
61: Lose? (+ Story Idea)

Hey guys, sorry for not uploading for a while... I got busy while trying to make an onion cry. For all the times they made me tear up, I wanted revenge. But, as it turns out, my revenge goal was extremely hard.

In all seriousness, I had to take care of a few things regarding school and some family things, so I didn't have enough free time to make some chapters...

Anywho, that's all. Have fun :)


As the Wenzel Family left the Shinhwa Building, Inhyuk immediately questioned Shinji.

"Shinji, what was that about?! Do you not understand that they are from the World's Top 100?!" he asked incredulously.

The teen in question simply sat on the couch, patting the head of the dog who approached him.

"Shinji, why did you ask Brigham Wenzel's son on a match?" Jiyoung asked, her emotionless voice betraying the look of disbelief and worry in her eyes.

"It was a matter of honor," Shinji replied, looking at both of them.

Inhyuk scrunched his eyebrows, replying, "Honor?!". The man simply couldn't believe that the person in front of him couldn't control his temper and ended up challenging someone in the World's Top 100. Granted, it wasn't Lukas himself who was in the rankings but his family. Still, their strength was definitely nothing to scoff at.

Shinji sighed, saying, "Look, I admit that I should have controlled my temper, but that bastard's look just made it extremely hard."

Inhyuk was about to reply, but Shinji raised a hand and continued, "I'm still my old man's Grandson, and still a part of the Union which is a well-known association in this country. Now, with that in mind, should I have just let those assholes berate South Korea, acting as if they were infinitely better than us?

"That's simply not me, Inhyuk, Jiyoung. No, I'll show those dicks who they're messing with," he concluded with an angry look in his eyes.

It was Jiyoung's turn to speak, "Okay, you have a point. But, recklessly challenging them may come back to bite you. What if you lose? What happens then?"

Seeing Jiyoung's concern, Shinji smiled warmly.

"Lose? Babe, it's me. Losing isn't in my dictionary." Shinji told her confidently.


With Lukas Wenzel...

He simply couldn't understand why a cretin from this dump of a place would challenge him. Was it to impress that woman he was dating? Hmph, if that was the case, the word cretin can't even begin to describe him.

The imbecile was willing to humiliate himself just for some woman.

"Hmph, idiot."

If any other fool was challenging him, he probably would have gone easier on them. But, considering the things he said, the barbarian should expect some repercussions.

[One Week Later]

It was time for their match.

Shinji Lee and Lukas Wenzel faced each other, with the others spectating them. Jisuk, Jiwoo, Subin, and Wooin were even there to observe their match.

"Alright, get ready! The first one to faint or surrender loses. Start!" Inhyuk announced.

"Get ready, you miscreant," Lukas said, getting into a stance.

Shinji inhaled sharply, clapping his hands. Mist exploded into the room, with their silhouettes the only thing visible to the spectators.

He then stood straight, taunting Lukas with, "Now what's your move?"

But, suddenly, a gooey substance swallowed Shinji's silhouette whole. The teenagers raised their eyebrows in surprise, thinking that Shinji lost so abruptly.

Satisfied, Lukas voiced out, "Hmph.", closing his hand. He was about to continue, but his eyes widened when he heard ice... breaking?

"Man, why'd you have to do that to my self-sculpture?" a voice said beside him. Lukas quickly turned around, only to see a hand grabbing his face, ice rapidly forming around him.

"Arrogant bastard." Shinji voiced out, making the onlookers sigh in relief.

The mist slowly dispersed and they saw black sludge wrapped around Lukas' frozen body. A hissing sound was heard as the sludge melted through the ice, releasing Lukas.


"You only caught me off-guard, so don't get cocky you fool," Lukas said with venom in his voice.

Lukas' hand shot forward and black sludge-like tendrils formed on his back, shooting towards Shinji.

'They're surprisingly fast.' he thought, dodging the tendrils. He sent water arrows in retaliation, but the sludge simply devoured it, intriguing him even more.

'Are they some sort of high-temperature goo? Maybe molten metal? Hmm, I want to know more about his ability... This could be a useful one to acquire.' he said inwardly.

'If I could even acquire it. It's not like that prideful d*ck will just tell me if I ask him.' he followed with a sigh, forming a shield made of ice that blocked the annoying tendrils.

"Alright, let's get serious."


A Prologue for a Story Idea:

A child, no older than a nine-year-old, joyfully skipped, his parents holding each of his hands. The boy was wearing a Basketball Uniform which was drenched in sweat.

Approaching a red Toyota Vios, the child's mother informed him, "Let Mommy get her little MVP out of that sweaty uniform. After that, let's get Ice Cream to celebrate your team's win!"

"Ice cream!" the boy shouted.

The street was bustling with a mix of cars and trucks. As the father drove the car, he looked at the mother, asking in a low voice, "So, have you made a decision yet?"

"Can we not talk about it with Finn in the car?" she replied in a hushed voice, distress evident in her tone.

The boy noticed this, but his innocence just made him think they were arguing about what flavor of ice cream they were going to pick.

"Fine-" he replied, but it was silenced with a loud truck horn coming towards them at full speed. The huge truck rammed into the car, shattering the windows and injuring the people inside, one especially more so than the others.

That was the day the boy's once wonderful and colorful world was tainted with life's dark veracity.

The accident left the boy's leg paralyzed, with his parents not lucky enough to survive. He almost cried blood when hearing the news, but his grandparents were there to comfort him.

For the next few years, he persevered. Persisting through the bullying of his attention-deprived peers, through the prejudice of others, until finally, he graduated cum laude.

'I couldn't even reach the magna cum laude.' he thought with a self-deprecating smile.

He knew that his peers thought he didn't deserve the title, but he made his grandparents proud. That was what was the most important for him.

On his way back home with his grandparents, everything was going great. However, when they crossed the street, he heard the deafening truck horn once more.

He looked to his left, only to see an enormous vehicle rushing towards him and his grandparents.

'No!' he shouted inwardly, looking at his grandparents. The newly graduate dropped his walking apparatus, pushing his grandparents out of the way.

He fell to the ground and then tried to crawl towards safety, but he knew it was too late.

Everything slowed down, and he saw the grave looks of his grandparents. His bitter life flashed before his eyes, his mouth forming into a sad wry smile.

'What a poetic way to go out.' he thought his last thought.

The one that brought despair into his life, was also the one to end it.


(??? POV)

That was... bizarre.

I still can't believe that I really died. In such a poetic way too, sigh.

A few years have passed since I "reincarnated" with all my memories intact. I reincarnated as a Japanese person. It seems that I need to adapt to this foreign culture...

But, it also meant that I have to go through school all over again! Damn it!

Just then, I was brought out of my thoughts as two children approached me. One had dark brown hair, and the other one had light blue...?

The dark brown-haired child, no older than a 7-year-old, smiled at me. He then said, "Hi! You're new here, right?"

"Y-yeah," I answered.

"Great! My name's Shigehiro Ogiwara." he greeted, and then pointed at the boy hiding behind him.

"He's Kuroko Tetsuya, what's your name?"


Just wanted to release the damn Kuroko no Basketball FF Idea that's been on my head for a few weeks now.

Thoughts on it?

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