

This is only inspired by Waifu Catalog, there will be no brainwashing girlfriends or getting new points for confessions. This is all Hiro Kala has unless he finds a way to to get more power naturally.

Starting World: Marvel

Starting budget 1000

You as Hiro Kala (Possess) of T8 -200 [800]


Body Tune-Up -5 [795]

Everlasting -10 [785]

Martial -10 [775]

Wild -5 [770]

Science -20 [750]

Engineering -30 [720]

Soul -10 [710]

Land -30 [680]

Psychic -20 [660]

Template Stacking I [You as Hiro Kala has Nathaniel Grey / X-Man (Marvel), Strange Supreme (Marvel), Enkidu (Nasuverse)] -140 [520]

Performance -10 [510]


Body x2 -10 [500]

Wild x2 -10 [490]

Environmental x2 -50 [440]

Stress -5 [435]

Mind x2 -50 [385]

Possession x2 -20 [365]

Soul -25 [340]

Fatality x2 -100 [240]

Polymorph -50 [190]

Destiny x2 -100 [90]

Paradox x2 -100 [-10]

Defenses discounted for retinue members +12 [2]

Misc Perks

Sexual Calibration -2 [0]

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