
Chapter 7

The trip to the capital was silent, Ainz was in front and Blue Rose behind. Not a word has come out from Ainz, he even before reaching the village of Sutton was silent, but now he wanted nobody to disturb him. The scene that happened in that village angered him too much, those feelings just disappear because of his undead nature, but the face of that disgusting fat pig was still in his mind. If Lakyus wouldn't come, he would have killed him without mercy. People like him really disgusted Ainz. He wanted to have a shower right now after all this.

The walls of the capital could be seen now and the flags of the Kingdom were being rippled in the wind. There was a big line that was waiting to enter the city. Ainz and Blue Rose were adamantite adventurers and famous, so they passed the line of many people without a problem. Nothing has changed since Ainz left for the mission to slay the evil undead's, and of course, again the citizens were looking at him and Blue Rose with suprised faces.

If I show them my true face, would they still like me?

Ainz was thinking, should he stay always like this? He wanted information and yeah, he now has a lot of information about this new world, but what then? Ainz couldn't think what will he do in the future.

Humans hate his race and maybe the other races like demihumans must hate his race too. It reminded him of the days when he started playing YGGDRASIL, humanoids, and demihuman players gang up on him just because he belonged to the heteromorphic race. Well, the undead of this world were just mindless monsters and those who were intelligent, still wanted to spread death, so of course, the mortals will hate them.

"So what should I do…"

"Momon were will you go now?"

His thoughts were interrupted by Evileye that was close to him.

"I will...head to the guild."

He wanted to say he wanted to go to the inn but whatever.

"Oh good, we are going there too, I guess we will stay just a little time together again." said Evileye cheerfully.

Without their horses now, Ainz and Blue Rose walked thru the city till they reached the adventurers guild. They went inside but they found something strange. There were no adventurers in the guild but soldiers of the kingdom that were talking with the guildmaster. The soldiers saw Ainz and Blue Rose that had entered and they approached them. One of the soldiers stepped forward and spoke.

"Are you Momon the Black?" asked the soldier firm tone.

"Yes, I am Momon, what do you want?" asked Ainz with a serious tone.

He didn't want to let this little soldier act like he was the boss here.

"His majesty demand for you to come with us to the royal palace" declared the soldier.

"For what?" asked Ainz again.

I-I'm just a mere messenger, the king wants to talk with you now, please come with us.

Somehow he was starting to understand why the king wanted to talk with him. It might be because of that fat bastard. Lakyus told him that it will anger the king, that's what Ainz thought.

"Shit… oh well whatever"

"All Right I'll come."

The guildmaster and Blue Rose were just watching and hope that Momon is not in trouble.

Ainz followed the soldiers to the Ro Lente Castle, he saw around the large halls and it looked quite impressive. There were big windows covered with beautiful curtains and the floor was covered with shining decorative tiles. On many places, Ainz could see aesthetic statues but It was nowhere near The Great Tomb of Nazarick that he and his friends build together.

"I miss them…"

They now reached a great decorated door, to Ainz it looked like it was the throne room and the door was opened by two knights. There were many people inside here that Ainz could describe them as clowns. There were many nobles and royals inside the throne room that were looking at Ainz with disgusted and cold eyes. King Ramposa III was sitting on his throne. On the right side were the crown prince Barbo, the second prince Zanac and the third little princess Renner. On his left side was the Warrior Captain Gazef Stronoff.

"The adamantite adventurer Momon the Black has arrived!" declared the knight.

Ainz came inside and saw around the ugly faces of the nobles. One of them was really angry like he wanted to explode. Ainz didn't bow ore remove his helmet, that was something that angered the nobles and the royals.

"Welcome sir Momon" greeted the king.

"Thank you for the hospitality your majesty." returned it Ainz.

To everyone, the voice of Momon sounded like the voice of a high noble. Nobody knows who he is, he just showed up in the capital and become an adventurer. Who knows, he might be the son of an unknown noble.

"Kneel before the king you commoner!" shouted Marquis Boullope.

Ainz looked at him. "And If I don't, what will you do?" he asked in a cold tone.

Marquis Boullope and everyone froze in place, Ramposa III was also surprised but he did not want the nobles to see him like that. Ranner was just smiling, prince Zanac was amazed and the crown prince Barbo wanted to rose from his chair to shout at the dark warrior.

"How dare you speak like that to a noble of the kingdom you commoner." shouted the crown prince.

The nobles were all following Barbo, for them, talking to a noble like that was a great sin. All the nobles respected the crown prince because it will benefit them when he becomes the king of Re Estize. Marquis Raeven felt something strange about the dark warrior, he thought that it would be better if they didn't anger him.

"Your Majesty, may I know what do you want of me?" asked Ainz, completely ignoring the crown prince.

This has never happened before, the crown prince wanted to execute the dark warrior for disrespecting him and the noble. He was ready to shout again at the warrior but…

"Barbo, that's enough." said the king.

The prince turned his head quickly at his father. "But-but father he…"

"I said, that's enough!" the king demanded while hitting his staff on the floor.

The throne room now was silent and the king turned his eyes looking at the dark warrior.

"In the village of Sutton, the son of Marquis Iblue and his subordinates that were collecting the taxes, were beaten almost to death by an adventurer in dark armor with a red cape and two swords on his back. Was it you who did this, sir Momon?" asked the king.

"As I expected…"

"Yes, It was me." replied the dark warrior.

Ainz felt that everyone was angry in the room. Another man wanted to run at Ainz but it was stopped by the other nobles. It seems he was a relative of that fat pig.

"Injuring a noble or one of the royal blood, is considered a high crime in this kingdom sir Momon." said the king with a serious tone.

"Did they inform you, what that man was doing in that village?" asked Ains.


"Then you should ask them your majesty."


The man screamed and screamed at Ainz like a wild doge and the other nobles were shouting and cursing too.

"Ah, I want to nuke this place."

"SILENCE!" the king hit the floor with his staff. " Sir Momon, tell me, what was the son of Marquis Iblue doing in that village?

"He was trying to rape a girl because she didn't have money to pay the taxes." said the dark warrior.

The noble's eyes went wide from what they heard.

He beat the son of Marquis Iblue just because of that?

The peasants live to serve the king and the nobles.

This was the way of this kingdom. The commoners were the toys of the nobles and they could do what the want with them. They demand more money, take all their crops, and send them to war against the empire, not caring about the harsh life of the commoners and they repeat this every year. For Ainz, this kingdom was on some really big shit.

"Is that so… Then, the son of Marquis Iblue will be punished when he recovers. As for you sir Momon…"

Ramposa saw all the nobles, they were waiting for the king to give the order to execute the dark warrior, but the adventurer has saved many lives.

"For the crime that you have committed, your punishment will be the execution with death…"

The nobles were all smiling, they really wanted to see this man without his head.

"But…" suddenly their face changes in a daze. "Sir Momon saved the capital from a dangerous monster and the citizens call him a hero. So, I King Ramposa III, banish you from the Kingdom of Re Estize! If you don't accept this, we will have to use force." spoke the king with a firm tone.

The nobles were unhappy about this, but they understood that, if they execute him, it might anger the citizens and the adventurers. They needed the adventurers because there exist powerful monsters around the kingdom and the adventurers were the only ones who knows how to slay them.

"Is that so… Sorry that I saved an innocent girl from that FAT PIG." said Ainz while turning his head at Marquis Iblue eyes that were filled with rage.

"Oh well, I will leave now, goodbye everyone, have a nice day."

Ainz turned and didn't wait for the knights to open the door, so he opened the door himself, leaving all the nobles and the royals dumbfounded. After he left, all the people in the throne room were cursing the name of the dark warrior.

"This is sad, master Momon was a great warrior trying to protect the weak, and his majesty had to banish him from the kingdom because of the nobles...Haaah, I hope, master Momon is not a man who seeks revenge. It will be really bad if he becomes a subordinate of that Emperor." thought Gazef while listening to the nobles cursing the dark warrior.

"This is stupid."

Ainz was leaving the royal castle while thinking about what he should do now. He was really angry at those clowns in the throne room. He would have done the same thing what he did at Carne village but he didn't want to draw too much attention. He has spread his name as a good hero, it will be bad news if he showed the world his true form.

While he was walking through the city and heading to the gates, Ainz encountered the girls of Blue Rose. They seemed worried, the short masked girl approached him fast.

"Mo-Momon, what happened? What did the king want with you?" concerned, Evileye keeps asking the dark warrior.

"Well, Lakyus was was right. What I did in that village, It angered the king so he banished me from the kingdom." said Ainz.

All the girls were shocked by this.

"No...No way...That stupid old fool. I will go there and teach him a…"

The dark warrior put his hand on Evileye's shoulder and she froze on the spot.

"There is no need for that Evileye."

"Bu-But Momon…"

"It's okay, I wasn't planning to stay here forever."

"Is-Is that so…" Evileye lowered her head in sadness.

"Well girls, It was great adventuring with you."

"Thank you for everything Momon, you have been a great help and inspiration for us and other adventurers." said Lakyus while bowing her head.

"Think nothing of it. Now... farewell." said the dark warrior.

"Momon will you one day come back?" asked Evileye.

"...Perhaps." replied the dark warrior.

The dark warrior turned and left the girls until he vanishes. Evileye clenched her fists while watching the last image of the warrior that saved her life. She cursed the king and the nobles for banishing this great man. She will never meet a man like Momon again. A man that moved her heart and made her feel like a human again.

"I will be waiting for you...lord Momon."

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