
Chapter 554: He is a Divine Assistor_1

Ye Junqing was taken aback, then he heard Fu Zhuo say, "Xiao Zhou told me she fell ill yesterday, had a high fever all day long, and was vomiting and having diarrhea last night. Apparently, Xia Ye Zhao stayed with her through the night. Honestly, what is Xia Ye Zhao thinking? Doesn't he know to avoid suspicion, especially after those ambiguous photos captured by the paparazzi?"

Ye Junqing's eyebrows furrowed: "She fell ill yesterday; why didn't anyone inform me?"

He had texted Xia Yuwei before leaving the capital yesterday evening, saying he had to go to Lin City and wouldn't be back for the night. She had replied with a simple "Oh." How come she didn't say she was sick then? That she had acute gastroenteritis? That she had been running a high fever all day, vomiting and having diarrhea?

Fu Zhuo innocently protested, "Junqing, I only found out when Xiao Zhou called me just now, and I rushed to inform you right away. This isn't my fault."

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