
Zombie Empress (65)

(Xyrean Province- Inner Regions)

(The Mermaid's Lake- Forested Outskirts)

"If we can catch him by surprise before he has time to use his portal ability then we have a chance of killing him," Qin Lan darkly whispered.

"Won't it be too risky?" Eve replied with concern evident in her voice. 

The zombie empress felt sick at the thought of her favourite human putting herself in harm's way.

"It would be even risker to do nothing. From what you've told me, Subject 001 can strike at any moment which makes him an unpredictable threat," Qin Lan explained calmly.

"His very existence is like a sword hanging over our heads. Besides… I am interested in visiting the place where the outbreak started maybe we can find something useful."

Eve nodded but her brows were still furrowed as she stared into Qin Lan's eyes. 

Qin Lan sensed Eve's discomfort and stood on her tip toes to lightly press a kiss against her lips.

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