
Chapter 33 : Ninety Seven Feet

The people around Ren-Ren saw this, saying:

"That's…OUR Ren-Ren, right?"

"Yeah, that's him."

"What's that red stuff all over him?"

Ren-Ren said, "Get out of the way unless you wanna get slashed in half, weaklings."

Ren-Ren thought to himself, 'Seven abilities. Seven abilities my Katana has.'

He teleported above a centipede, he raised his sword up, and then slammed it down, and a giant 30 foot red glowing slash cut four centipedes in half easily.

'Teleportation…and Slashes…pretty damn cool.'

Ren-Ren turned around, and saw more centipedes flying at him like a bullet train.

Ren-Ren teleported to the ground, and the swords that were behind him coming out of red portals began to shoot out, and they cut the incoming centipedes in half.

'Able to control my other Katana's…that's another one.'

Ren-Ren began running forward, and he pointed his sword at a flying centipede. Suddenly, the centipede was feeling heavy gravity, the pressure of the gravity slammed it to the ground.

'Gravity manipulation. Too damn easy.'

A centipede slammed near Ren-Ren, and he teleported into the air.

'Ooh! That was close..'

Multiple thorns shot out of the centipede's backs, and they headed towards Ren-Ren.

He was teleporting around the sky, his body blinking because of the speed, dodging the thorns and even cutting some down.

Ren-Ren cut himself in the arm with his own sword, and the sword grew bigger. At least 45 feet long.

'Size manipulation. Heh. This is only 5 of my supreme sword abilities. I'm so perfect.'

Ren-Ren was teleporting around quickly again, slashing tons of centipedes in half with his 45 foot long Katana.

Up high in the clouds, Hanako watched closely.

Chaos asked her, "What's the matter, Hanako?"

"That kid. Ren-Ren."

"What about him? He's doing good right?"

"He has..a Katana as a power..like me."

"Oooo! I love coincidences! What are you thinking?"


She then thinks, 'Is Ren-Ren…a descendant…of my clan?'

Ren-Ren slammed his sword into the ground near a bunch of incoming trains, and the ground glowed bright red, and it cracked the ground into pieces, sending the trains into the sky.

Ren-Ren started slashing the air, allowing 15 foot bright slashes to cut the trains in half.

70 feet away, Seven and Nine were at work stopping some of the strong incoming trains; the other exam students behind them were helping too.

Nine's hands had a green aura coming off of them, and she smacked her fists together, then raised her arms up, exclaiming with a grin, "Get the hell up!"

The ground broke apart, and it began to rise like a wall, forming in front of the trains.

She was making dozens of wall layers, and the train was barely smashing through them.

"Uh, Seven? Where'd ya go?! I don't want this train smearing me all over the damn ground!"

Seven was dashing above Nine's head, relying, "Calm it down, Nine. I got this. Just keep making the walls."

Seven reached her arm back, and a purple electricity orb formed in her hands.

Seven was darting across the air, headed straight for the incoming train.

The other students said:

"She's heading straight for it!"

"Is she crazy?!"

"Dude, she's SEVEN! The most popular girl at school. Strong as hell. She has this."

Seven slammed her hand on the front of the incoming train, allowing the orb to rip it apart.

Seven was soaring straight through the middle of the train, allowing her orb to split it in half as they proceeded.

Seven came to a complete stop, and realized there was something tougher to break in the middle of the train.

The train was still moving with whatever it had left, and Seven was still on the inside of it.

Seven had purple orbs in both of her hands, and she was punching the tough part of the train, putting dents in it.

'I can't break this? Why?! Not fucking fair! I need more…but I can't use my other powers…I can't control them yet. I'm afraid I'll hurt everyone here if I do. Sure I don't like any of them, but their blood will be on my hands if I try and attempt to control my powers.'

Seven yelled, "Nine!"

Nine stopped creating ground walls for the other trains; green electricity surrounded her, her eyes turned white and green, and she sped off faster than a lightning bolt striking. 

She was zooming fast across the ground, and she made it to where Seven was, running up beside her. On the way there, a green ball of lightning filled Nine's hand, and she slammed it against the wall that Seven was trying to break. But it didn't break at all.

Seven and Nine held the train wall together while it kept speeding forward.

The exam students on the outside were trying to destroy it, but they couldn't.

"This thing is tough!"

"We can't break it!"

"How much time do we have left?!"

"Three minutes!"

"We can't let it reach the exam train!"

Inside the speeding train, Nine said to Seven, "Oi!"

Seven responded, "What?!"

"Remember when we were in dance school together, and the teacher screamed at you for getting a move wrong?"

"Now is not the time…Nine."

"She screamed so loud at you, and you started crying like a little baby!"

"Stop it..Nine."

"Waaaa, waaa, Seven's a baby!"

"I said ENOUGH!"

Seven's body glowed purple, and her hair did too. She stretched both of her arms, making the orbs on her hands bigger, and she destroyed the entire train, blasting it into the sky into little pieces.

Seven and Nine were rolling on the ground, and they were laying beside each other with dust, dirt, and blood all over them.

They were both coughing, and Nine sat up from the ground quickly, celebrating, "Woohoo! Yes! We did it!"

Seven sat up, saying, "I don't like you for that. I could've massacred you into a pizza."

"Geez. I was only trying to bring out that strength of yours."

"Haha. It's okay. Good timing. I almost brought out my other powers, that would've been bad. OH SHIT."






Nine used her electrifying super speed to dash off the ground, and Seven ran off too.

Nine was manipulating the ground so it came up to block the trains, and it slowed the trains down like they strategized. Seven followed up with it, destroying the trains while they were slowed down.

In the sky, Duri, Kazuma, Tek, and Jiyu were still on top of the shadow dragon snake, circling Odyn's position.

Duri was wrapping Tek's chain around his arm, Kazuma was punching and kicking the incoming thorns away with his fire.

Jiyu was still shooting down thorns with her sniper, until she lost her footing, and she began to fall down.

Duri and Kazuma yelled, "Jiyu!"

Duri jumped off the shadow dragon snake as well, and Tek's chain was circling his right fist. It spun fast, and some parts of Duri's skin turned grey. He merged with the chain. But his other arm and fist has chains spinning around it. He didn't mean it for it to be like that, but he went along with it. He wanted one hand to be free just in case he had to grab hold of something.

Duri was punching away the incoming thorns as he fell, and each punch created a sonic boom.

A few centipedes rushed up to Duri, and he would punch them in the head and the body, allowing the sonic boom force off his attacks to blast the centipedes into chunks. 

Tek said, "Damn."

As Jiyu was falling, she was spinning her sniper around her back and spinning at the same time, and while she was doing that, she was shooting with the sniper, each bullet destroying a thorn, or blasting a hole in the centipedes.

One giant black and gold centipede leaped up into the air at Duri, right between Duri, Jiyu, and Odyn.

The centipede screeched, and Duri said, "Eww! Your breath smells like ass!"

Duri punched the centipede in the stomach, and it blew a hole in it, shattering it.

Odyn said, "What?! No! This can't be happening…this can't be happening!"

Duri replied, "Oh, it's happening, dumbass centipede man!"

Jiyu was falling down towards Odyn, and she aimed her sniper at him, and she shot one time.

Odyn dodged the bullet, and went to stab Jiyu through the stomach with his sharp centipede claws.

But before he could touch her, Duri made a chain come out of his wrist, and it wrapped around Jiyu's waist.

Duri spun her around, and slung her into the air, and the chain came off of her.

Jiyu looked up, and Tek was falling towards her, he grabbed her hand, and slung her into the air, allowing Kazuma to catch her.

Kazuma said, "Hi, Jiyu! Cool, hub?!"

Jiyu replied, "A-am I doing o…okay?"


Tek was above Duri as they fell, and Tek threw a chain at Duri's waist, letting it wrap around him. Tek then spun Duri around up high into the air, and slung him faster at Odyn, giving Duri an increased speed.

Duri said, "Haha! The rush!"

Before Odyn could make a move, Duri punched Odyn in the face.

Odyn's face cracked, and blood splattered to the right.

Odyn was falling to the ground, and he crashed on it.

Odyn said, "No…no!!! I…won't l-lose.. I'll kill you all!"

"Ya sure about that?!"

Odyn looked up, and Duri, Tek, Kazuma, and Ren-Ren landed together in front of Odyn.

Duri had his shadow fists ready, Tek was making chains come out of his own back, Ren-Ren was in a ready stance with his Katana, and Kazuma was grinning with fire brimming from his fists.

Ren-Ren said, "I was waiting for this guy to be pinned. You three did exceptionally well…for commoners."

Duri replied, "Heh? Screw you, fool!"

Odyn stood up all the way, saying, "You brats think you've won..I may not have enough energy to make anyone centipedes, but I can fight you on my own."

Duri answered, "Dude. Look at us…then look at you. You're done."

"It isn't over!"

Tek sighed, then snapped his fingers.

A chain dashed past everyone, and struck through Odyn's chest.

Odyn thought, "What? That was faster than a blink! And why do I feel like my energy is being…dispersed?"

The chain yanked Odyn towards Tek, and Tek did a spinning roundhouse kick to Odyn's face, smacking him into the air.

Duri appeared above Tek, and started punching him. He hit him quickly at about 40 punches to the face and body every 3 seconds.

Duri was launching some spinning kicks to Odyn's face. Then he finished him off by grabbing the top of Odyn's head, jumping off the air, and slamming both knees into Odyn's face.

Odyn fell down fast, and Duri stuck both arms out at him, allowing two shadow dragon snakes to form, and started yanking Odyn around like a ragdoll. 

Odyn was thinking, 'I need to regain my energy! Definitely have to watch out for that kid with the chains, the shadow arms, and that one with the sword!'

The shadow dragon snakes let Odyn go, and here came three lions made out of fire, and they had fire wings on their backs.

They roared loudly, and the shockwave of the roar sent Odyn backwards.

The lions were playing hardcore catch with Odyn, slinging hin around, biting him, crushing him with their tails, and then throwing Odyn over to Kazuma.

Kazuma had fire wings on his back, and his hair was on fire too, along with his fists.

Kazuma laughed, "This is definitely gonna hurt, haha!"

Kazuma had a large swirling fireball grow in his right fist, and he slammed it against Odyn's stomach.

Odyn coughed up some more blood, and then Kazuma punched him in the face twice, grabbed his arm, snapped it upward, and chopped Odyn in the throat. Kazuma made a fireball grow on his own leg, and he spun behind Odyn and kicked him in the back of the head, making Odyn slam against the ground again.

Odyn was shaking, covered in wounds and blood, thinking again, 'I can barely..move. The only thing holding me up right now…is my inside armor…but they've cracked that just now..'

Ren-Ren was walking towards Odyn, smiling, "Hehe…hehe…weak fool…hehehe..I'm better."

Odyn was on his knees, saying, "You're damn crazy…a psychopath…that's good. I see you're unhinged..unstable..how about join me? I saw what you did to my creations, you'd be a good asse-!"

Ren-Ren zipped across the grass and hit Odyn in the face with the handle of his sword. Odyn went flying backwards, and then Ren-Ren teleported behind him, and slammed his sword through Odyn's chest, sticking him to the ground.

Ren-Ren said, "Weakling."

Odyn couldn't move at all, and his eyes were rolled to the back of his head.

He wasn't dead, but he was dying.

Tek came up behind Ren-Ren, and said, "Take the sword out. No need to kill him."


"Take the sword out."

"...Fine. I'm better than everyone anyway."

Ren-Ren ripped the sword out of Odyn's chest, and then stood up all the way.

All the trains were gone, and all the centipedes were gone. Duri, Jiyu, and Kazuma were walking over Tek and Ren-Ren.

The exam students were trying to catch their breath, wiping the blood and dirt off themselves.

"Is it..over?"

"How much do we have left?"

"I doubt we have any.."

"Did anyone die?"

"That was such a rush.."

Seven and Nine were sitting on the ground together, catching their breath, and they kept looking over at Duri.

Duri turned and looked at them, but Seven looked away almost immediately.

Kazuma tried to touch Duri's headband, but Duri smacked his hand away.

Kazuma whined, "BUT you never take it off!"

Duri replied, "It's dangerous to leave it off for a few hours."

"That's a few hours, you can leave it off for a few minutes."

"I don't trust it. If I take it off, hell could break loose."

Tek asked Duri, "Fool. Marshy never once told you to take off your headband? When was the last time you washed it?"


"Mm. It could mildew. Fool."

"It doesn't. The band has a sealing power, it's made of power. It doesn't get stinky."


Up high in the clouds, Chaos said, "They uh…ran outta time…didn't they?"

Tetsuya answered, "Yes. For that, we'll send the big guy."

Kedarah exclaimed, "W-won't they be a little too much? They're only kids.."

"This is helping them. Shaping them to not only participate and win power tournaments, but to defend themselves and others if we aren't around."

Hanako said, "..."

Back on the ground, the exam students were resting, leaning up against each other, and some tried to go back inside the exam train.

Speaking telepathically to everyone, Tetsuya said, "This event isn't done yet. You all ran out of time, and now something else is coming. The next train, created by the Titan's power. Stop it. And you'll all have a 4 hour break."

The exam students complained:

"A train smothered in Titan power?!"

"This isn't what I signed up for!"

"This is gonna be impossible!"

Duri said to everyone, "Stop the damn complaining. You all sound like nagging wives. I need that four hour break so I can drown in my thoughts! All of us have power, we can take this train easily. How hard could it really be?"

Seven said quietly, "Duri.."

The ground started to rumble, and everyone got quiet. Everyone was looking at each other, everyone on edge, sweating hard. Some even stopped breathing just to hear better, that's how much tension was there.

Jiyu looked forward, and she yelled, "I see the train! And it's…it's.."

Duri asked Jiyu, "Spit it out, Jiyu! What is it?"

"It's…gotta be AT LEAST 100 feet tall!"

Everyone gasped, and Tek commanded everyone, "All you idiots jump behind the train. We'll run up to it, jump over it, and I'll need all of you to do what the hell I say."

The exam students responded:

"Should we just listen?"

"He is strong and smart, we should."

"Alright, let's go!"

Tek and Duri started first, then the rest of the exam students. Their feet were paddling against the ground, all of them moving at a fast pace.

Tek said, "Jump."

Tek and Duri jumped first, and then the rest of the exam students followed. They were soaring through the sky, and they jumped over the 97 foot train, using every ounce of power they had to jump that high, which drained their stamina by a ton for jumping that high.

In mid air, Tek turned around, and he shot chains from his fingers to the back of the speeding train. They latched onto it, and it connected to the back of it. It was 7 chains, and Tek threw the end of the chains to the ground chanting, "Increase."

The chains began to get heavier, weighing almost as much as the entire train.

Everyone landed behind the train, and Tek said, "Everyone grab a chain and pull."

Duri said to himself, "Like tug of war..smart bastard nerd."

Everyone else said:

"Everyone grab a chain!"

Everyone latched their hands onto the chains, and they started to use all of their power and strength to pull. While they were pulling, the train was still speeding fast across the grass, dragging all the exam students with them.

Their feet drug into the ground, dirt rising into the sky.

Tek and Duri were holding the same chain, Kazuma and Jiyu were holding onto the chains tight, pulling as hard as they could.

Seven and Nine were trying to pull hard as well, and Nine was trying to use her super speed to run backwards to pull the train back, but it continued to go fast.

Ren-Ren exclaimed, "Owwww! This train is no joke!"

Other students yelled, "PULL!!!"

The exam students, including Duri, Tek, Kazuma, Ren-Ren, Jiyu, Nine, Seven, were struggling to pull the chains on the train, with their legs almost buried in the ground, going at least 220 miles an hour. 

Tek looked at Duri, and yelled, "Duri! This train was created by Titans, right? They mentioned it was made of power.."

Duri responded, "Yeah?! So?! OHH!"

"Yes. Fool. Merge with this train."

"Eh? Don't tell me what to do, NERD!"

Seven yelled to Duri, "Just fucking do it, Duri!"

"...Whatever! I have to get to the front of the train! And I don't know what will happen to my body if I do!"

Tek responded, "Don't care. Just do it. You're the only one who is capable of physically stopping the train."

"You planned this all along.."

"Us holding the train back is barely slowing it down, buying us more time."

"...Whatever. I'm going."

Everyone looked at Duri as they were being drugged, and Duri leaped hard into the air, and he pushed off the air, speeding ahead of the train.

'Go faster..go faster..!'

Duri was going too fast, and he was ahead of the train. 

'The head of this train is where I feel the most power at..'

Duri put his hands on the front of it, and the train was pushing Duri along the ground. Duri's arms were bleeding, and blood ran down his face.

'Focus…focus…merge with this thing…I don't know what it will do to my body…but screw it…!'

Duri began to yell loudly, and he began to grow the same size as the train. Some parts of his skin turned black and grey, and he had train steam coming out of his mouth, nose and ears.

He had train pieces coming out of his giant arms and legs and head, and also his chest. He looked like a 97 foot human mixed with a train, which is exactly what he looked like, sizing the Titan train up.

All the exam students yelled:


"Oh shit!!"

"That's Duri?! That's really Duri?!"




Duri held the front of the train while behind pushed back at high speeds, and he started lifting it up the head slowly.

Duri yelled to the exam students, "Get the hell out of the way, dumbasses!"

Everyone dashed out of the way, and rolled to the side. Duri yelled even more, and he lifted the 97 foot train all the way, turned around, and slammed it to the ground, breaking more parts of the ground, and destroying the entire train, making it explode.

Smoke and dust was everywhere, and everyone was looking to see where Duri was. 

"Is he..dead?"

"That was a big explosion.."

"I hope he is."

The exam students started making their way over there, with Tek taking his time and walking.

"Imbecile," Tek said.

The smoke was clearing up; Seven, Jiyu, Kazuma, Ren-Ren, and Nine were walking together. 

Some students came up to Tek, and said:

"You're so cool, Tek!"

"So smart and strong with a cool chain power!"

"It's like you're made of strategies!"

Tek didn't say anything, he kept quiet.

Everyone was surrounding where the explosion was, even Host Chaos, Tetsuya, Hanako, and Kedarah were walking over there to where Duri was supposed to be.

It was quiet for a few seconds, and everyone was getting closer.

The smoke cleared up, and they saw Duri standing up slowly with his back turned to everyone. Duri was back to his normal size and appearance, but his hair was flowing gently, and his hair was in a shadow form, and his eyes were fully white. 

He turned his head halfway to look at everyone behind him, but he didn't turn his body around, his back was still facing everyone.

Steam was coming off of Duri's body, and he said, "...Easy."

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