
Origin 3/3

"Well..." I mutter, seeing Medea, Diarmuid and Giorno around us. "This is awkward."

"What is?" asked Medea with a raised eyebrow. "The fact that you destroyed the mansion and my barriers so we can't stay here now, or the fact that you decided to try something new by yourself and nearly died because of it."

"Well, I was thinking about having you see me and Artoria naked, but I suppose that the two things you said also count." I replied with a slight smile as I stood up.

Medea shook her head while Giorno left to bring us some clothes.

"Are you sure you are alright, master?" asked Diarmuid concerned.

My blood painted the floor red and most of the walls were either destroyed or still crumbling, making a pretty bad sight.

"Yes." I relied with a smile. "I was just trying something and, while it did work out fine in the end, the process was... less than desirable."

"I understand." replied Diarmuid. "I will leave and keep guard then, until you decide what to do it would be best if someone made sure no other servants are in the vicinity."

"Good idea." I replied while nodding. "Go with him, Artoria. Make sure Assassin isn't here, it would be terrible if we were attacked by a certain golden servant right now after all."

Artoria nodded and left with Diarmuid, leaving me alone with Medea.

"So?" asead Medea with a raised eyebrow. "What do you want to talk about?"

I smiled slightly at her question. I already knew she was quite perceptive, so having her notice that I sent Artoria away because I needed to talk to her alone reinforces my mental image of her. "I need your help." I said while sighing. "I need you to analyse my body and make sure I am fine."

The way the reality marble collapsed and left me so tired didn't feel good at all. It may very well be simply because of how inexperienced I am at using it, or perhaps because my mental image wasn't perfectly clear yet, however I would rather make sure it is just that and not that something is wrong with me.

"And you don't want the others to hear the results in case they are bad news?" asked Medea, though it sounded more like she was stating a fact.

"You do know me quite well." I replied while chuckling.

"I take pride in my ability to read people." she said, laughing as well as she began to move in my direction, placing both her hands in my back and breathing deeply.

"This is... interesting." muttered Medea. "I don't know much about reality marbles since I can't make them myself, however yours feels... unstable. Again, I don't know how normal that is but considering the fact that you just made it, I suppose it is to be expected. At least it happens when creating 'another world', you need to take time to build everything in great detail so it takes a while." she explained.

"Hmm, I suppose that makes sense." I replied, glad that it appeared to be more or less what I was thinking. "If that is the case, then I will get to it right now."

Medea nodded and looked at me for a moment before an amused smile grew on her face. "You should stop being naked in public, master." she said as she began to dematerialise. "I might think that you have some strange fetishes after all."

I felt my eyebrow tick at her words before sighing.

"What should we do now, young master?" said Giorno, arriving with my clothes.

"Let's go back to the hotel we stayed at when we arrived to Fuyuki." I said while getting dressed. "It will be just for tonight since tomorrow things will finish, so there is no need to be overly fancy about things."

Looking up, I saw that is was still night, though it wouldn't take long for the sun to rise once again.

"And what about your plans?" asked Giorno. "You wanted to go to speak with someone, did you not?"

"I did." I replied. "And I still do in fact, however that can wait for noon. We should just head to the hotel now and sleep a while or eat."

"So the plans will remain unchanged?" he asked.

"Not quite." I said with a slight chuckle. "Now that I am stronger, we have a bit more margin for error, however the overall plan will be the same. Bring the car around, I will tell you the changes while we go to the hotel."

Giorno nodded and left to bring the car.

Now that I was alone, I sighed in relief and placed my hand on my chest as a huge smile grew on my face.

"The reality marble may require a small training arc, hopefully only a few hours long, but the crown on the other hand works perfectly..." I mutter, pushing my hand into my body.

"I am the spark of all desires,

life is my body and death is my soul,

I am the corruption of all idealistic people

the owner of all treasures, given to me by those who bent the knee

and so, as I pray to God...

Bless my crown and give me the right to use what is already mine...

Crown of God!"

A golden crown appeared on my head as soon as I finished the chant while I continued to push my hand deeper into my chest, however unlike what one might expect, no blood came out from my body, instead a slightly translucent golden portal opened and allowed my hand free entry into the place where my ability stored the treasures.

Pulling my hand out, I focused on the black sword that I was holding.

"Excalibur Morgan..." I muttered with a huge smile, looking at my wife's Noble Phantasm. "So the ability indeed does what I thought, it gives me the a perfect copy of the Noble Phantasms of those who have pledged their loyalty to me and recognise me as their ruler... fascinating!"

Letting the light of the moon reflect itself on the black and red sword, I decided to see how many treasures I had.

Putting the sword back in my chest, I pulled out instead two lances, one red and one golden. "Well, this will undoubtedly be useful."

Unfortunately, there was no weirdly shaped dagger inside of me, however I am neither surprised nor disappointed. Medea has accepted me as her master, but accepting someone as your master for a war and recognising them as your king while pledging your undying loyalty to them is a different thing... though on that same note, I am a bit surprised that Diarmuid actually accepts me as his king, I knew that he saw me as his master and was indeed loyal, but to actually view me as his king...

Putting my hand back in my chest, I pulled out the last treasure I had, a black and red scabbard. "Well, isn't this interesting..." I muttered with the same smile. "An Avalon for myself and the philosopher's stone... damn, poor people that try to kill me will be in for a hard ride."

Putting the treasure back inside me I looked up to the moon one last time before leaving to the entrance of the ruined mansion, where Giorno was waiting with the car ready.

"Sigh..." I muttered to myself as I walked. "Now I am supposed to actually train in close quarter fighting with spears and swords in order to use the noble phantasms properly... how annoying."

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