

That same morning, Madeleine awoke. Or, more accurately, she opened her eyes from meditation. She had been too excited to sleep for at least the last week.

'Today!' She thought happily.

That morning, she took a particularly long time to get ready.

For martial artists, cleanliness was almost always maintained at its peak as long as energy or body cultivation was present. But, often times, some experts, especially women, preferred to clean themselves the old-fashioned way.

Madeleine hadn't seen Dyon in two years now, and with her new hair and eye color change, she was a bit apprehensive about how she'd be received. This was, of course, ridiculous to many people. After all, Madeleine was among the greatest beauties in existence. To then still be worried about how she looked would make many call her crazy. But, again, love wasn't always rational.

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