

As Rhyperior made his way over to electabuzz I noticed the shocked face of Magnus turn to a sneer, and I for the life of me couldn't figure out why….until the first hit landed

Magnus didn't order electabuzz to do anything, which I notice is a massive weakness that a lot of trained Pokémon have, they freeze up without orders, luckily my mons don't need orders

Well Rhyperior thought it would be nice to start out with an running uppercut mega punch as his fists had a whitish aura around them,and nice it was, for my side anyways, that sneer on Magnus's face disappeared instantly as the hit landed.

I bet he didn't think Rhyperior was king rank, same as his electabuzz….. you see normally you would need a "machine" to identify a Pokémon strength and talent, and when I say machine I mean a rock slab with some crystals on it, and only the aura guardians can make them, and boy does it cost a pretty penny to use, it's like 5 gold per Pokémon, which doesn't sound like a lot, but it adds up, not to mention that much could keep a family fed for 5 years?

Anyways I don't think Magnus saw that coming as his face fell and electabuzz did not take that hit well, but it only got worse, as he was launched skyward, Rhyperior grabbed his foot with his right arm as it glowed light orange, turned his body and will one motion slammed him into the ground with a "seismic toss"

The ground shattered at the impact, and normally that would be the time a Pokémon backs off to see if his opponent was ok in the anime, well fuck that noise, Rhyperior lifts the electabuzz from the ground by its foot as it weakly struggles, brings it eye level and hits it with a point blank dragon pulse, which is a dark blue beam of intense dragon fire that nearly kills the poor electabuzz as he hangs there scorched....

The crowd is stunned at the brutality of the fight and the "move set" of Rhyperior, a non dragon Pokémon knowing dragon attacks is a big deal in this era, not only is it nearly

Impossible for non dragons to learn, you would need a dragon type to normally teach it how to use the energy, so I guess they are all just jumping to conclusions, not knowing I have I can make "TM's" with bullshit magic

As Kane was about to announce the end of the fight, as I instructed in our pep talk before the fight, Rhyperior was to be a brutal as possible, he starts hulk smashing the poor electabuzz back and forth which stunned the crowd again, it went from brutal to downright cruel, not that those noble fuckers actually care about the Pokémon, and i see a man with blonde hair going pale as it continues, I guess that's his family's electabuzz?

Kane " the fight is done!!!, the first victory goes to Gideon storm and his…..?"

Gideon " Rhyperior"

Kane " Gideon storm and his Rhyperior!"

As that's announced Rhyperior throws electabuzz back to Magnus, and he didn't like that at all, he sat there between anger, fear and confusion waiting for the second match, me and the other hand, welcomed my thick boy back with a laugh and a "good job buddy" he just exhales through his nose and growls a little, not aggressive or anything, it's just how he liked to communicate.

And I notice some people in the crowd make the connection between rhydon and Rhyperior, especially people with dark brown hair, and I also unfortunately notice they nearly jizzed themselves at the realisation that their Pokémon have another evolution they didn't know about, which I won't bother telling them about

Yes I know it's going to cause trouble, but it would have regardless because I'm the only one who can make the item to help Rhydon evolve, so yeah, I'm not wasting any of my 3 weekly freebies on their Pokémon when I could use them for mine or my guys.

Magnus seems to have recovered and recalled the electabuzz, and now he's pouring as much venom into his gaze as he can at me, starting to realise he might actually lose this.

Kane " the second match is about to begin, Gideon do you wish to sub out Rhyperior for a new Pokémon or keep him in?"

Gideon " he'll stay for the next round"

Kane " very well, again gentlemen I'll countdown and on my mark release your Pokémon and begin the second battle!"

Magnus pulls out a second ball, not so smug this time, almost nervous...

Kane 3…..2....1....BEGIN!!"

Magnus releases a Pokémon, haha it's a scyther, and I turn to look at the bug simp brothers, again not so smug….

Magnus " hit him with a quick attack into X-scissor!!"

And scyther is off to a speedy start charging right at Rhyperior head on, not coming from an angle which he should, anyway Rhyperior decided to meet his little challenge with a fire punch, and as they collide an explosion happens, good thing those psychic Pokémon have formed barriers or that would have hurt the crowd big time.

But again as scyther waits for an order in the seconds that follow , the dust is blown away by dark energy surrounding Rhyperiors left arm as he bring it down in a hammer fist, brutal swing, and Magnus panics as he should.

Magnus " PROTECT!!!"

Scyther gets up a blue barrier just in time to stop the "brutal swing" and it hits with a resounding *BOOOOOM* and it shows a few cracks…

Not one to waiting for an enemy to catch his breathe my acrobatic fatty jumps and start spinning like a vertical beyblade with an iron tail lighting the edges, again panic from magnum but he gets out a decent order


He knew there was no way that scythers protect would stop that, so that order made sense, but he should have town him to leave the ground, because as soon as the bizarre beyblade hit the stadium with all the power and momentum, in a very anime fashion, the entire arena shattered, and the psychic barriers nearly as well with cracks all around.

Scyther was very close to the point of impact and took some proximity damage, but that was minor compared to that fact he was waaaaay off balance and Rhyperior being used to the enhanced iron tail he just used recovered quick enough to take advantage has he grabs one of scythers wings while he was still reeling from the impact mid air, both has covered in flame energy as he holds the wing and delivers punch after punch to the back of scythers head, and suddenly rips off one of his wings.

I may or may not have told Rhyperior that this scyther had to many wings before this round began, Pokemon can recover from near death with a little time and a healthy dose of healing pulses and food, broken bones, straight up holes in the body, even a shattered skull, pokemon life force is amazing…..but a lost limbs never comes back.

And as the scyther screams it's lungs out, Rhyperior pushes it to the ground onto its belly and just start roasting it with flamethrower non stop, and as the screams begins to to slow down Kane stops the match

Kane " the victory of the second round goes to Gideon storm and his Rhyperior!!!"

There has been no shouts or cheers for me since the match began, well since the whole thing began because the fights end fast and brutally, not to mention cheering against the prince might be treasonous?

Now Magnus looks absolutely horrified, and conflicted at the same time as he recalls the now crippled scyther, he put the ball away and took out another ball, looking at it as if it were his last hope, which it is....

Kane " now the third match will commence, Gideon will you keep your Rhyperior out or will you sub him out?"

Gideon " I'll sub him, let him get some rest"

And I recall my big fella back to his ball with a "thanks big man" and pull out another ball...and what's in this particular ball is going to make Magnus and everyone present shut their pants.

For some reason Magnus gets his attitude back like he wasn't just stomped into the ground...how do these people do that.....

Magnus " haha it was a mistake to think you have won this match peasant!, that monster that was your ace was the only reason you had a chance against me and you just took him out the fight like that!!"

He gets that sub doesn't mean i can't take him back out right? I look at Kane and he looks as confused as me, he seems to be just that stupid or he has faith his next mon could stomp out my Rhyperior with some buffing moves or something, I don't know, but it also doesn't matter because…..

Gideon " hey man I get being jumpy after getting your ass beat like that, but you're delusional if you thought Rhyperior was my ace…."

That seemed to have caught the crowds and Magnus's breathe, 'what does he mean it wasn't his ace!?' I'm guessing is what's running through their minds right now..

I call out my metagross in front of everyone, I wanted to hide him, but what's the point? It will get out eventually and I don't like him not being able to do what he wants.

Gideon " mind reinforcing the barriers around the field for me buddy? I'm bringing in the fish, and you know how that's going to go…"

He just agrees with a metallic grunt and floats over next to a freaked out man and his espeon as he reinforces the barrier, making it more solid then all those psychic Pokémon put together.

And so I take off my shirt and pants and strip down to my boxers and call over one of my guys to take them and all my other pokeballs with him to a dry place, and as he walks off and I stand there in my underwear to the confusion of the crowd, black clouds start to form in the sunny blue sky.

Before all this I had azumarill set up on the roof of a building not to far away to start rain dancing as soon as I took off my clothes, normally rain dance would just be some clouds over the battle field, but a champion ranked Pokémon rain dance, can envelop a city if it puts in some effort…

This is all for dramatic effect, i said we were going to showboat, and showboat we shall,

Kane " ok we're about to commence the third match, on the countdown mark, release your Pokémon and start the battle"

Everyone, even Kane are looking at me like an idiot for only wearing boxers, well I don't like to get my clothes wet so..yeah

Kane "3…..2...1...BEGIN!!!!!"

Magnus releases his mon and it turns out to be a ...…lucario???, and this thing just radiates smugness like nothing else....aren't those professional dog fighters meant to be the only one with those things?...and the plot thickens…..

And as I release my mon, the light of the Pokémon silhouette just keeps getting bigger…..and bigger....and bigger, and over 94 feet of pure fear and panic inducing fishy glory let's his presence be know by roaring to the sky, and thunder I didn't plan strikes at the perfect time, and it starts raining heavily.


People scream and faint, windows shatter, which is good for business, and Im picking up hints of piss from my aura enhanced sniffing holes..

Even Kane has a pokeball out ready to release, I guess his garchomp? And yeah a lot of people are holding pokeballs, but my big fish buddy just ignores them all and turns to me as he wraps his body around me.

More fear and panic while this happens thinking I'm going to be eaten, with them next, but my gyarados just pushes his face to me and purs like a cat while I rub his muzzle…

Well less like a cat and more like a giant eldritch alligator sound, ever heard an alligator growl? Look it up, anyways that seems to almost calm people down as I hear whispers

"How could he have tamed a gyarados?"

"That thing is a monster, we should have it killed for the safety of the kingdom"

"Good lord, look at that thing"

Gyarados just ignore them and uses his big fu Manchu moustache to pick me up and place me on his head, as I said we are showboating, and people are still losing their shit at the kaiju gyarados

And as I look at Magnus and his now less smug karate dog, I can see the terror in his eyes, and it's just fantastic….

Everyone seem frozen at the whole thing... people seem to have forgotten the match has started, and even with me on his head, gyarados launches an aura sphere the size of a big van at the lucario who hasn't stopped staring in fear at gyarados, it was a direct hit, leveled everything as the whole arena just tore away like a storm of earth and dust.

That's why I had metagross reinforce the barrier, the old one probably would have shattered at his roar, but the new one holds firm, and it takes about 30 seconds before the dust clears....all you can see is a bloody and broken lucario at the bottom of a 10 foot deeps hole….

Pretty sure that lucario wasn't far off champion ranked, and yeah, well bad luck for him I suppose.

Gideon " Kane are you going to announce the winner or should I have my big fish buddy here finish him off?"

Kane seems to snap out of his daze, still covered in a cold sweat he calls out

Kane " the winner of this battle with a 3-0 score is Gideon storm!!!"

Let's see how people take this...

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