

Would you like to play a game Yes/No

This is the question seen by hundreds of thousands of people all around the globe. Some of them were confused some were excited, as the panel of the question resembled that of a system from manga they have seen. Others just thought they were hallucinating and ignored it but who cares about them, on the other hand, everyone looking also noticed the timer of 1 minute counting down.

Here is where we introduce the protagonist Ivan Dotson, age 17 sitting on the edge of the tallest building in Chicago. You may be wonder what he is doing on top of this building, its simple he was going to jump. Why you may ask well that story is quiet short actually let me explain.

Ivan is someone who is mostly ignored by peers, which he didn't mind as he was not that fond of the people around him. He is a very observant person and could always find the underlining reason behind people talking to him. Ivan's family was quiet well of not rich but they had more than your average person in Chicago. He lived in a rather poor neighbor hood with the luxuries he had there were always people asking for something, although the requests didn't sound like much overtime they stack up, and one person asking for a dollar for a snack in school turns to ten and so on. This how ever is just a minor stab the real spiral started when the only people Ivan really liked, his family got into a car crash due to a drunk driver. When he got the new of there accident he rushed to the hospital, but by time he got there both of his parents had died and his little brother brother Steven was was in critical condition. After 12 painful hours a doctor came down and told him that no matter what they did they couldn't save him and the best they could do was comfort him until the inevitable. So after the death of his 10 year old brother Steve here he is.

Pondering his now miserable life Ivan looks down at the far away ground and jumps. He had been falling for about a minute when all the sudden the question appeared infront of him and he stopped falling and just floated there. Confused he reads the message. Would you like to play a game.

"Is this some sick joke, well I already decided to to die but at the same time im curious as to what this might be, I chose yes."

With that our protagonist dissappeared without a trace where will he be I guess you'll have to find out.

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