
Changeling - Wish Assimilation - Information Dump

As soon as Teagan had gotten her cup of coffee; with her caramel macchiato coffee creamer – she had sat at the kitchen table to begin going through her folders… only to be interrupted by knocking on the door. She paused mid sip and used her new ability to open the door before another knock could be heard and potentially wake her sleeping children.

"Teagan Morningstar?" The man in the Fed-ex outfit asked absently, reading from his clipboard.

"That would be me."

"Sign here ple…ase" As soon as he looked up at her, Teagan saw his eyes glaze over. He gave her a non-subtle and blatant once over that had her emerald-green eyes narrowing dangerously.

She snatched it out of his hand, signed her name and handed it back to him, pressing it against his chest when he made no move to grab it. When he continued to stare stupidly at her, she cleared her throat meaningfully. "Don't you have a package to grab or something?"

"R-Right!" He stuttered, swallowing hard before he nearly sprinted back to his truck. "You're married, James... what the hell, man." She heard him mumble to himself while he went. Teagan wasn't sure whether to be amused or annoyed.

She left the door open, motioning for him to place the packages beside Charlie's favorite chair. There were three of them. As of now she left them there; choosing to focus on the folders.

Returning to her seat and taking a long sip of her still hot coffee, she grabbed the top folder.

It was white though had no distinguishing marks otherwise.


With a raised brow, she turned to the next page.

It read ... 'Ex-Girlfriend, Megan D'Angelo was caught ... and I quote, "sucking two dicks while riding a third."

Teagan nearly choked on her coffee as she rushed to place her hand over her mouth to contain her surprised laughter. While she still wasn't completely happy with her new-found responsibility of hunting werewolves every Saturday; she had to admit that she couldn't blame 'Killian' for wanting to destroy the things 'Megan' loves...though from the sounds of it, he shouldn't have ruined Twilight. He should've ruined her ability to take dick.

Though her amusement at his expense was under control, it was wiped away instantly, as Teagan continued to read...

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As a result of infidelity, 'Killian Williams' used one wish to ruin the favorite novel and movie series of 'Megan D'Angelo', by dropping a werewolf species of his own creation into the world. Due to 'Teagan Morningstar' being forcibly volunteered to prevent an extinction level event - certain information must be given.

Here are 'Killian Williams' specifications:

Changeling Wolves - Origin Unknown - Name references their habit of exchanging human babies with wolf pups.

The 'full-moon' has been increased from once a month totaling 12 times a year; to every Saturday, approximately 48 times a year.

Referred to as 'Alpha' for the males. 'Omega' for the females.

A population of 100,000 are currently lying dormant in the United States alone.

{Records show original population of 5,000 vampires worldwide; has been increased to 10,000 vampires worldwide in order to compensate. - 'It'}

In Full Transformation, they possess razor sharp claws, long shaggy fur, and bulging muscles; along with the sharp, deadly fangs they have been gifted the addition of a 'poisonous venom gland'. This gland allows for the excretion of 'venom-poison' per bite; venom-poison will either kill or infect. An increased blood lust will accompany their feral behavior and hungry glowing eyes.

Alphas are ten feet tall on hind legs with shaggy black fur.

Omegas are eight feet tall on hind legs with shaggy white fur.

Feral behavior and Savage fury will be directed toward vampires, humans, and animals...in that order. Their primary goal is populating their own species while decimating the others; includes infecting humans.

Changelings possess an immunity to vampire venom, both the change and the pain, in both human and wolf form.

Changelings are weak to silver, silver nitrate, silver nitrate gas, electricity, mercury, wolfsbane, Belladonna, intense pain, broken neck, heart extraction, and decapitation.

Changelings mate in pairs of two or three. At least one 'omega' is most common though a three-way pairing between omegas and alphas are not unheard of. Mated pairs may live in different cities, states and countries. On the 'full-moon' they will automatically seek each other out and travel in 'packs'.

Pack refers to the mated pairs and any children they may possess; once those children find their mate or mates, they split off from their parents and travel with their mates.

'Heat' happens one full moon a month, most commonly the second or third. During heat omegas and alphas are at their weakest. Omegas are too consumed in their heat to defend themselves. Alpha's instincts will be torn between protecting their omega/omegas and mating.

'Human-Hosts' believe their black-outs during the 'full-moon' are simply the result of an advanced case of 'severe-sleepwalking' and while it may not lessen their personal concern, a doctor will confirm due to lack of any other explanation. A distinct lack of connection exists between a Changeling and their 'Human-Host' - they see it as a necessary if not bothersome hindrance.

Per 'Killian's' Instruction - Changeling pregnancy has been accelerated to last four 'full-moons' though does not affect their 'Human-Host' in any way shape or form. The Omega will find a cave and create a nest during 'gestation period' - two to three pups are not uncommon and after 'gestation period', the pup or pups will age naturally and normally.

Alphas tend to hunt more and become more aggressive during 'gestation'.

The Omega, knowing their 'Human-Host' will not claim their pup or pups, will search out a human baby with a scent similar to their own and switch their 'pup' that that baby. After successful 'exchange' they will dispose of or abandon the human child.

'Changelings' infect via bite, only. A human who is bitten has a fifty percent chance of death and a fifty percent chance of contract the infection. Human teenagers are more susceptible than human adults, with sixty-five percent bitten successfully contracting the infection.

Those born a 'Changeling' or bitten at a very young age don't reach 'maturity' until puberty; age 11 to 14. Upon maturation, their body changes rapidly. Their urges to seek out their true parents will slowly start to become unbearable and uncontrollable, resulting in fits of anger. Soon, it will take over their rational mind.

Their very first act after completion of first transformation will be the elimination of their 'adoptive' parents though their 'Human-Host' will have no memory of this act.

The 'first transformation' for any 'Changeling'; born or bitten, is quite slow and painful. They are subjected to at least eight hours of immense pain where their bones will break, snap, elongate, and reshape. It is only the first 'full-moon' transformation that this will occur.

A 'Changeling' possesses superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, durability, and senses. Their abilities are on par with that of the vampiric species, though the vampiric species does have the benefit of 'gifts' that 'Changelings' do not possess.

'Changelings' cannot communicate vocally, though, do share an empathetic link with their mates that is so strong they can immediately tell when one is in danger and will come to their aid. This 'link' is passed from an Omega to her 'Pup/Pups' upon first transformation of the latter, however, when the 'Pup/Pups' meet their mates, it will disintegrate.

A mated pair can alleviate the pain of their mates by taking it onto themselves; Alphas tend to do this when labor occurs. Though they rely on pure instincts and do not possess 'rational' thought, they can pass intent, memories and images through their empathetic and telepathic connection.

'Changelings' are capable of rapid regeneration with the added ability of healing 10 times faster than a human.

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Teagan set her cup down a little harder than she intended, leading to a cracked cup, and coffee dipping down onto the table.

She ignored it.

She instead, focused on staring intently at the folder in front of her.

Several of the things she read stood out as a huge red flag, however, the most startling was the fact that vampires were outnumbered 10 to 1; and even that was not a completely accurate comparison.

While part of her stands by her original statement of not truly blaming Killian for wanting to spite Megan; Teagan couldn't also help but feel like ripping his throat out with her fangs for the trouble he caused her.

"This is what you get for not reading the fine print, Teagan."

I didn't want to give a huge info dump in one chapter so this chapter has been split into three seperate information dumps! <3

CamiRosecreators' thoughts
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