
An Epic Bloom (2)

Therris roared and many plant beasts emerged from the ground and began to terrorize the villages. I flew over to the villages before handling Therris. My Crest of Blaze shined and I bellowed and flames surrounded my sword. I slashed through the multiple plant beasts and they burned to ashes. The women looked at me and thanked me then ran to their houses.

"Mmm...I am still not strong enough to handle Therris herself even with the Crest of Blaze, but I have to try." I said to myself then flew towards Therris once again.

She roared and looked at me then released poisonous spores from her body. I cast a barrier around myself and blocked the spores then let down the barrier and slashed at her. It did no damage to her because of her invulnerability and because I wasn't strong enough. She smacked me down with her tail and flew to the ground then burrowed underground. I groaned as I hit the ground.

Manami's Crest shined on my hand then restored all of my energy. I looked at her Crest and heard her voice slightly.

"...m....s....r...y.." She tried to speak, but I kept tuning her voice out.

I stood up and heard rumbling then looked around. Vines grabbed my legs and bound me to the ground then Therris appeared from underground behind me and unleashed a powerful earth beam at me and I protected myself with a flame barrier.

"You need my help. Why would you abandon the one Crest that gave you ultimate power? Your sins can not be erased. The Goddesses look down upon you." Chaos said in my head.

"My wives wouldn't like it if they gave birth to children who were cursed by you...You nearly ruined my life, but I won't let that happen again..." I chuckled and clenched my teeth. "I'll show you...that I don't need your power!"

"What the-"

I bellowed and my aura exploded, surging powerfully. I broke through Therris's attack then flew to the sky and lightning crackled around my body. I had tapped into an ascended version of my Emperor's Form. I looked at Therris then smirked and flew to her and slashed at her continuously, she dodged and took some hits on purpose just to show off her invulnerability then released a beam at me. I let a phantom clone of me get bit then I appeared above her and slashed downward, hitting her. She shook off the attack as if it was nothing of course, but I noticed I was doing some damage as she had little burn marks on her body.

"Sister...It is an impossible task for Ryoma to tame Therris as he is now. Fate has decided her plan." Therese said.

"No. I believe in him. He's our hope of saving our kingdom. Fate doesn't decide anything, if we want something done...we have to change the course of fate ourselves." Edea said then held Therese's hands.

Oria and Rosea looked afraid, fearing my safety and wondering if I was going to come out of this alive.

Therris blasted me to the ground then flew into the air and her body shined. She roared and her body began to change. Her body began to form four extra wings and her Crest shined on her forehead.

"Oh look at this tryhard.." I groaned and looked at Therris. "The Legendary Beasts can transform as well..."

I stood up and looked at my hand. Arcane was still resting and I wasn't going to be strong enough to dead with Therris. Her evolution just made this battle even harder. Manami's Crest shined once more and healed me.

"I'm...So...r...ry." Manami's voice said.

I looked a bit surprised then looked at her Crest. "What..? You're sorry? For what? You have nothing to be sorry for. You willingly came to Yesha to manipulate me and try to kill me. Even went as far as to rally an entire kingdom against me. I don't want to hear it. I've only kept your Crest for this purpose. Your unnatural healing abilities. That is your only purpose to me."

"I know I did wrong...I betrayed you...Even caused you to obtain a Dark Crest and I left my sister to work with Alastor. I was stupid...We could've been a happy couple, but we are nothing more than an ex to each other.." Manami's voice said in my head.

"You're right. We are nothing more than an ex." I said then looked at Therris in the sky. "You mean nothing to me and to prove it...I no longer need you in my life, Manami. Goodbye."

I crushed her Crest and let the magic particles flow in the air. I flew up to Therris and looked at her. I couldn't fight her so I was hoping that my words would get to her.

"Therris!" I yelled and she looked at me. I flew closer to her and looked at her. "I get it. I am below you in all aspects. The battle would've been more legendary if I had my Divine Form, but my spirit needs to rest also. I was hoping we could...you know talk it out."

Therris looked at me and stared at me. She was listening.

"I don't want to fight you. I am not your enemy. Your followers aren't your enemy. I understand that you were woken up from your slumber and you attacked blindly, but our real enemy is the one who hurt your Vessel. The ones who woke you up. We still have to find Edea's Crest...that's how they woke you up." I said.

Therris looked down at the forest and sensed the one with Edea's Crest trying to escape through the Sacred Forest, but noticed that the Crest was going in circles.

Ixia's Crest shined on my hand. "I keep rearranging the forest so he won't escape. Come get him." Ixia said.

I looked at Therris and she looked at me. "Do you mind bonding with me? Accepting another vessel even though I did kinda attacked you and what not."

Therris looked at me then reverted to her normal form then closed her eyes. The Crest of Plants shined on my hand then I smiled at it. She opened her eyes and flew back to her den. I flew towards the man with Edea's Crest.

"Mom! Did you see that? Therris retreated back to her home!" Oria said.

"Yeah...I did see it.." Edea said in awe.

"Ryoma...changed the tides of fate?" Therese said then looked at Edea. "He's still alive!"

"Daddy's alive!" Rosea said happily then Essu howled loudly.

"Why isn't he coming back then..." Edea asked.

I landed in front of the man with Edea's Crest then smirked and chuckled. "Well well...look what we have here. The same guy who ran from this Kingdom with his tail between his legs..." I snapped my fingers and a vine wrapped around the man.

"R-Ryoma...wait I'll give you the Crest..." The man choked.

"Nah...I'd rather send my old friend a gift to let him know...that he will never win against me anymore.." I said then clicked my teeth and a Mythical Beast walked behind me. "Nature Unity is a wonderful ability.."

The Mythical Beast was a giant bear with antlers. He had magic symbols around his body then he gave a loud roar and blasted the man with a powerful beam. The man yelled and his body was reduced to nothing then Edea's Crest appeared and teleported back to Edea.

"Thank you Grizlar." I said then looked back at him.

He walked back deep into the forest and scratched his side. I looked ahead and sighed.

"There goes my parting gift, but that's about it. He doesn't need a gift to know he can't beat me. He simply should just understand that all attempts from this point on are impossible." I chuckled and walked ahead. "And you Chaos...You're dead to me."

"You'll be running back to me soon...out of desperation, you will be back into my kingdom of souls." Chaos laughed.

"We will see.." I said then shut him out.

Lythia sat on a train with her son and kept him warm with her jacket. She hummed a little tune for him to keep him calm. Her son hugged her and had his eyes closed. The train stopped and she looked up then stopped humming.

"Sorry for the sudden stop, but the emperor wills it. He said that we have a traitor on the train by the name of Lythia. All people on the train find Lythia and kill her. The Emperor's orders." The conductor said.

"M-Mom.." Her son said scared.

"Shh...don't worry darling.." Lythia smiled and closed her eyes. She caressed his hair and kissed his head. "No one will hurt us. Now close your eyes."

"Okay.." He said then closed his eyes.

Lythia clicked her teeth then a loud screech was heard as a Legendary Beast appeared above the train. "Creiros...destroy everything.."

The giant bird of pure darkness screeched and the people looked afraid.

"Whoa what is that thing?!" A man asked.

"It's a Legendary Beast!" A woman screamed.

"Everyone run!" Another man yelled then groaned as he was struck with a dark spike.

Lythia smiled as she listened to the screams and cries of the people who were trying to hunt her. "Alastor...I have made up my mind. My alliance is with Ryoma now..."

Her son shivered as he heard the people dying outside the train. "Mom.." He said scared.

"We are safe...our guardian will always keep us safe, sweetheart. We will begin a new life...with a better man. Someone who will actually teach you what it means to be a man." Lythia said and closed her eyes.

Creiros screeched in triumph after killing everyone who tried to hunt down Lythia. She screeched loud enough for it to echo.

Shina heard the screech and took her robe off. "She's escaped."

"Let her...She means nothing to me anymore." Alastor said as he watched Shina. "Right now, we must think of a plan to take him down."

"Not right now, beloved...Tonight is our night." Shina said getting on top of him and smiled. "Let us consummate our marriage.."

Alastor chuckled and looked at her. "Alright..."

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