
A pathetic death for a pathetic man

[ Giorno pov ]

"I said move!" screamed the white haired man in front of me as more bugs came out of him and flew in my direction.

Like all the bugs that he threw before, this too failed to pierce my 'ultimate shield' ability and were instead useless against my metallic skin.

"I already told you that I wouldn't be allowing you to pass, nor will I let you interrupt the other fights." I said while taking a stance. "So be a good boy and don't get in my masters way."

The man got angrier at my words. "You magus are all the same!" he screamed loudly. "I will kill you all!" as he finished his rants, more bugs flew in my direction, however this time I didn't let them reach me and instead destroyed them first, crushing them with my own two hands and splattering them against the floor.

Looking at him, I codlin help but get angry... very angry.

"All magus are the same, you say?" I ask.

"Of course!" he replied loudly. "You all destroy without care, you are all the worst of the worst! I will make sure to cleanse this world form your existence!"

The anger in me grew with his words. "So you say all magus are the same..." I muttered while clenching my fist. "You see, I have met magus who are a disgrace, magus who are true failures, magus that lack ideals or wishes... you dare compare those wastes of space to my master?! And not just that, but go as far as to call them his equals?!"

Rushing forward I continued to squash all the bugs that where between him and me, closing the distance as fast as possible before hitting him in the stomach.

Blood and spit flew out of his mouth before he fell to his knees, groaning in pain.

Pressing his hands strongly against the floor, Kariya tried to stand up, however I kicked him in the chest and made him fly a few meters away. I stared at him as he rolled across the ground, blood painting the floor red.

"You pathetic bug..." I muttered, getting closer to him. "Isn't it enough to breath the same air as my master, you dare insult him even as he is kind enough to allow you to live?!"

Pressing my foot on his hand, I felt his bones break under the pressure.

I know perfectly well that my admiration for my young master is unhealthy, most people would even say that I am crazy, however I have raised him. I have seen him grow from the moment he was born into the man he is today. I have seen him make a name for himself and still aim higher, regardless of how little chance he stands to win.

He gave me a purpose, a reason to move forward. And not satisfied with that, he gave me life when I was nearing my end, my greatest pleasure had always been to serve him and he allowed me to do it even after time tried to take me away and kill me from old age... how could I not be loyal with everything I have? How could I not look at him and compare him to god when he controls life and death? How could I not get offended when a bug insults him, when I have seen him struggle and fight to improve himself? How could I not want to see him accomplish all his goals and dreams when he has enough determination to die countless times for the sake of fulfilling those very desires.

"You bug are not even worthy of looking at him, and you still dare to lash out in his presence?!" I mutter angrily as I felt the already shattered bones of his hand turn to dust.

Between screams, the man managed to light up a command seal while I was lost in thought, and before I realised it, orders had already left his mouth.

"Berserker!" he said, loud enough to get me out of my anger induced trance. "Kill him!"

Before I could realise what was happening, my instincts flared up as I raised my arms to block, my skin silver as my 'ultimate shield' was active. Still, it was not enough against the hit that came, which threw me to a wall with absurd strength.


Landing against the wall, I fell down to the floor. Regaining my senses, I looked up and saw a black armoured knight come in my direction with a sword pointed at me.

From the corner of my eye I noticed my master's wife behind the knight, rushing in our direction to stop him.

An idea appeared on my mind as I smiled slightly. I suppose it is time to do something my young master would probably do... something crazy.

Launching myself forward, I let myself be stabbed by Berserker's sword before grabbing his arms. A smile grew on my faces I looked at Saber.

"Do it now!" I screamed. "I will hold him, you use your sword!"

Realisation dawned on her as she launched herself forward, her sword stabbing the knights back and coming through me as well.

Berserker screamed and thrashed around, trying to free himself form my grip and the sword embedded in his chest. Eventually I let go, nodding at Artoria before leaving back to deal with Kariya, the man had officially expired his free trial to live, and now it was time to collect the debt he was owing.

Arriving in front of the man, I couldn't help but feel pity for his terrible appearance, that pity however was instantly replaced by rightful pride. "Seems like an appropriate fate for someone who would dare insult my master." I said, crouching down and placing my hand on his face. "Now let me give you a pathetic death, one worthy of a pathetic man like yourself."

Applying pressure on my hand, I began to slowly crush his skull, making him thrash in agony as the life slowly left his body.

"Ah right!" I said as I remembered what my master told me to tell him. "Take solace in the fact that your life was pointless. You failed both Sakura and the woman you loved, and now you will die like a worm, having accomplished nothing at all."

The pain in his eyes was indescribable as he realised that his father must have betrayed him and given us this information. Eventually he slowly stopped moving and died.

Standing up, I looked at my side, where my master's wife stood calmly looking at my master's fight with Archer.

"You know you aren't supposed to interrupt them, right?" I say, reminding her to follow the plan.

"I know." she said with a slightly sad and annoyed expression. "I just hate seeing that golden bastard look down on my king, that's all."

I nodded in agreement. "I hate it too, however this is supposed to be a moment of growth for young master Dio, so just stay here in case things don't go according to plan." I said. It would be troublesome if she decided to act out of plan and annoyed the young master after all, she is right now a trump card of sorts, meant to be used should the plan that young master Dio set in motion doesn't work. "I will go and check on Caster, perhaps she requires assistance with setting up something."

She nodded and stood in place, looking at Dio's fight with a serious expression. It seems my master found himself a perfect woman, someone who understands how great he is and wold do anything for him while simultaneously being relatively worthy of standing by his side.

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