

Hey guys just letting you know, any feed back would be appreciated as I'm new to this while writing thing and just having fun with it writing on my phone in my spare time.

Happy to keep going if enough people enjoy it , got a lot of free time nowadays and sick of good Pokémon fanfic that keep disappearing, so I thought I would try my hand at it.

And will have a real run at it if it gets enough support so let me know…

Jordinio come back soon buddy!

Happy reading


Ok, time to get technical with these guys, I know there is no way to outsmart them, first I'm just not very smart, a hard pill to swallow but I came to terms with that long ago, and second, gotta really squeeze these wishes for all that they are worth.

I have a hunch of what they plan to do with my situation, ganna use a wish to bait some info out of these fellas, hopefully, they roll with it.

Morgan " so mister Lace, what would be your first wish? and do keep in mind it cannot be too powerful or too out of the field if you catch my meaning…"

A gentle smile while he metaphorically kicks me in the cherries, touché Morgan freeman god man, touché…"

Gideon" mmmk... my first wish depends on if this new aura body can get sick or not…"

Morgan " no need to worry about that, with your new body being what it is, disease and sickness will be a thing of the past, even the strongest of poisons will only see you in bed a few days, broken bones and lost flesh will mend and regrow quite fast, even limb regeneration is not outside possibility, but you would need to work a little for it"

Ok so that's cool, work for limb regeneration sounds dope, that's one thing out of the way, if he's putting me where I think he is, imma need that poison resist….

Gideon" ok so the first wish is the ability to see a pokemon's potential while also having intimate knowledge of all Pokémon and knowing how to care for a train them to the best of their ability, which means, breeder knowledge on how to make salves to soothe irritations and that kind of thing"

Morgan " alright Mr Lace, but that's cutting it quite close for 1 wish, but I'll allow it…."

Cool, that worked, probably can't do that squeeze method for every wish but that's ok, gotta think smart, can't think of Pokémon as unfeeling tools, I think it's safe to assume, scales and fur sheds like any animal, and I don't want an irritated king Gyarados around me if I can help it…..

Gideon " ok second wish, I want 100x growth and learning speed for myself and my Pokémon with the power to grant it to or take it away from any one's Pokémon I choose, without the 100x ageing"

Morgan " now that's a little too much mister Lace, I will grant 30x growth and learning speed to you and your Pokémon permanently, and the ability to grant 10x learning and growth speed to somebody else's Pokémon only 15 Pokémon and only to the king rank for others though"

Nice aimed for the stars and hit the moon, works for me, that's OP as shit, I should be able to raise some people up to do all my shit easily and their Pokémon, my goons, goons. My grand goons? food for thought later.

Gideon " I'm guessing an alternate poke dimension with unlimited resources is too much to ask for yeah?"

Morgan " indeed it is"

Hmmm alright, let's see how far I can squeeze this.

Gideon " how about the ability to generate unlimited Pokémon food and items at will?"

Morgan " still too much mister Lace, but I'll offer a compromise, unlimited max nutritional food, that the Pokémon would actually enjoy and the ability to generate 3 items per week, of course, Pokémon related, as in top-grade evolution stones, dragon fangs, etc, that's still quite the boon I'll tell you"

Nice that works just fine for me and lets me take care of my squad with little to no effort on my end, this last wish though is to test the waters on their plans, I have a feeling life is ganna start off pretty dicey if what I'm feeling is anywhere in the ballpark.

Gideon " and this last wish is more for my peace of mind, I wanted all modern knowledge from the game and anime fields in all fields, such as building and materials, electronics, tools, architecture and engineering, etc...."

Freddie looks at me with a wide grin on his face as if he just won the lottery and looks at Morgan with that same grin as he blurts out

Freddie " I think he might have an inclination on what our plans were, he's smarter than he looks, and it's a good thing too, would have been rough for a man like him where he's going hahaha"

Morgan " it appears so, but no bother, your wishes are acceptable, and that last wish was more or less out of bounds but I'll allow it this time and see where you go with it, you left some things out but ill throw them in that knowledge package you will receive"

I knew it…. But whatever probably have to work just a little but once I got my Pokémon and some component human goons together to do all my work, life should balance, and the chill I've been looking for make its way into my life.

Morgan " alright last on this times agenda is your looks, and keep in mind you will look like that for almost a thousand years so do take your time in the design"

As he said that a screen popped up, but no buttons…. Oh, it just goes off feeling and imagining, dope, this shouldn't take too long I have a rough idea of what I want, so let's get cracking

After an hour or so (maybe) off stuffing around I found my ideal body!!, super excited… now picture this, Alexander Armstrongs' body, 6'11 sculpted from marble and solid as can be!!

And with all that body gotta have a decent face right? Bet you couldn't bet who I modelled it after?, well I'll tell you anyways! Gintoki Sakata!!!, hey I know I know white hair is cliché right, but fuck that noise I look fantastic.

And as for the ol twig n berries, well I did pretty good in life I had 7 reasons to keep a girl happy…. and being the mountain of a man I'm going to be I thought I'd bump it up to a nice even 10 with a little tweaking here and there.

Morgan " looks like you're finished with your new self, and we seem to be finished up with our little endeavour so I think it's just about time to get you home..."

Gideon " hey can you make it so I wake up at 4?, not the whole experience your whole birth thing, don't really wanna live through being a baby, 4 I can deal with…"

Morgan " not a problem, well now it's all sorted and you seem happy with your wishes, I can only wish you good luck, and see you next time Gideon Storm"


Freddie " till next time darling!, oh I'm so glad we didn't read your mind it was so much more fun that way, well we'll be watching from time to time, no contact though so... see you around pretty boy!"

As he said that I felt really dizzy as the room began to spin and suddenly everything went black….

Well here's hoping my new home ain't as bad as it could be…..

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