
The worries of a servant

[ Medea pov ]

Medea had been having trouble lately. She kept replaying what her master told her when they met and it annoyed her greatly. It's not that she wanted to be cold and not care, but she knew that those who care get used and get hurt, so why go through that again?

Normally she wouldn't have cared that much, but her master did something that got to her really quickly. Yesterday, when they were 'meeting' the other servants, Saber was about to call her a witch. She didn't know how her master knew she hated being called a witch, perhaps he dint even know and simply didn't want her to be insulted, but regardless of the reason, he risked having all the servants present go against them in an instant. Truly, her master is not just weird but also stupid...

She made her way upstairs to the balcony where her master usually was, she had to tell him she had finished her territory creation on the mansion after all. Much to her surprised, her master was not there, in fact it had been a while since she saw her master or her master's butler for that matter.

Following her senses, she went to the basement of the mansion, were she was greeted by the sight of her bloodied master with Lancer's weapons going though him.

Without even thinking about it, her expression turned cold and over a dozen purple portals opened around her, all firing in Lancer's direction. While the attacks kept raining down on the fellow servant, she teleported next to her master and was about to grab him when someone got in the way.

"What is the meaning of this!" she asked, looking at her master's butler who now stood between them.

"I understand how this may look." he said. "But they are just training."

"Do you expect me to believe such nonsense?!" she said, pointing her purple portals in Giorno's direction. "Move out of the way, before I remove you from it!"

She wasn't exactly thinking reasonably right now, otherwise she would have just teleported Dio to her and run away, since taking on Lancer and Giorno simultaneously while in a closed space was not good for her, however seeing her master's bloodied corpse made her act without a plan.

"He is telling the truth." said Lancer while avoiding her attacks or cutting them with his red lance. "He asked me to kill him because he felt it would upgrade a power of his or something like that." explained Lancer.

Medea looked at both Giorno and Lancer before focusing on her master as red sparks surrounded his body. When he got up, his eyes were unfocused and he was mumbling something she couldn't quite make out. Lancer attacked him while Medea was distracted, but Dio dodged and blocked for a few moments before going back down.

Medea simply stared at what just happened and began thinking more rationally. She focused on her master's hands and saw that he still had the command seals, so he could have used them if something was actually wrong. She began looking around the room and saw his clothes properly folded on a chair right besides a towel. She began analysing everything and came to the conclusion that he was indeed training, though she couldn't understand why.

"Well, it doesn't matter." she said. "Enough of this."

"Unfortunately, I can't" said Lancer while shaking his head. "My master asked me to trust him, so how could I let him down?"

Medea gritted her teeth and looked at Giorno, surely he saw the madness unfolding here right?!

"I am in agreement with Lancer." said the butler. "My master told me to wait until he said stop, so I shall wait until he says stop."

"Are you insane?!" said Medea while a vein popped on her forehead. "Even if it is what he ordered, there is no need for this much!" she continued while pointing in the floors direction, where the blood of her master continued flowing and already covering nearly the entire floor, showing the sheer amount of times he had died.

Neither one of the two said anything, Giorno simply kept standing between her and Dio while Lancer attacked once again her master, who by now was up and mumbling something about killing others.

There was something about seeing her master's bloodied corpse laying down on the floor after being pierced by Lancer that didn't sit right with Medea. The stand-off remained for a few minutes, with Dio dying several more times, until something changed.

Lancer moved his red spear in his master's direction, however Dio instead of trying to block or dodge like he would whenever he got up, simply moved his hand towards the bandage on his forehead and removed it, ignoring the weapon completely.

As the lance made it's way through Dio's heart, Dio remained unmoving. The bandage slowly fell to the ground, revealing for the first time since the summoning Dio's forehead.

Both Medea and Lancer stared at their master's forehead with wide eyes, only to find a third eye staring back at them.

Dio opened his red eyes, which were currently glowing red and extended the claws of his hands fast, hitting one of the columns of the basement. Said column collapsed instantly, despite receiving only one single hit.

A smile appeared on Dio's face as Medea continued to stare at the eye, for some reason it felt... dangerous.

"Thanks for the help, Diarmuid." said Dio in a soft tone. "We can stop now."

Diarmuid, who until now had been solely focused on the eye, came back to his senses and nodded before taking the lance out of his master's heart.

Dio moved his three eyes around the room and saw the faces of the three people that were there. The smile on his face remained unchanged as he focused on Medea.

"Hey Medea." he said calmly. "I would like to go for a walk. Do you mind accompanying me?"

Medea simply nodded slowly.

"Good." said Dio. "Diarmuid, I want you to follow us from a distance and keep watch in case another servant starts following us as well."

Diarmuid nodded at this.

Dio then shifted his attention to Giorno. "Bring the car around." he said.

"Understood, young master." replied Giorno and headed upstairs.

After cleaning the blood off from his body, Dio got dressed and headed out.

Medea, who had been waiting in the car looked at him.

"I thought we were going for a walk master." she said. "Being in a car is not walking."

"Indeed." replied Dio with a smile. "But to get to where we will be walking, we need to drive first. Unless you want to carry me all the way there of course." continued Dio while chuckling softly.

Medea simply shook her head and ignored his comment. "So, what are going to do?" she asked.

"Well, I want to test how far my ability has progressed. There is this guy in town who goes around killing children so I figured I could test it and get rid of him at the same time, basically make my good deed of the decade or something." said Dio while laughing.

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