

I'm currently sitting in front of the king, queen and Kane, and we've been in a heavy conversation for the last little while.

The kings last question was about my future plans for acquiring territory and where I'm looking to find it, easy enough to answer as I've figured out where I want to relocate....but there are some small issues I have to deal with first..

Gideon " well.... I've been looking for territory for awhile now and scoped out most available…..but pretty much all the good stuff has been taken by existing nobles….. so it's kind of hard to find something decent in my situation without a little risk…"

Maximus " oh? So you have somewhere in mind already? Please do share"

So I turn to my butler who's invisible in the corner

Gideon " Logan, can you bring us a map of the kingdom…."

He runs off to fetch said map, and it only took him about 30 seconds, almost like he was anticipating the need for it and had it close by...what a boss butler…..

So as I'm handed the map, Logan takes any left over dishes from out little snacking party back to the kitchen as everyone holds their own drink as to not mark the map….maps are rare in these olden times….

So we look out the sinnoh kingdom in all its glory on this crudely drawn map that was outlined with rough details and marked with various names of the nobles who "own" certain parts of the kingdom…

This world I've been brought to is MASSIVE…..I can't say for sure how big, but just the size of sinnoh kingdom would be half of the Australian continent alone…..and there are a bunch of kingdoms with the same size….. and we are only taking up the east coast of this "continent" we are on….by us i mean humankind….. there are good sized islands out there that can hold millions easily enough with people on them….but they aren't continents... this is the only "known" continent for mankind…

And it's almost impossible to explore more of the world without risking the human species as a whole, and I know that sounds a little paranoid…..but is it really? In a world of giant magical animals with the power to literally wipe out city's if they wake up on the wrong side of the bed…..guardian class Pokémon are known as kingdom killers….for good reason, just 1 would be nearly unstoppable without another guardian class to do so….and no kingdoms "officially" have any….

And say for instance you head on out to sea to explore the new undiscovered world? Well first obstacle would be the giant cannibal nuke spitting sea leviathan SWARMS….plural…. That hate everything that isn't them and isn't afraid of death….

Another would be the weather on the sea…. Would seem like a nice smooth day and you could sail without a care in the world…..next minute 2 powerful horned sea carps have decided they want to duke it out above water and change the weather with a fucking monsoon like rain dance and just shit on your dreams because one of them ate the last magikarp….and their fight will draw problem number one towards that fight because those fucked up sea snakes are always down for a good dust up…..

Let's not forget about the swarms of intelligent poisonous jellyfish that are just dicks and kill everything for the fun of it…

Or maybe a crabby is just bored and vicegrips holes into the hull of your fucking ship for shits and giggles.

The point is fuck the sea and everything in it….expect my big fish buddy of course…. But people rarely leave to far from the coast, it's generally a lot safer there…..

But as I'm in my musings about how fucked up the sea life is on this planet my fingers have already pointed to the territory I'm going to "claim" and it seems to have caused quiet a stir for my royal guests….but I don't blame them...I know if I pull this off, it's going to mean a lot of shit coming my way for different reasons...and as much as I want to chill…..I'd rather chill in a mansion than a shack, so I'm shooting for the stars with this one….

What I've pointed to is what's called dead man's land which is quiet a way south east of the storm territory…..and why would it have such a charming and welcoming name as dead man's land might you ask? Well that because of a few things…..first being the gigantic cove that would make a PERFECT port city location…..and it's called...magikarp cove... sounds pretty harmless right? The answer is NO…

It's home to 4 seperate gyarados swarms that seemed to reach an agreement to not eat each other in there…..it's like holy ground for them…..or a breeding ground…..each led by possibly 2 champion ranked gyarados, so in that cove are at minimum 4 and at max 8 champion ranked gyarados…. And they are swarms so there would be plenty of king ranked and scores of elite ranked...and I've said it before and I'll say it again, there are no candy ass gyarados, so even if you somehow found a way to equal their numbers….. they would be happy to fight to the death…..every….single….one…..

But the why would it be called dead man's LAND and not SEA? Good question….. the answer is the place is swarming with deadly Pokémon….when i say deadly, I mean predator type Pokémon with rumours of multiple champion ranked amoung them...

But again…..that's not worthy enough to be called dead man's land in peoples books….the sea might not be conquerable but the land should be?….. well there is a particular family of Pokémon there...snorlax….. with confirmed multiple champion ranked Pokémon there…..but that's not even the worst... there is a guardian level snorlax that watches over the family...and every noble who has tried to "conquer" it fails...

And the only reason the nearby kingdoms haven't been turned to ash with a barrage of guardian powered hyper beams is because snorlax are chill as fuck....they won't attack unprovoked unless very hungry or annoyed about something...they are omnivores but prefer plants and berrys to meat, and would generally not want to cause trouble unless they had too….

But the snorlax don't like people stirring up trouble on their turf which is basically the whole area I'm looking at making my territory, and previous attempts at taming the land was led by arrogant nobles who believed in that human supremacy bullshit they teach at the academy and went into with with boots stomping and arms swinging…..

I wouldn't normally try and take this one no matter how good it sounds but my mons surprised me with some key details awhile ago…..first is…..my fish wants to eat every fucking gyarados in that cove and is confident he can, so I'm willing to let him have a shot with some back up…..

And second…..my mons have been grinding against a snorlax family to get stronger...turns out it was the guardian snorlax's family….they have a pretty good relationshipo and I asked metagross to see what's their deal with them…..we are going to meet in a few days to see what's what….

Those are just the Pokémon problems with the territory...now for the human problems.…..let's start with the Johto and the Sinnoh kingdom…..

They both "claim" ownership of it but no one has ever been able to actually claim it…..and yes it's very close to the "border" that the kingdoms set…..and if someone "were" to claim it by shooing the snorlax and gyarados away, both kingdoms would kick up a stink if the other actually managed to do it…

It would be the best trading route between the 2 kingdoms for land and sea by far,I couldn't even imagine how much gold you could make if you set up a proper city there…..not to mention if the cold war ever got really heated it would make an amazing stage to launch an invasion…..

So johto would try and bitch about the whole thing and cause trouble….. and that's just my "enemies"...my "allies" though?….. they would be way worse... the only land trading route between Johto and Sinnoh is owned by the Muskan family to the west of "dead man's land" who specialised in fighting type Pokémon. and it's a real mission to use their trading routes with all the cliffs and shitty roads..…..and…..that family have a very close relationship to the aura guardians...the Muskan family control the land trades so with me setting up a better spot? It would fuck their monopoly pretty hard…..I doubt them being so close to those sleazy dog fighters that they would go out quietly…..

And being a potential massive port city much closer to the land trading route and a better route in general than the major port city of Lariah? Well that's going to ruffle some peoples jimmys, hit them in the pocket real bad….. and nobles being the entitled cunts they are are going to cause trouble…..but they would do it no matter what I did….

So as I discussed this with my royal guests about how amazing for the kingdom and bad it would be for me if I actually pulled this off and possible consequences for doing so….i can tell the king was a little uneasy leaving the "border" to someone like me who isn't a true patriot...or more accurately…..have his dick in my mouth…. And thought of the possibility of me being a turn coat in the future....so I thought I'd hit him with some real talk before he dove into his paranoia…..

Gideon " listen your majesty, I can see the gears turning in your head about what should you do if I for some reason or another turn coat and join Johto and how badly it would fuck the Sinnoh kingdom….and your answer is simple…..how many decent endings do traitors have?, I can answer for you, it's fuck all...wether I like it or not I'm Sinnoh born and bred….not that I dislike it….what I'm saying is I have 0 reason to turn to them…..gold? I'll have more than I can spend…..and gold isn't really that important to me anyways...power? I don't really care about political power or that bullshit….the only reason I sought strong Pokémon is so people don't fuck with me….not to wave it on everyone's face...what fucking power could they offer me that I don't already have or could easily ask you for?...politics? Fuck everyone on all sides of politics.... I understand that should I actually get my hands on this land by some miracle that shits going to get annoying for me…..but it was going to be annoying anyways, so let the fuckers come and watch as I wreck their shit..... there is really only 1 major reason I want that land for your majesty, and it isn't gold or politics or power….."

The whole room had rapt attention listening to what I had to say with how serious this all was…..and it was actually the ice queen who asked the question….

Alexa Sinnoh " why do you want it?"

You could hear a pin drop with how quiet everyone was….even Logan was paying strangely close attention…..

Gideon " it all comes down to 3 words…."

Everyone leaned closer for some reason as i dramatically paused….

Gideon " big...fish...buddy.... I don't want to go to war your majesty…..or stir up trouble with the cunty nobles...well maybe a little trouble with them…..but anyways…. I need a coastal territory for my big fish buddy…..I don't want to live to far away from him and I refuse to have him in some shoddy man made lake while he slowly falls into depression for not doing what he loves....he's a fucking tyrant and a king of the seas…..he needs to be out there hyperbeaming fish nerds and fucking fish bitches…..and I love all my Pokémon the same….. well….almost all…"

I take a glance at the togepi sitting on the queens lap…..

Gideon " I want them to have the perfect environment to live happy lives no matter what it entailed…..I plan on taking 1/3 of the coast specially for my new pad and to make sure gyarados always has a place to be….. and I'll turn that 1/3 into a paradise for my mons to live like the kings they are….. everything else is secondary to me…..and to have a decent spot for my people too? Well that's icing on the cake your majesty…..and I know this is going to shake the trees of some people but honestly…..fuck 'em….. I have no problem putting boot to crotch to get my mons and peeps a solid roof over their heads... and I'll fucking rip apart anyone and their family's who even had a passing thought of harming my mons...anyone....doesn't matter how high up on the food chain they think they are...they will learn some people just shouldn't be fucked with"

That seemed to get the message across about what I'm after and why I'm doing this….. politics can fuck right off…..this is for family…..

Maximus " well I understand…..and again if you somehow make this happen…..people are going to attack you a lot more openly…..your city would be on constant danger….."

Gideon " I have a few plans in place for that…..it won't just be a city your majesty…..it will be a fortress city….. with 10 meter thick bone reinforced concrete walls that stand 20 meters high surrounding the whole city…..with the natural fortifications the cove has and what I can do with the place…..it will be untouchable…. And internal security? Well I have more psychic Pokémon than I know what to do with, so I should be just fine with constant vigilance…. And sea side attacks? Well my big fish buddy always liked his meals delivered…."

We discussed a few more details about the whats, how's and why's with if I managed to pull this off before the royal gang left to go back to what ever they do…the queen was less bitchy by the end…..and togepi seemed smug about the whole thing….well I hope it goes well for him….he's already cut off from my 30x growth speed…..so enjoy your hundreds of years of training buddy….

Well after that tense situation and minor conflict with the kingdoms royals I think I earned me a treat…..yeah…..I'm gonna smoke and blunt while Anna licks honey off my balls…..she's been really into that lately…..not that I'm complaining…..well let's get to it I suppose.

I stand up and head out towards the back gardens as Cynthia and Anna are still recovering from the near constant heart attacks from that little meeting….


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Tavern : it's time to settle down

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