
The Culprit

Auditorium, Abalax World Academy.

"...the rigging of the tournament."

The attention of all the staff members was to drawn to Emilia as she said those words. 

Emilia gave them one stern look that caused them to tense up, even though they knew they weren't guilty for it. 

"Do you people have any idea about what it means to rig the tournament? Do you know what the consequences for doing such a thing are? Do you, by any chance, not know what this academy was founded for?" Emilia calmly asked a few questions to the staff.

Nobody said anything to Emilia despite her asking them questions. Emilia, like before, was the same—calm and composed. But today she seemed very different to everyone present in the auditorium. She didn't have even a trace of her usual gentle and kind aura around her.

This was something they had never seen before and were very surprised and their intuition was telling them that this definitely was not a good omen.

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