
Oria's Birthday

The next few days flew by and my final day in Therris arrived. I was really having fun with Edea, Therese, and the children. Today was an important day, however. It was Oria's birthday and I wasn't going to miss it for anything in the world. I walked into the indoor garden and noticed Oria and Rosea playing with Therris.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Dad!" Oria giggled and rushed to me then hugged me. "Guess what today is!"

"Hmmm...I may need to think long and hard about this one because. This is a tough question." I chuckled then crouched down. "Could it perhaps be your birthday?"

"You got it!" Oria giggled.

I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "I know that, my blooming flower and guess what, Dad's gonna get you something great."

"Yay! I can't wait to see it!" Oria smiled.

"Now go play, I'm gonna go get your gift." I smiled and stood up.

Oria nodded and hurried back to Therese and Rosea. I waved at Therese and she waved back. I left the indoor garden and Nebula followed me outside the castle. I hopped on her back then she trotted into the city.

We walked around the market area to see what we could get Oria. We stumbled upon a craftswoman and we noticed her creations.

"You think you can make a gift for my daughter? You know a like a necklace or earrings?" I asked.

"Yep. That's what I do, King." The craftswoman said as she looked at me, holding the straps of her overalls and chewing on a piece of gum. She had a slight southern accent that was pretty strong.

I placed down 20 Platinum Coins and looked at her. "The entire set."

She looked at the platinum coins and looked back at me. "Up it and I'll throw in an extra set." She blew a bubble with her gum.

I set down a singular Mystic Gold Coin that was worth over 3000 Gold Coins. "You'll be the richest commoner in Uthea." I smirked.

"Heh...The old kings were really stingy with their money, but you just throw it out there. A Mystic Gold Coin? How many do you have?" The woman asked.

"More than enough to buy an entire country. We got a deal?" I asked.

"Yep. I'll get your gifts out to you within five minutes. Sit tight there." She said then walked into her workshop.

I sat down and waited for her to finish crafting the jewelry. Withing five minutes, she was done just like that. Two boxes of complete sets of jewelry. I took them and put them in the pouch in Nebula's saddle. I nodded at the craftswoman and she nodded back. I hopped on Nebula's back then she walked off once again.

We wandered around the city, thinking about what else we could get Oria. I decided to buy her more stuffed animals and books she could read with Rosea.

Once we got everything, we headed back to the castle to celebrate the birthday of Oria. I had all of her gifts wrapped up and even had a gift wrapped up for Rosea as well as a goodbye gift. I walked into the party room, where Edea was setting up the birthday party.

"Knock knock~" I smiled.

"Who's there?~" Edea played along.

"Who." I answered.

"Who who?" Edea giggled.

"Didn't know you were an owl now." I chuckled and she walked to me then we kissed each other.

"Fuck you." Edea smiled then pointed at the table. "You can set her presents there."

I chuckled and walked to the table and set the presents down. I sighed and turned around. "Last day here. I'm actually going to miss this place."

"Well..well I know the children are going to miss you. I mean you spent so much time with them, they began to follow you like ducklings with their mother." Edea smiled. "Never seen them so happy in my life before."

"What can I say? I'm great with children." I smiled and crossed my arms.

Edea looked at me with a bittersweet smile. "I'm also going to miss you. You're the first man to ever truly satisfy me. The only man I'll allow in my kingdom. My people love you, my sister loves you, Essu and Therris accept you, and I love you. It's gonna be different here, but we'll adjust."

"I love you all too and this won't be a forever thing. I will come visit you know, spend time with my flowers and so on and so forth." I smiled then held her hands. "Even when we are apart...I am with you always."

"I know.." Edea smiled and looked at me.

The alarm sounded off, letting us know that it was time for the party to start. Oria, Rosea, and their friends hurried over to the party room and giggled. I went towards the indoor garden and watered Therese one last time before headed back to the party room. Therese stopped me and held my hand then kissed it. I looked at her and smiled then the Crest of Essu shined on my hand.

"Be safe okay..?" Therese smiled sadly.

I caressed her cheek then smiled. "I will. Don't worry.."

She let go of my hand then I walked off back to the party room and looked back one last time before heading off. I walked into the party room and heard the music and the kids having fun playing games and dancing. I stood with Edea and she handed me a glass of wine.

"Where are you planning to go next?" Edea asked.

"Probably Volta. I do have all Three Elemental Crests so I can meet Galvan. From there it's fair game, but none the less I will conquer all 20 Kingdoms and the Xezar City." I said then sipped my wine.

"I believe in you. I do. Be careful okay? The last thing we need is news that you're dead." Edea said.

"I will be careful, my love." I smiled and looked at her.

She looked back at me then smiled back. We looked back at the children and Edea set down her wine glass then walked forward. It was time for the cake and presents. Oria looked happy and smiled. I noticed Rosea sitting towards the back and set down my wine glass then walked to her.

"Hey, blossom, what's wrong?" I said then sat beside her.

"You're leaving and I don't want you to go..." Rosea's lip quivered as she looked down. "I love you daddy..."

I wrapped my arm around her and rubbed her head then kissed her head. "I love you too, Rosea. I honestly do...but remember the story I told you. Even when we are apart, I am always without you."

Rosea sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Are you coming back?"

"Of course I am. I am not leaving you forever...I promise that." I said and rubbed her hair more.

Rosea sniffled and I wiped her eyes. She nodded and sat up then looked at me.

"I got a present for you as well..." I said then took out a box from my kimono then handed it to her.

I watched Oria open her presents and smiled then looked at Rosea and she softly gasped. Her eyes shined a bit and she looked at me.

"Full set of jewelry with your Birth Crest on it. It's a goodbye gift and something for you to remember me by always." I said.

"Thank you daddy.." Rosea hugged me.

"You're welcome, princess." I smiled and hugged back.

Edea watched and smiled then felt Rosea's sadness wash away. She looked back at Oria and watched her and her friends play together with her gifts.

After opening the gifts, everyone wanted to eat cake and I ate cake with Oria and Rosea, like a little kid. After finishing my piece, I stood up and Edea looked at me.

"It's time?" She asked.

"Yeah...I want to get there before the moon rises and all of the Dark Beasts come up and try to attack me." I said.

"Okay my love. I'll see you out." Edea said.

I nodded then rubbed Oria's and Rosea's head. "I love you both."

"We love you too!" They both smiled.

I walked off and Edea followed along with Nebula. We walked outside the castle and Nebula turned into a horse. I looked at the sky and noticed the beautiful sunset. Edea stood beside me and looked at the sunset as well.

"What are you going to do after this? After the conquest?" Edea asked.

"I'm gonna get me revenge on Alastor...then afterwards I'll be truly done." I said. "I just need to get strong enough and get enough experience with Arcane so I can stay in my Divinity Form for a long period of time."

"I support you always, my love. Come back to me in one piece alright?" Edea smiled.

"I will." I chuckled.

We kissed each other a final time then I walked to Nebula then hopped on her back. I clicked my teeth and she galloped off then neighed. Edea watched me disappear in the distance and felt a few tears trickle down her cheek. She wiped her eyes and sniffled then laughed at herself.

"Congrats...you're the first man to ever make me cry like this in a long time. Even when you're not here, you get me. Please be careful..." Edea smiled then walked back inside of her castle.

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