
Chapitre 27

Chapter 27

King Darkfeathers looked thoughtful from his spot on the throne, "A trade route across the sea," he said as he looked at me.

I nodded, "That's the basic proposal. A joint effort to increase trade between Equestria and Griffona. The only other trade route is a single rail line all the way around the sea and it dosn't go all the way. It would turn transport times from months to weeks."

While train were technically faster, it was a hell of a lot shorter to go across than around.

Sadly, airships were too expensive and couldn't carry enough cargo. At least so far.

"And what of the sea monsters?"

I shifted my wings, "The ships would be defended by our joint forces. But they are also rarer than most ponies realize… and tend to avoid ships, especially if they keep getting booped on the nose by an arbalest or fire spell when they get close."

Sure, would work on me. If there was a muffin on a table that shot sparks at me when I got close, I would find some less hostile food instead.

Darkfeathers moved off the throne, "And who would pay for all this?"

"It would be a joint effort," I said, "The details are all outlined in the paperwork. But in short, Equestria will pay for half the guard, the magic protections and the pegasi and the construction of the ships. We have the expertise needed for this kind of ship building. Griffona would pay for the materials for the ships and the majority of the crews for them."

"How many ships?"

"The current plan is for five ships," I told him, moving up to stand next to him as he looked at a painting of a griffon in a full plate set of armour.

Darkfeathers was quiet for a long time, "That's a lot of material and griffon power. In case you didn't notice on the flight here, Griffona is not covered with forests. Especially the ones suitable for shipbuilding."

"The specific terms are very negotiable," I told him, "I'm just here to present the proposal. I have no doubt that actual negotiations over the details will take years until it's all hammered down. Does it sound like something you would be interested in?"

"If it worked, it would help both of our economies," he admitted after a second, "I'm unsure on how feasible it is however. Even five vessels of the size of a cross sea trade ship is rather significant."

I nodded in agreement, "True. But think of all that Equestrian goods and Bits flowing into Griffona."

"I need to think of this."

"Of course. Like I said, I'm just here to present the proposal. If it turn into something real, is up to normal channels. The paperwork has been turned in and should arrive for you soon."

He nodded, "What do you think of it?"

"If I didn't think it had a chance of working, I wouldn't waste my time being here, I would be much rather spend my time by the fireplace with Princess Luna," I told him quite honestly, "It won't be easy. But I think that if it works, it will be well worth it for everycreature, pony or griffon."

Darkfeathers shifted his wings, "If it works."


"But as you said, Lord Page," He started, "Cutting three quarters of the transport time of goods would open up…"

He didn't get much further before being interrupted as the door to the throne room opened to let another griffon inside. She looked like she were falcon/lion pattern.


Darkfeathers visibly perked up as he spotted her, and he smiled, "Silverlining! You're back early!"

She nodded and approached, "The hunting trip had to be cut short, one of the guides hurt his wing so there were little point continuing."

"I'm sorry to hear that," He said and reaches to stroke the feathers on her hair before motioning to me, "May I introduce Lord Blank Page of Equestria. Lord Page, my daughter, Silverlining."

I bowed slightly, "A pleasure to meet you, my lady."

"You as well, Lord Page," she said, eyes flicking between my wings and horn.

I smiled at her, "Never met an Alicorn before?"

She shook her head, "No, my lord."

"We are rather rare," I admitted, "May I ask what you were out hunting?"

"Saldian," She said and then explained, "It's a kind of horned animal that graze in herds on the plains. Fast and stupid."

I nodded, "Hunt them a lot?"

"Rarely, only my second time," she admitted, "It's only allowed for the royal family and on special dispensation."

Darkfeathers nodded, "To prevent overhunting."

That made some sense, especially combined with the entire 'kings woods' thing that used to exist on Earth. It made sense it did here too.

"Makes sense. Don't want to deplete the population for the local predators," I agreed.

He looked at me in surprise, "I'm curious, what would a pony know about hunting?"

"Oh, not much," I said with a smile, "Never been hunting. Just fishing a couple of times."

"Would you care to try it?"

Not particularly to be honest even if I wouldn't say no to a steak, but there was a challenge in that question.

"Of course."

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