

~Mirror Reality 34~

Heather raised a brow at Smiley’s request. “So, you want me to separate this into two parts and push them into the dungeon?”

Smiley grinned, “Yes. Blue first, then the red.”

Heather pursed her lips as she looked into the warp charge. She was a little unsure of Smiley, as everyone knew about the smiling demon, and she hadn’t actually seen a warp charge either—even so, there was no telling what the blue and red energies swirling inside would do.

But she traced a sentimental finger across her hair clip, a silent acknowledgment of the debt she owed Loki standing by their side.

Heather began using her power while Smiley looked on from the side, though he hid his cunning grin, stifling it from appearing on his face as the blue energy miraculously responded.

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