

The duo crept up the passage with the skeletons in front.

Passing the rings of crystals, each of them caused the crystal detectors to light up both green and yellow respectively.

Jay remembered that the dihexapede soul eater caused a red light to come from the passage, so it must have lit up red; right before he heard the deep booming sounds.

“Hmm… I wonder why it lights up yellow for me and the skeletons.” Jay wondered.

Anya was the only one who made it green.

“Strange..” he thought as he walked through another, the yellow light reflecting in his eyes.

They silently reached the top, the only sound the small party made came from the taping of the skeleton bones.

Finally they laid their eyes upon the dihexapede soul eater once more.

“What…” Jay’s brows were creased, seeing what was in the entrance, he stopped himself from speaking.

Before them was a battlefield - the remnants of one anyway.

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