
The Beginning of it all


That is the only certain fact in life itself.

Which is pretty ironic when you really think about it.

But let's not go down that particular rabbit hole.

Instead let me tell you why I decided to bring up death in the first place.

You see to put it simply I died.

Yep, I died.

I don't think I can be any clearer than that.

Now then, as to how I met my end. Truth is I have no idea.

I didn't get hit by the fabled truck-kun, I didn't get crushed to death under a piano, and I didn't die from overexerting myself physically trying to save a girl from a tractor despite her being in no real danger at all.

None of these things led to me dying.

Simply put I was alive one moment, and then dead the next.

Nothing else to that.

But the thing is death was not the end.

At least for me it wasn't.

No, in fact death was only the beginning of a much greater journey for me than I could have ever dreamed.

Though at the time I had absolutely no clue.


*Swish Swish*

Sitting atop a cliff I looked out at the vast ocean in front of me. Listening at the waves slammed into the cliffside.

Pondering and thinking, as I usually did when I came to this place.

As to what I am thinking about it is the same question that is usually always on my mind. Even when I am not focusing on it directly.

Why am I here?

And by here I mean the world of One Piece.

Yes, I am in the world of One Piece.

After dying this is where I ended up.

But unlike in those webnovel fanfictions I read in my last life I didn't meet a being that took the appearance of Morgan Freeman or a big-titted blonde goddess. Nor did I get any instructions before coming to this world, or receive a cheat or golden finger like a system or something along those lines.

No, for me I was simply reborn in this world with my past life memories.

Well most of them anyway.

I can't re-call my name from my previous life. Nor can I re-call the names of my family and friends. I know that I had them of course, I just can't remember them.

Which is actually ok by me.

Since thanks to that little malfunction with my memories I have not spent all my time worrying about the people I cared for in my old world, and have instead been able to focus on my new life in this world of One Piece.


Since as I just said I still ask myself the question from time-to-time, why I am in this world and how did I end up here?

Though I suspect my questions around the matter will never be answered.

Oh well.

Nothing I can do about it.


Let me tell you about myself and my new life.

First off my name.

It is Siegreich Noctis.

People who know me call me Sieg for short.

Wait, let me re-phrase what I just said.

My name is actually Siegreich D. Noctis.

But the D. is not something I tell people about.

For obvious reasons as you can imagine.

So yeah, I'm a person bearing the hidden name of D.

My mother in this world told be about it five years ago.

Right before she passed away from illness.

Morbid I know, but it's the truth so I'm just being upfront with it.

Besides, I already cried my eyes out for a week straight after she died and have come to terms with her passing.

She was a good woman and I miss her everyday. But I know she would not want me mourning her for the rest of my life and would instead want me to do the opposite.

Live life to the fullest.

Which I try and do each and everyday.

Despite the fact that my mother passing made my an orphan.

What about my father you ask? I have no idea.

Never met the man, and my mother never mentioned him nor even told me his name. For all I know he is dead at the bottom of the sea or in a ditch somewhere.

And again, since mom was the only living relative I had for the past five years I've been living in an orphanage with a bunch of other kids funded by the island residence themselves.

I just turned ten years old by the way.

I'll admit, I thought living in an orphanage was going to be horrible. But actually it's been pretty decent.

Sure our meals don't have much substance to them but we still get three-squares meals a day and some free education. One of the people who run the orphanage teach us kids reading and writing so that we can survive in the world when we become adults.

I am thankful for this, because although I have been able to understand the language since I was a baby, reading and writing it were another matter entirely.

But after five years of classes at the orphanage I am proficient in both subjects now.

Go me.

It is also thanks to these classes in the orphanage that I learned by current whereabouts in the world of One Piece.

My home sea is the South Blue, and the name of the island I currently call home is Bunny Island.

I am not fucking with you.

Bunny Island is literally the name of this place I live.


Because it's shaped like a bunny's head.

Upon learning this I did all I could not to crack up in laughter.

Since I didn't want to be disrespectful after all.

Around other people that is.

Because as soon as I was alone I laughed my ass off at the name of this island.

It was just too hard not too.

Now then, since that's out of the way I think it's time I tell you about my appearance.

I have dark-brown hair and red eyes. Along with pale skin.

To be honest I sort of look like a chibi-vampire.

Since I have seen myself in a mirror several times since being reborn.

But to put your minds at ease I am not a vampire. I am just a normal and regular human.

As far as One Piece world standards go.

Since there are some pretty crazy humans walking around this world.

Newgate, Linlin, and Kaidou are prime examples. Hell I'm not even sure Kaidou is human to being with.

Considering those horns atop his head are not apart of his devil-fruit power.

Bottom-line is this world is strange.

And I now call it home.

A world that is dangerous beyond belief.

Filled with beings that can crush me in an instant without even batting an eye.

Because of this I made a vow to myself.

A vow to gain some strength so I can really enjoy this second life of mine without worry.

However I know that gaining strength is not easy.

Well most of the time.

But in the One Piece world there is a surefire way to gain some strength easily enough.

The corner stone of One Piece, the devil fruit.

One of which I have in my possession at this very moment.

Looking down into my lap I saw the devil fruit I collected earlier, sitting there in all its glory.

It is a light-colored fruit with a singular stem

[Pic Here]

No idea which fruit it is since I never saw or heard about it in One Piece lore in my last life. And as an orphan on a small island in the South Blue there is no way in hell I am getting my hands on a devil fruit encyclopedia to identify this thing.

Which leaves me two options really.

Either I take a bite out of this devil fruit right now and discover what powers it has for myself, or I hide this fruit and wait to eat it after gaining a bit more information about it.

Between the two options I have already decided I am going to go with the former.

Since I have no idea when or if I will ever be able to discover what powers this devil fruit in front of me has. It could be a completely unknown fruit that isn't recorded about anywhere.

And the longer I wait to consume it the greater chance someone has of finding it or taking it from me.

I got lucky with finding this fruit.

Walking towards my spot where I am now I suddenly saw a pineapple up in a tree change into this fruit. Which means its previous consumer died.

The moment I saw the devil fruit completely form I climbed the tree and snatched the fruit for myself like a madman.

Since I wanted it badly.

Now that I have this thing I will not let anyone else have it.

My decision made I brought the devil fruit up to my mouth and took a bite.

Crossing the point of no return.


A/N: I know I said I would do a Marco self-inert the other day, but this fic just came to mind. An OC who learns under Roger himself just like Shanks and Buggy. Hope you like it.

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