
Square One

Nebula and I landed in the City of Athirus and people noticed me and hurried over to me. I began to get swarmed by children dressed like me as The Tyrant. I chuckled and got off Nebula.

"Lord Ryoma! Look at me! Haha! I will defeat you!" A child said and pointed his toy sword at me.

I chuckled and crouched down then ruffled his hair. "One day you might be able to defeat me. The only ones who can defeat me are my children."

"One day I'll be as strong as you!" The young child giggled and hurried off to his mother.

I sensed an attack and dodged it then jumped backwards. I noticed it was Kotone and chuckled softly. "Till this day, you haven't even gotten a good hit off me."

Takesi walked forward and smiled. "You're still on this? You'll never catch him with sneak attacks like that."

"Shut up. At least I know he's still on his game after that tournament." Kotone smiled and sheathed her katana then crossed her arms and looked at me.

"Papa!!" Mari squealed and ran toward me.

"W-Wait up, Mari!" Azusa said and ran after her.

Mari jumped up into my arms and I caught her. I chuckled and kissed her cheek and she giggled. I noticed Azusa and she slowed down and smiled at me.

"My love.." Azusa said and walked toward me.

I smiled at her and caressed her cheek. "I'm here for a few so I'll be able to catch up with you..~"

Azusa blushed and smiled. "Yes, we should all have a return ceremony! Your win at Selum was so amazing! It's trending all over Uthea! Messengers! Merchants! Travellers! They are all talking about you!~"

"I suspected as much but I shouldn't take all credit. Cecilia, Eirine, Nebula, Tsuhori, Atlas...they deserve so much praise. I've spent days training the new queens. Careful because they might take the world by storm with my teachings." I chuckled and held Mari.

"The Tyrant looked so majestic, Papa!~ I can't believe you were The Tyrant! I've read books about it, but I thought it was just a tale!" Mari said and held onto me. "Can you show it for us?"

"Mmm...Sure." I chuckled and set Mari down.

She hurried back to Azusa and held her hand, excited to see my True Form. I crossed my arms and closed my eyes then my wings emerged from my back then transformed into The Tyrant. I opened my eyes and looked at everyone.

"Whoa!~ It looks so awesome in person!" Mari said and hopped up and down. "I wanna transform like that!"

I reverted back to normal and smiled. "Unfortunately you can't, but you can acquire other forms that I'm willing to teach you."

Mari nodded with excitement. "Let's go!"

I looked at Azusa and she sighed and smiled then nodded. I smiled at her and looked at Mari then nodded. She squealed with excitement and tugged her mother back to the castle.

"Meet you there!" Mari giggled.

Kotone watched and smiled then closed her eyes. "So full of life and even more full of energy when Ryoma is here."

"I mean she is his daughter so of course she's gonna be excited to see him. I'm glad he holds to his promise." Takesi smiled.


I began to teach Mari how to awaken her Royal Crest. I noticed she's gotten better at her energy control and even was able to generate aura around her body.

"She's been training almost everyday with me. She's even won Little League Tournaments. She's determined to be a hero like you are..~" Azusa said as she watched.

I smiled at Mari and stood up. "I can tell. My little kunoichi has been growing. I've only been gone a couple months. She learns quickly."

Mari looked at her hands and didn't notice a Crest. She looked discouraged and looked at me. "Papa?"

I smiled at her and crossed my arms. "Crests are harder awaken than anything. Maybe when you get older you'll awaken your Royal Crest. So for now I will grant you this."

I held my hand out to her and summoned Takeo's Crest. "I can see my brother in you when we were younger..~ He was always so excited to train even when we fought a lot. The Crest of Regalia. Regalia is a Legendary Spirit who is known for her leadership in Ancient Times of Utalia. Now I bestow this Crest onto you, my little angel."

Mari noticed the Crest of Regalia shining on her hands then the spirit of Takeo faintly appeared behind Mari then vanished. "Whoa! Mama look! My first Crest!"

Azusa smiled and thought about the explosion she saw during my time in Volta. "I see it..~ Are you sure you can separate with him?"

"I am never truly separated from him. I'm able to perfectly clone my crests to gift others with all abilities of the original and no limitations on what one can unlock." I said.

"How many Crests are there in the world, Papa?" Mari asked as she looked at her Crest.

I closed my eyes and thought for a bit. "I don't know..~ So many Legendary Spirits, Beasts, Gods and Goddesses exist it's hard to know how many actually truly exist. I know Utalia makes more uses out of their Crests than those from other worlds."

"Speaking of Crests, I want to talk to you about something." Azusa said. "Kotone!~ Can you babysit for a bit?"

"Aye aye, Captain!" Kotone saluted to Azusa. "Mari! Let's go prank Takesi!~"

"Yay!" Mari said then hurried over to Kotone.

"Make sure to not be as destructive as the last prank! I had to spend a lot of money to get that entire Ranch cleaned!" Azusa called out.

"Don't worry, Mama!~ We'll be safe!~" Mari waved.

Azusa smiled then walked off and took my hand. I followed her away from the training grounds and to her room.


We walked into Azusa's room and she closed the door. I looked around and smiled at the nostalgia I felt in this room.

"Ahh~ Where my journey all started..~" I chuckled and walked around the room and noticed some of my things were moved in here. "It smells nice in here, as always..~"

Azusa smiled and walked to me. She held my arm and kissed my lips. I was caught off guard then soon kissed back. She wrapped her arms around my nape and I held her hips.

She pulled away and smiled sweetly at me. "I've missed you so much..~ We should have another night together before you leave again..~"

"How about tonight..~" I chuckled.

Azusa purred and caressed my cheek. "I'm just getting wet thinking about it, but not tonight, My Tyrant..~ We have important business to tend to first..~"

"Right, right. It really feels like the first time I was here." I chuckled.

"Don't be like that, after today we can have as much fun as you would like..~" Azusa said then let me go and walked to her small couch and sat down. She pat the space next to her and invited me to sit next to her.

I walked on the couch and sat beside her. I watched her lay down and rest her head on my lap. "So what's this business about the Crests you wanted to talk about. I have my own information as well."

"Our Legendary Beast. She's a hard one to find, and I've been actively looking for her. She's in a dungeon under the throne room. Her name is Bun Bun. Well that isn't what I named her, Mari named her because she's the one who found her." Azusa said and closed her eyes as I rubbed her hair.

"Bun Bun? Sounds very much like Mari." I chuckled and looked at the ceiling. "So she's a Rabbit Ninja?"

"Well she's not exactly a Ninja. She's a Shrine Maiden. You see under Athirus, there is a Shrine. A Shrine only few can enter including myself, but to find it you have to traverse the underground dungeon." Azusa started.

"Mari wandered into the dungeon and managed to traverse the entire dungeon. She said nothing ever attacked her because of her pure soul. She met with...Cinnabun-"

I snickered and closed my eyes.

"What?" Azusa asked.

"Her name is Cinnabun?" I asked, holding back a laugh.

"Me and you both, my love. I nearly laughed when I heard what Mari said. Her name is actually Mi'raj, but I wouldn't underestimate that cute Legendary Beast. She's dangerously strong. She can LOWER your Power Level with just her presence alone. Not only that she's extremely cunning." Azusa said and stretched.

"How cunning?" I asked.

"She's the smartest Legendary Beast on the southern parts of Uthea. She has an insanely high Battle IQ. She makes up for her lack of strength with her ability to lower your abilities and her accelerated thinking and reflexes. She's also insanely beautiful as well. A humanoid beast who's capable of breeding." Azusa said.

"Just like Asena and Ixia. Maybe I have been missing out on a larger harem with the humanoid beasts. However, I have my own information. Are you familiar with the Crest of Athena?" I asked.

Azusa looked at me and sat up. "Yeah, there's a woman who runs the Library who knows where to find her. She's in Athirus as a wandering warrior. She's been trying to find her way to Selum. She goes by the name of...Veronica or something like that. She's one of Stella's allies."

"Victoria?" I asked.

"Yeah! Her! She's accompanied by a Reaper named Zofia. Arcania is pretty fucking far though and the Crest of Death still lingers in the ruins of Arcania. That place gives me the creeps. It was death left and right over there perfect for The Eternal Emperor of Death." Azusa said.

"Hm...maybe I will be able to meet her at the return ceremony." I said. "I already have the Crest of Ares. I need them to summon Asura."

"Was that the reason you came back?" Azusa asked and crossed her arms.

"As if. I'm taking a small break from my conquest. Fighting against you Queens and handling national conflict gets tiring. One thing I like about Uthea is no one really attacks another kingdom so I'm free to relax." I said and laid Azusa back down on my lap.

Azusa smiled and sighed softly. "True to that. Uthea is actually unified it's just some kingdoms have their...issues."

"I know." I chuckled softly then summoned my book. "Let's relax here for a bit. I've been flying for a few days..~"

Azusa nodded and closed her eyes. "Okay..~"


Nebula trotted around the ranch and heard a loud splash. She looked at Takesi and noticed he was drenched. She neighed and whinnied in a laughing manner.

Takesi turned around at Mari and Kotone. "You two! Why must you always do these stupid stunts to me?!"

"Run Kotone!" Mari laughed and ran off.

"See ya, sucker!~" Kotone laughed and ran off with Mari.

"Get back here!" Takesi bellowed and ran after the two pranksters.

Takesi caught up with the two and blocked them with a barrier. Mari ran into the barrier and fell on the ground. She rubbed her forehead and smiled.

Kotone picked up Mari and broke through the barrier and kept running. "Haha! Catch me if you can!"

Takesi smirked and threw down a smoke bomb then appeared in front of Kotone. Kotone grunted then disappeared in a pillar of fire and appeared on the top of another building.

"This Citadel is massive!~ Try and ca- WHOA!" Kotone started then dodged a kunai. "What are you doing, brainiac?!"

Takesi smirked and pulled the string that was attacked to the kunai then it wrapped around Kotone's legs.

"Kotone! He's got you!" Mari said.

"Don't worry, Prank Master number two!~ Kotone is on the move!" She said then blew a small ember on the string and incinerated the entire string.

"Damn, I didn't think that one through." Takesi said.

Nebula neighed and stopped beside Takesi then her tail swayed. She wanted Takesi to mount on her. Takesi nodded and got on her back then she spread her wings and flew toward Kotone.

"What?!" Kotone asked in shock.

"Run!" Mari squealed.

"Yeah! Where do you think you're going?" Takesi laughed.

Kotone ran off and jumped from building to building. She dodged Nebula's energy chains then taunted Nebula by smacking her butt and making faces at her. Nebula raised her ears then began to rapidly summoning chains.

Kotone dodged each one and grunted as a chain hit her face. She grunted and fell on the grass. She got up quickly and pointed at Nebula. "Foul move! Foul move!"

"Kotone are you okay?" Mari asked.

Kotone smiled at Mari and nodded. "It didn't hit me too hard."

Nebula landed on the grass and Takesi got off her back and walked toward Kotone and Mari.

"The game of tag is over. Now will you two please stop doing these silly stunts?" Takesi asked and sighed.

"Mmm...Nope!" Kotone giggled and skipped away with Mari. "Smell ya later, sucker!~"

Takesi smiled and sighed. He looked at Nebula and smiled. "Thanks."

She held her head high with pride and whinnied.

"Your forelocks are getting pretty long. Looks like it's time for a grooming and a cut." Takesi smiled.

Nebula neighed and shook her head.

"Ahh if I cut it, your human hair will be cut as well. Well at least let me trim it so your vision won't be obstructed." Takesi said.

She agreed to a trimming of her mane then trotted back over to the ranch.


Azusa began to wake up from her nap and rubbed her eyes. "Mmm..."

I smiled at Azusa and closed my book. "Well, hello sleeping beauty..~"

Azusa mumbled and turned over, burying her face into my shirt. "How long was I out..?"

"An hour." I said and placed my hand on her leg.

"Mmm...I should start-" Azusa started and yawned. "Start preparing the ceremony..."

I chuckled and smiled. "For that you would need to get up."

"Mmmm..." Azusa mumbled and closed her eyes. "In a bit.."

"No rush. No rush." I smiled and went back to reading my book.

Things were more peaceful around Athirus from the first time I was here. I did miss this kingdom since it was the beginning of my journey. I didn't mind lazy days like these as it gave me a break from everything. I planned to use these days to just relax and spend time with my large family. I was excited to see what plans Azusa had for the ceremony.

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