
Chapter 7: Third Stage Revelations

Summary: The Third Stage of the Kumo Chuunin Exams. The Konoha shinobis get their first real glimpse of Namikaze Naruto.

Review Responses:

- Thank you everyone for your comments. Everyone looking forward to revelations (pie on Konohas face) you are going to be in for a treat.

AN: Disclaimer in chapter 1


...ooO Third Stage Revelations Ooo...

Kurenai frowned as she watched the genins wait in the candidate section to be called. Unlike the Konoha Third Stage Exam the match ups had not been announced in advance. The genins had to be prepared for any opponent. Shino and Neji were down there with all the genins and the other jounin-senseis. The Godaime was in the special dignitary area with the other kages and daimyos. Kurenai looked at Shikamaru who had just joined the Konoha group.

"Have you heard anything?"

Shikamaru shook his head. "They're doing small talk. The Raikage is a cagey bastard. He is sitting tight on the information. Probably plans on making a big spectacle. They haven't even announced the match ups. Figured Shizune could keep track of things for the Hokage so here I am. Have you heard anything? About the elites?"

Negative head shakes. "No one is talking and the civilians do not know the details. It is standard black ops practice to keep identities hidden."

"Shhh." Sakura hissed. "The Raikage is speaking."

Omada Hiroshi couldn't help the gleeful smile splitting his face.

"Who is this successor you are so pleased about?" Moroshi Izako, the Mizukage voiced the question on everyones mind.

The Yondaime Raikage smirked as he took especial note of Konohas interest.

"Oh I have every right to be happy with my choice of successor Izako-san. He has a very high profile and skill level. In fact some would say he outclasses the average kage. And I would have to agree." Everyone blinked at that claim. "Just be a little patient and you'll see what I mean."

Tsunade frowned as she caught the nuances, the smug certainty. This Rokudaime was someone big, someone with impact… But who? Which of the new elites?

The Raikage stiffened. "The Third Exam is starting."

In the pit below a door opened to allow a slim blonde man to emerge from the rooms built under the stadium seating. His long legs and slim hips were outlined by the durable material of slightly baggy gray cargo pants that vanished into the standard black combat boots most Kumo elites preferred. He wore a short sleeved blue t-shirt that outlined the sculpted torso and broad shoulders with the Kumo hitae around the left biep. Tanned toned arms covered with intricate seals in yellow, lilac, red, blue, and brown from bicep to the backs of his wrists. Somehow everyone suspected there would be more tattoos underneath his clothing. His head was covered with messy uneven bangs that reached his shoulders, blonde tresses that spiked around his face framing the tanned chiseled undeniably masculine features. Long straight brows set above penetrating almond shaped blue eyes. A narrow aquiline nose, a wide passionate mouth framed by a trio of faint white lines, a defined jawline and strongly corded throat.

"Namikaze-sama!" The hushed whisper echoed and re-bounded around the stadium growing in intensity and volume. "It's Namikaze-sama!" "Namikaze-sama!" "It's him!" "Oh Kami-sama! It is Namikaze Naruto!" "I can't believe He is the Third Examiner!"

The Konoha nins froze and watched the blonde wave his hand and smile. They watched and heard the adoration, admiration and respect allocated to the once-Konoha nin.

"He hasn't taken any genin-teams or apprentices. My brother is in the Academy and he's hoping to be his student."

"My cousin was on his second squadron few years ago. Touga tells me he is Toushin in the field. Absolute Destruction with God-like stamina and control."

"Understandable since he is a jinchuuriki like Yugito-sama."

"Don't be an idiot! He's like that before he uses the tails! When he draws on the bijuu nothing can stop him."

"Has he ever lost control?"

"Not against allies. He always recognizes his team."

"I saw him go six-tails once. He was antsy like any other berserker but She calmed him down easily enough."

Knowing laughter. "How could she not? She is his match, his wife, his mate."

"He has no idea how much I respect him, for having the guts to bed and marry her. She is one cold bitch." The tone held nothing but respectful admiration.

"Not around him." A knowing leer. "You haven't seen the two after they've finished a high-class mission. They don't bother waiting for a more secure base or with private rooms or tents."

A rueful chuckle. "Trust me, the two of them could stay up all night and be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the next day." Rueful envy and admiration. "It is like having sex recharges them!"

Malice-tinged female laughter. "Too bad most males don't have his endurance and stamina or technique. I hear you have trouble keeping it up for an hour Ikatsu."

A softer wistful feminine sigh. "I met one of his old lovers in Tea Country. She said he was the best she ever had. That he could make her come with a casual touch. And she was a few years older and more experienced than him at the time!"

"Really? Did she say anything else about him?"

"That he completely spoiled her for other guys."

"How do you know she was being honest?"

"I asked around. Most of the people in town were used to seeing Mariko-sama with two or even three lovers but in the time Namikaze-sempai was with her she was monogamous. A few weeks after they parted company she went back to her old ways of keeping two or three guys around."

A hesitant pause. "You don't mean Mishimato Mariko, do you?"

"Of course I mean Mishimato Mariko you idiot! Why would I address any other Mariko as sama?!"

"But she is one of Kumos Biggest clients! She controls several trade routes and owns several merchant convoys and warehouses in every single Elemental Country!" A much younger male squeaked.

"And she is really good looking for a woman her age." An admiring voice. "Her jugs are nearly as big as the Godaime Hokage!"

A slap upside the head. "Don't be a sexist fool Chiba! Mariko-sama did not get her current position and influence by simply being a pretty face! She had the drive, the ambition and the resolve to go against much more experienced merchant barons when her husband died and her step-son killed himself in that racing incident."

A more thoughtful male voice. "She probably taught Namikaze-sama all he knows about bargaining and negotiations. I'm surprised they are still friends."

"Mariko-sama said she knew whatever they had was only temporary. He made it clear from the start that he had other goals than being a merchant-baron and would eventually be moving on."

"Did she say anything else about him?"

"Just that whichever woman snagged him would be one lucky bitch."

A chorus of feminine sighs. "Too bad he's completely devoted to her."

"I don't understand how they got together in the first place; she's so cold."

"Have you ever seen the two of them together? It is like fire and ice."

Naruto smiled as he absorbed the positive energy, the respect and adoration of Kumo, things he had once yearned for from Konoha. Carefully he kept his gaze from the Konoha contingent. He recognized them but they were his past and of no concern for his future.

A quick customized jutsu to amplify his voice and he spoke.

"Welcome. Welcome to the Third Stage of Kumos Chuunin Exams. I hope all our candidates are rested and ready but before we proceed to the One-on-One match ups there will be another culling." His warm soothing voice became firm. "Of all the genin teams that passed, only two from each team will be allowed to proceed." There was an immediate uproar of protest but Naruto was quick to counter it. "You might protest this, why allow us to reach this point only to deny us… I will give you the answer.

"Life is not fair. You will accept missions where you must make a decision. If you are the captain you will have to choose which of your subordinates to sacrifice so the rest of the team can survive or complete the mission. If you are a Chuunin you might face the most difficult decision of your shinobi career… How willing are you to sacrifice yourself for your Village? Are you willing to die? Risk capture or disgrace? Are you willing to pay the price so your team, and your village benefits?

"These are difficult questions, things you must consider, things you will face. Today you are here to display your villages strength before allies, enemies, and potential clients. Future income depends on how impressive a show you make. If you are not certain of your skills, if you know you are the weakest in your team… Are you willing to make the sacrifice? To step back and allow your teammates to shine? To get the attention? This is not a life-or-death match. There will be other Chuunin Exams…. So Choose! One genin from each team must give up. If the decision is not made in five minutes the whole team is disqualified!"

Each Kage stared at the young man, the Third Stage Examiner with new interest.

"He makes a very good point. Forcing the candidates to face and admit their fears and weaknesses. To pay the price required to climb the ranks." The Mizukage murmured.

The Tsukikage stared at the blonde with eyes full of admiration. "And the way it was announced. The candidates are completely unprepared. The pressure placed on them will be enormous. They will be admitting their weaknesses before all. And the argument being counterbalanced by the need for personal sacrifice… I know many jounins who have yet to learn that lesson."

The Kazekage smirked. "Naruto is like that. Full of surprises and unexpected depths."

The Kusakage frowned then glanced at the Hokage and the Tsukikage. "Namikaze… Any relation…?" He trailed off delicately looking pointedly at the Raikage who smiled.

"His father. Could have knocked me over with a feather when the boy walked up to me and said he wanted to sign up." The Raikage carefully looked at the Hokage and Fire Countrys Daimyos. Both were smiling bittersweet smiles.

The Hokage stirred, awareness sharpening. "Naruto was always like that. Good at surprising people." She latched onto a certain bit of information. "He is married?"

The Raikage nodded. "Yes. His wife is a Kumo kunoichi."

The Hokage nodded slowly taking in the information. "Is it possible to meet him?"

The Raikage smirked. "Oh yes. Most definitely. But he will not be available until After the Third Stage is finished. He is the Examiner."

Sakura clenched her fist nearly splintering the wooden rail. "What does that baka think he is doing?!" She snarled.

"He is testing them." Shikamaru countered mildly as he tapped the ashes off his cigarette. "Sacrifices are necessary at times. Isn't it best the candidates find out if they are capable of handling the short-end of the stick ahead of time?"

"But you don't abandon your team!" Sakura cried out.

The jounins snorted and looked away from the pink-haired medic-nin. All of them were used to taking the more risky missions where sacrifices were sometimes needed. Sometimes it was just a teammates general well-being (because he got wounded playing bait) but sometimes it was permanent (to delay pursuers).

Sasuke stared down at the pit. What have you been doing all this time dobe? What have you done to get so much admiration and prestige?

Naruto waited and watched as the genins separated into quick huddle-sessions. They did not let the shock slow them down too much. Now would they be willing to accept the bitterness? To draw the short-stick?

They were.

One by one only two candidates stepped forward from each team. In most cases it was two shinobis, sometimes a kunoichi and a shinobi.

Naruto smiled gently and glanced at the side where the assistants were feeding the data into the system that would generate the electronic match-up. He studied each candidate quickly. They were nervous, wondering if they made the right call, but willing to accept the burden. That was a good sign.

"Congratulations. To those who decided to step back and to those who have stepped forward. You have made a difficult call. It is simply one of many you will have to as you grow older and advance in each of your respective villages.

"Now each match up with generated electronically five minutes before the duel so all candidates have to be present at all time. There will be one round completed today. Two if we have time. The remaining matches will be fought tomorrow. If you feel you cannot proceed due to injury you can concede. The rules are simple. Anything goes. Winner will be decided by knock out, concession, or when I say so."

The match-ups were generated. The genins called down. The duels fought.

For the most part it was a standard genin battle with the occasional flashy jutsu or kekkai genkai being used. Naruto was a ruthlessly fair referee, quick to interfere before any permanent injuries resulted.

As the morning and afternoon progressed the genins were whittled down into the survivors who would proceed to the semis and finals. Names displayed on the flashing diode board.

Nobuden Sakama of Iwa

Hayate Mitsuko of Konoha

Momochi Wakashi of Mizu

Shumaru of Suna

Odama Kioshi of Kumo

Roshinta Zaraki of Kumo

Masume Reiko of Kumo

Naruto nodded satisfied by the names that remained.

"Tomorrow the semi-finals and finals will take place. Candidates who need healing… please proceed to the infirmary. If you have your own medic-nin please use their services."

And then he vanished in a swirl of air and a column of blue-red sparks.

Sasuke glared down at the stadium that was heavily damaged by the matches. Kumo had chosen not to do any repairs other than reinforcing structural damage. The candidates had been forced to use the rubble as part of their tactics, like they would have to in real life.

"Where did he go?"

"It is of no concern to us." Aburame Shino spoke quietly. Only one of his students reached the semi-finals and would be fighting the next day. "Besides we will be seeing him tomorrow. Besides Mitsuko will be fighting and I want to go over some strategy sessions with her for tomorrows fights."




AN: Toushin -War God, Battle youkai, snitched from Yu Yu Hakusho. Yuushis ancestor Raizen is a toushin.

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