

Dyon watched from the entrance of his cornered area as Madeleine and Delia were seemingly trying to suffocate Meiying to death.

Behind him, there was a battle raging. It was between Tau Aumen and Zabia Jafari. Truth be told, it was quite interesting, but Dyon couldn't be bothered to care.

"Hmph, so you left us all worrying just so you could go save another girl?" Clara teased, poking Dyon's side.

Dyon coughed. "I do a good deed, and this is how you treat me?"

"You could have at least said something," Ri pouted. "We were worrying."

"Okay, okay, sorry, sorry," Dyon wrapped his arm around Ri's shoulder, kissing her head.

Clara shook her head. "Upped and got two wives and suddenly forgets how to apologize to his friends. What happened to bros before hoes?"

Dyon grinned. "So you admit you're a boy now? I knew it all along to be honest. How could a woman be so aggressive. Literally no redeeming qualiti – "

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