

He found Madeleine's words a bit confusing, mostly because he hadn't looked into the book himself. From what his wife described, each page was a result of an expert Composer. The greater understanding one had of the images, the louder the music became and the more of it you could comprehend and play.

If things were described like this, wasn't this a technique book where each page was a new technique?

Madeleine smiled, understanding Dyon's confusion.

"I have a feeling that the reason you felt music will emanating from this book is because you were going out of your way to find me a useful treasure. You were thinking of music will, and thus you sensed music will. You understood that despite the fact I've gained Amethyst's approval, this wife of yours still loves music will the most…" Madeleine's delicate fingers ran through Dyon's hair, a peaceful calm overwhelming her.

What had Dyon and her first bonded over? Was it not music will?

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