

Hmm, ok, so three fur scraps sell for one gold. Jay checked his inventory. Ten gold since I have thirty scraps.

Jay brought out thirty scraps, placing them on the bench by his side.

Next are the tiny green crystals from those bayrings… hmm, let’s see… okay so 0.7 gold per crystal. Since I have seventy, that will give me… about… hmm, I’m not sure. Maybe thirty? Jay shrugged. I’ll have to trust Lillian, he sighed.

The system didn’t have a calculator, and Jay wasn’t as educated as the nobles. Basic maths was a hard topic for a commoner on the edge of the kingdom, as no one out here taught it. Jay knew a little since he was a butcher, but only enough to get by.

Now… the ferritic plates. 1.3 gold per plate. Not bad. Jay wondered why they were slightly more expensive than what he expected - based on the prices of the other drops.

Hmm, they probably make armor and weapons out of these. Perhaps it’s because of the war going on in the north… he continued checking his inventory.

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