
Dark Deception.

"This one is from a murk wolf. This one is from Yone. This, this and this are from some bandits me and Yasuo faced." Lanius explained. The two lied in bed naked. Lanius explained to the vesani how he got each scar on his body.

"This?" Ahri asked as she traced with her index a long horizontal scar across his chest.

"This one is the most recent one. I got it from a Lunari boy that mistook me for a Solari." Lanius then moved on her left shoulder and lightly tapped a small scar. "How did you get that one? It's visible from some angles, even when you're dressed.

"That's nothing. It's just a scratch from a tree. I got it when you were chasing me." the Vesani muttered and rolled on top of him.




The next day, the Ionians gathered at the Inn to decide what to do for the day.

Xayah and Rakan wanted some more sleep, so they left for their room pretty quickly. Sett wanted some alone time and Kayn said that he'd get some supplies. Ahri offered to come with him, so the two did so.

The young man decided to take a small walk around the city. He was able to freely roam around, due to his human appearance, though it was pretty clear that he was not a Demacian.

Over a, he still felt that he was being watched. As he strolled around, he was suddenly approached by a young woman with revealing clothing.

"Hello there, mister. What is a handsome man like you doing all alone here?"she used the same seductive voice that Ahri used back in the giant tree.

Lanius was suspected what the woman wanted, but he decided to play dumb to confirm his thoughts."I'm new to this city, so I don't know the place that much." the young man replied as he raised his head to look at a fifty foot tall statue.

"Well, care to join me for a small walk? You don't see this kind of handsome men around here that often." the woman wrapped her hands around the young man's arm and softly whispered into his ear. "Or would you prefer ten minutes in that alley? Come on honey, I don't bite~."

Lanius chuckled. "Oh boy, Ahri's gonna be mad once she sees this memory." he though and then replied. "Sorry ma'am, I'm not into that stuff. Plus, somebody certain will find out and both you and I will be in trouble."

The woman leaned closer to him. "What if she doesn't find out?" she purred and batted her eyelashes.

Lanius rolled his eyes, as he began feeling uncomfortable. "Lady, no thanks. Can you now stick off me?"

The woman opened her mouth, but a very familiar voice sounded behind them, causing the young man to grit his teeth and glare daggers to the woman.

"Lanius, is that you?" Ahri asked him as he approached them.

The first thing he saw was Ahri's widened eyes, followed by her ears tilting back and her eyes becoming thin slits.

Lanius went to open his mouth, but Ahri growled, promoting him to clench his jaw shut.

"Hands...off him." she growled at the woman.

"Fine...it seems she found out just as you said." she exclaimed and let go off his hand. "Bye bye, Lanny~"

Lanius, Kayn and Ahri silently left. Lanius turned around once. The woman did a small rowr at him.

Lanius heard Ahri growl next to him.

The three walked in silence for a few minutes.

"What the hell was that?" Kayn wondered.

"Woman tried to fish me, that's what happened." Lanius explained, then looked at the vesani, who was still fuming. One of her tails slapped his side to catch his attention. "Still mad, foxy?" he asked her.

"With her, not with you. I know that you wouldn't agree." Ahri replied.

Kayn chuckled. "Oh well, whatever. Anyway, we got what we needed, how about a little walk?"




The woman watched the three Ionians walk off. She then quickly and quietly walked into the alley. As she did so, her appearance shifted. The young woman's body shifted into something more far more sinister.

"Well boy, don't think that I'll give up. Your little skunk of a lover might be dynamic, but I'm far more persistent than she thinks." she said to herself and her tails swooped in ecstasy.

"I just got the perfect idea..." the "woman" deviously giggled and bit one of her long pink nails. "What a perfect feast that I'll have.~"




"Are you all right, Lanius?" Xayah asked the young man.

After the trio returned, the Ionians sat to eat lunch at the Inn.

As they ate, the Rebel noticed that the young man looked catatonic.

"Yes, I got a little headache, that's all. Mind if I go get some rest?" the Winter asked.

"Nah, go ahead." everyone prompted him, and as the young man walked up the stairs, the Rebel turned her attention towards the vesani and asked. "What's wrong with him?"

"Not much. Ever since we met him in the streets, he seems a little sick." Ahri explained.

"Could that woman have done anything to him?" Kayn wondered.

"Woman, what woman?" Rakan asked.

"A town's girl tried to...hook him up. Quite persistently to be exact."Kayn explained.

"I don't know why, and don't call me jealous...but she seemed off." Ahri muttered.

"Off? Like?" Xayah questioned.

"She had something...sinister in her. I didn't like her too." Kayn agreed.




Lanius shifted in the bed, he was dreaming of being in a dark pitch black room, with a weird female black figure with long twin tails, black horns and luminescent red eyes was on top of him.

While the young man couldn't move at all, he felt the female figure's weight on him.

The figure raised one of her long sharp claws and drew a bright pink heart on his chest, then raised her other arm and proceeded to wrap both of her hands around his neck and began to choke him.

Lanius gasped for air...and then woke up. He was back in Demacia, in the Inn that he and the Ionians lived.

The young man took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Something creaked in the room. The young man's head darted towards that way, only to find Ahri approach him.

"Is everything all right, love?~" she asked him with her "seductress" voice.

Lanius blinked in confusion and sat up on the bed. It wasn't normal for her to use that voice to talk to him. She stopped that after the first time he put her to bed. "Yeah, I'm all right. What about you, foxy?"

"Me?" she giggled and climbed on top of the bed. "I'm fine, sweetie. I just want to make sure that you're happy. I got worried about you when we ate, so I thought I'd cheer you up~"

"Foxy, can you please wait?" Lanius began feeling alert.

Ahri placed a finger on his lips and crawled forward. "Sh...let me handle this~" she pushed him back down and simultaneously crawled on top of him. "Just...relax. Let joy overtake you~" she whispered.

The vesani leaned forward for a kiss, but Lanius stopped her. This wasn't like her at all. He looked at her with a face full of determination. "Where did we first meet?" he asked her.

"Why are you asking me this now?" she questioned.

"What am I to you?" he continued.

Ahri chuckled. "You're my love, remember? You're my sweet little...Lanny~"

A feeling of dread overtook the young man now. As his blood froze, Ahri let out a small moan, and her right eye twitched from amber to pink, then back to amber for less than a second.

Lanius hid his panic, his heart was frantically beating at that exact moment. The next thing would determine everything. He slowly reached for her shoulder and firmly held her sleeve. "It's getting a bit warm here, isn't it?"

Before Ahri could react, he pulled down on the collar and uncovered her shoulder. The scar she had was missing.

"I knew it." he muttered.

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