

Mc Pov.

A Human Torch-esque character, Starbolt is always covered in cosmic flame-like energy. 

and they some of the names if I remember correctly they have more than 300 in Imperial Guard which can destroy a galaxy.

As I was thinking this I heard door was knocked on. so I allow entering it was Lupus she then kneels I signal her to get up she gets up and walks towards me then she stand beside my chair. I one's again started to think about the current problems.

But in my Conquest way will be Nova Corps

Xandar was the birthplace of the Nova Corps and has suffered from many destructive sieges.

Originally, the Nova Corps is Xandar's space militia and exploration division. It consisted of over 500 soldiers ranging in rank from Corpsman up to Centurion and its leader, Centurion Nova Prime. The Corps also had a regiment of Syfon Warriors, of which Powerhouse was one. After the reformation of Xandar, the Nova Corps expanded its protective range to include the entire Andromeda Galaxy and Earth. They are also known as the Xandarian StoryCorps. Queen Adora (in the role of Prime Commandant) has ultimate authority of the Nova Corps.

The source of the Corps' power is called the Nova Force. This is a nearly limitless energy field generated by the living supercomputer called the Xandarian Worldmind. The energy is then transmitted into the centurions at varying levels, depending on their rank. The Worldmind contains the entire record of Xandarian history and civilization.

Several notable individuals were once members of the Corp, such as former heralds of Galactus Firelord and the Air-Walker to name two.

So they will be the first to come and stop me so I get rid of them or a better solution makes them my army.

So how should I approach such a thing because it's not a small thing because after I conquer it all the Empire will know about this and there is Thanos and other cosmic beings stared to notice me and there is no guarantee that they will not interfere In such matters and I don't want to bet all mine resources in the thought of they will not interfere?

So the next best option is first is learn how to

manipulate cosmic energy which I can only learn from Celestials or eternal. they are the only one that is available for me now.

So what I know about Power Cosmic is cosmic energy the energies of planets,  stars,  quasars, voids, nebulas, galaxies, or anything else related to the cosmos. The user might also be able to manipulate all other forms of energy that exist in the universe on a cosmic scale. but you must be powerful to handle all this power so you don't go insane or blow up.

So now I know the location of Thena I can visit her. Because is an important piece in my conquering plans. So I should visit her So Massage albedo.

Albedo: Yes my lord what can I do.

Samuel: Yes Albedo comes to my office.

Albedo: Yes my lord I will be there in 1 minute.

I then disconnected the massage. after 30 seconds later I heard a knock on my office door.

Samuel: You can enter.

As Albedo opens the door and walks towards my desk then kneels down I give her a signal to get up and she said.

Albedo: What can I do for you, Lord Samael.

Samuel: Albedo I need you to give me the location of Thena.

Albedo: Yes my lord

she then gives me the location where Thena is living for now. I then take out the Mirror of remote viewing and started to look for her 20 seconds later I find her she was now waking in a market area in Australia.

So after seeing her I get up I said.

Samuel: Well let's visit her. So Albedo wear your armor we are visiting her.

She nodded and Summon her Armor on her body from her inventory.

Then I cast "Gate" In a front of her. I then walk in the side while albedo and Lupus follow me behind.

As we appear I looked at her she was standing 20 meters far from us. all the humans are looking at her or us.

weapons were ready as she also can feel what is coming from the other side was out of her league as she can't sense any power from them.

(Ok let's see how much I can manipulate reality So I imagine everything around two kilometers falling to sleep and people were ignoring them. besides us and Thena) As next second I lost magic energy and everyone fell asleep. as people fall asleep she tightens her grip on her weapons.


Thena Pov.

Today I was traveling to the market while enjoying my time I can see people also enjoying their time as I wanted to get outside and have some fresh air see some mortals. when. I was the center of the place I have a feeling that I thought I lost because this feeling comes when my life is in danger. and It was always right so I created my weapons and with for the attacker. as next 30 seconds later a pitch-black void opened which looked like a black hole.

The next second an insanely handsome being comes out of that portal and after a very beautiful woman in maid clothes and a woman who is clad in black armor but from outside she looks pretty beautiful then I try to feel their power but what she felt from them

open her mouth wide because she can feel celestial powers but she is not able to feel a presence on the men and the black-armored female and her only able to guess Maid female power and she can say the maid was as strong as two Celestials and that was blowing her mind.

As they stand there and the black portal closes itself as people started to look at them and I in the next second people falls down not only here but she feels everyone in her rage falls down she tries to feel their plus but she finds out they fell in sleep but now I don't know so seeing all this I tightened grip on my weapons.

(I looked at him he looks back at me he was really handsome if not living so long I will blush after seeing his face but I didn't as I don't know what was inside the being.

So I take a deep breath because I knew I can't win here and I want some information. But before I can ask anything he said. )

He walk towards me and said

Samael: Thena of Eternals it took me much to find you more than seven days you Eternals are really lost in mortals.

(While he said that he was standing in front of me and from this near he looks breathtaking I am not able to control myself and blushed for some seconds he was standing before without care as he and I knew I will not able to inflict any harm to him.)

So I take a deep breath (to control my fear I didn't don't lose my grip on my weapons because if I die today I want to die like a warrior) and ask

Thena: what are you and what do you want from me I am sure you are not here to do all things to just say Hello


So I should add skull queen in Harem or not Veranke you will find her looks in comments I uploaded her photo but she can change into any one.

I can see readers are reducing at a very high speed please share I take more than 3 hours to write a chapter please share comments

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Please comment it takes more than 2 hours to write this so your comments inspired me to write more please comment

That's it, folks, please comment give some power stones


Do you know Tony Is A Cyborg

Tony has always used tech to give himself an edge in every field. His suits come outfitted with some phenomenal tech to help him maneuver, aim, and perform extreme acts. Tony has also used his tech to boost his own body with cybernetic enhancements like the Extremis Armor.

The armor has the usual exoskeleton, as well as a cybernetic layer wired into Stark's genius brain.

This gives him superhuman reflexes and muscle response times, in addition to being a part of his very skin. He can use it to access any electronic device at the speed of thought and make phone calls with his mind. All of this is made possible by the Extremis Virus, which Tony had to use to heal some critical injuries.]

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readers compelling about thinks and normal scenes so I use() when they were thinking comments if like it on not

please tell you who is the next I should write pov of

And never forget mc is evil super Evil and a beautiful girls lover

please share I didn't see much response on this fanfiction I think if this is going on I will don't uploaded daily basis

Please share

✌️ Peace ✌️


So I should add skull queen in Harem or not Veranke you will find her looks in comments I uploaded her photo but she can change into any one.

I can see readers are reducing at a very high speed please share I take more than 3 hours to write a chapter please share comments

Please, please please please please please please please please please please comment, please, please,

Please comment it takes more than 2 hours to write this so your comments inspired me to write more please comment

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