"It wouldn't matter if you were a demon or not, I have demons for breakfast," David faintly smiled saying.

A large vein pop out from Ladros neck showing his rage towards the comment of David. He stared at David with a unyielding look. "What did you say?" He asked with a hard voice clenching tightly his hands creating fists.

"What!? Why do you look mad by me saying that, did I hit a nerve?" The two gave each other serious glances. For a second Ladros quickly fade in front of David eyes, showing up in front of his face and lands a hard punch on David face removing his mask showing his full face.

His connects his fist towards David face blowing he away far but not too far landing him on the ground. David laughed as his stood up from the ground. He was affectionate impressed by Ladros punch towards his face, it has been long for him since he has felt such a punch.

David clenched both of his fists staring madly towards Ladros. H e then fade from Ladros eyes then throws a punch at Ladros face. Ladros casually blocks it with easy, but his face was firm as he gave a solid stare towards David.

Stepping back, David slight smile at the surprise that a small boy like could stop his punch. He was seriously going to kill him now. The two began exchanging blows with each other.

As their fight was starting the others in the village were preparing to fight as well as Black clenched his fists with him, Sonia and the others stood in a beeline looking towards the coming bandits.

Reaching near the bandits saw Black and his gang standing in beeline as the bandits froze their tracks in a beeline sizing-out the opponents standing in front of them. The bandits calmly looked at each other nodding their heads at the same time as they ran-off all different directions. Seeing them split into different directions so fast lend Black and the others to split also, living them to face each of the bandits alone a one on one fight.

Black went after the one who headed for the east of the forest, with Sonia heading towards the west, Riley north, Derek south, and Asrael northwest.

Black reached where the bandits was anxiously waiting for him to arrive. He blocked his cessation forward, he senses a weird feeling when he tries to walk towards the bandit.

He calmly gave a smiled saying, "You're smart but I'm stronger." Black began walking forward active traps setup by the bandit, his face was unshaken as he walked through all the traps with ease. The bandit face was filled with shock, he had used his most powerful weapons against Black.

"It is impossible, it can't be happening!" The bandit's said confused.

"Shall we begin," Black said quickly rushing towards the bandit. Steam came out from his mouth and a aura of fire surrounded his body as he rushed at the bandit.

Back at Ladros battle in the westeast with the bandit called David. The battle was reaching maximum pointing. the vibration created from when the two clash their fists with each other. It was like two gods were dualing. What a fight it is..!!

Ladros threw upper punch David dodge it returning with a straight punch to the face, also adding a kick to his left leg. But Ladros brushes it off with a laugh as he is ready to take things serious now, it time the mortals know their place in the ladder.

Ladros took a firm stance as he placed forward his left hand, then closing both his eyes charting this, "Lord of the fire, lord of the hellish beasts! Give me your power of fire to burn my enemies to ashes, I use Inferno Flame Amber - Blue Amber Sword!" He forms a flaming sword using his inferno flame. The flame was pure red like the rage of the inferno demons.

Inferno flame power rival the power of the hellfire. Also it has the power to burn through anything and everything in it way. The flame is impowered by the rage or anger of the inferno demon that's using it.

"Haah, so much power, you little brat..!" David felt a overwhelming pressure of heat coming off from Ladros flame sword. He then nod his head in-respect of Ladros power output.

Ladros coldly stared at David, looming the sword towards his face. "One Thousand Inferno Slashes. Burn to ashes!" He slashed through the air with flutters slashes. The slash attacks came in fast speed directing hitting David. The attacks were so fast they left he unable to react, it was only Ladros first showing of his power.

Ladros smiled in seeing how powerful his attack has got. It even more powerful than his last use of it. Inferno demons were well known for their fast growth in their power and skill, they can copy a person technique in moments and they can easy come out of a tough battle quick. They're good at making strategies and calculating situations in front of them.

The inferno demons are the second strongest demon clan out of the five demon clans in the demon realm. the inferno demons were part of the alliance five thousand years-old against the first Demon King. The inferno-demon Demon Lord's at that time had power that almost rivals the Demon King. It has been said that the final blow was lend by the inferno-demon Demon Lord's from the past.

Inferno-demons have rage that cannot be stop, to enrage a inferno-demon it almost like signing a death sentence for yourself. When angered they can destroy a whole kingdom when enrage by something, only the demon-wolves can calm the rampage of the inferno-demon. The demon-wolf clan keep the inferno-demon clan in check when they fall out of order. The inferno-demons usually found the demon-wolves to be strong and more savage in battle, they were the only demon clan that prove to be a challenge for them. The demon-wolf clan has held the position of being Demon King many times than other demon clans.

Through the dust in the air David came out dusting of his burn-off top living on a T-shirt. David came out laughing quickly change his face dead, "You're dead brat..!" He stated with a hard voice looking at Ladros. He then also took a firm stance started to realise large amount of overwhelming power, he took his first step forward clashing his fist with Ladros fist, two powerful auras were clashing to one another coursing the ground and everything else to be destroy in the process.

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