
Delicate Flowers

I left the bathroom after washing my hands and putting my hair in a ponytail. I walked down the halls and heard some giggling coming from the indoor garden area and walked there. I was a bit curious about Oria and Rosea. They looked nothing like Edea and it struck me at first, but then came to the conclusion that they might've just took after their father or fathers. They could be half sisters as well since Edea was married to many different men. I couldn't imagine how they must feel though, not truly knowing who their real father is. That is why I am going to take them under my wing and watch the two bloom under my care.

I blushed and covered my face a bit, feeling my heart go a bit doki doki at my own thoughts of being an excellent father. I chuckled at myself then exhaled and walked into the garden. I noticed Oria and Rosea. Oria had more traits of wood than actual flower. Her hair was green and she had tiny wooden horns protruding from her head. She wore a green dress that seemed hand knitted by someone with exceptional knitting skills. Rosea had more traits of a flower than wood. She had long brown hair and had little lilies coming from her hair and a rose coming from her head. She wore a white frilly dress and white leggings to match her attire.

When I looked at them, they seemed more and more like...hybrids than human. I didn't sense beast energy coming from them, more like they adapted so much to their environment that they ended up changing into a permanent form. Their ability seemed to be Elemental Mimicry and it was the first I've seen it used in a way to adapt to the environment.

I walked to them and noticed a third woman. She had long Rapunzel-like hair that was a very light green. Her arms and legs were made from plants as if they were replacements for her missing limbs, but that's how she actual was. I even sensed slight beast energy from her body. It was strange, yet so mystical. I couldn't stop staring at her until she noticed me. She smiled and wanted me to come closer to her.

I walked ahead and took a closer look at her. She had no clothes, just leaves covering her private areas. "I didn't notice I was staring for that long."

"It is fine. Oria, Rosea. Have you two met, Emperor Ryoma?" The woman asked.

"We met him at the garden in the city, but never got to speak with him. Is he a bad person?" Oria asked, looking at me curiously.

"No. He is good. I can sense it in him. He is a nice man." The woman smiled at me then closed her eyes.

I looked at her more then sat down in front of her. Something about her...just made me sad then I noticed a huge scar down the middle of her crest. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Ask me anything." The woman said. "By the way, my name is Therese."

I nodded and looked down a bit then looked back at her face. "Were you slain in the past?"

Therese looked at me then closed her eyes and smiled. "Yes."

"You were reborn as one with the nature. I kinda figured when I saw your arms and legs...as well as sensed your beast energy. Something about your smile, just makes me sad and it's been a long time since I've been sad." I said then looked away.

Therese smiled gently at me then a vine emerged from her back then extended out to me. The vine caressed my cheek and I looked at her. "Don't be sad. I am okay. Just...sad that I can't leave this garden. My sister's last husband...he is the one who slayed me...killed me when I told her what had happened. I died right here in this garden and was reborn by Therris herself. My sister killed the king and made a new rule that all men who enter the kingdom...must die. You are lucky to still be alive. I am guessing you have good persuasion skills?"

"Well...I do have the Crest of Blaze and I pretty much can't die due to Self-Resurrection, but I didn't attack. Once they knew I was bonded with Pyroc, they stopped their attack. Either way, it was a loss for them, but Edea is the one who spared me. She knows me. I know her. Fate didn't want me to die...not just yet anyway." I answered and smiled a bit.

"Well. Fate is a mysterious figure. She does have plans for everyone I suppose." Therese giggled then looked at Oria and Rosea. "Don't be shy darlings. He won't hurt you."

"You have my word. After all, I want to be here for you both. Watch you two bloom and grow up to be beautiful and successful queens." I smiled.

Rosea looked at me, shyly. She walked from behind Therese and walked closer to me. "Are...you saying you are going to be our..dad?"

"If you'd like me to. I am more than willing to-" I stopped when I felt Rosea hug me. I smiled and rubbed her hair gently. "I guess you accept me."

"If Rosea accepts you...then I accept you as well. You are the...least threatening guy I have seen in the kingdom...At least you're a guy who actually does care about us. Aunt Therese did say you come here in peace and I kinda sense it as well. BUT! If you're gonna be our dad, Emperor Dad, we need to set down some ground rules!" Oria said.

"Alright." I nodded and looked at her.

"Rule one! Don't touch our things." Oria started.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Rule two! Be nice to Mom and Aunt Therese and everyone else we care about!" Oria said, stepping closer to me bit by bit.

"Yes, yes. I already know that one." I chuckled.

"And rule three...Teach me and Rosea...how to swim. I have this friend from Rivule who really knows how to swim and I want to get closer to her. I don't really have the chance to go outside since mom still fears our safety and I want to learn! So...can you do that?" Oria asked while in front of me.

"I can do that for you, my blossom." I smiled and ruffled her hair.

She blushed and smiled a bit then nodded. "Thank you!"

Therese smiled at us then looked at Essu who was a giant plant wolf. "Essu, I am sure you know of Ryoma?"

Essu looked at me then lowered her head to sniff me then rose her head and howled loudly.

Therese smiled and looked at me. "Seems like you've got a fan. Essu likes you and thinks you are a wonderful guy. She knows of your connection with Rivule and Pyroc as well as Tsuhori and the Horse of Oblivion. You have some fine connections. You should tell me about them sometime, especially The Horse of Oblivion. I know she and my sister have some form of disagreement."

"Yeah, I am curious about that as well, but hey, what can ya do?" I smiled and shrugged.

Therese giggled and looked at Rosea and Oria. They were playing in my hair now instead of her hair. I just sat there and allowed them to play in my hair, allowing them to braid and decorate my hair. I noticed Therese sigh a bit and clear her throat. She seemed a bit dehydrated. I held my hand out then the Crest of Waves shined a bit and a tiny rain cloud appeared above Therese then rain began to fall on her. She sighed happily and blushed as she began to absorb the water and become hydrated. I chuckled and watched her.

"Thank you, my caretaker has been away for quite some time and I didn't know how I was going to safely live off just the few rain showers that come here and there. When it does rain, it doesn't rain enough or rains too hard and I end up over hydrating." Therese smiled. "That is the curse of being reborn...I must live my life as a flower now.."

"Well don't worry, dear sister. I will be here to take care of you and the rest of your family." I smiled and looked at her.

Edea listened and smiled as she watched from the window of the indoor garden. She noticed Therese waving at her and she waved back. "Well, this is a first. Never seen my sister be so talkative before and my daughters have taken a real shine to him. I have nothing to really worry about it seems." She said to herself then walked away.

"So how old are you two?" I asked.

"We are both 12. I am turning 13 next week." Oria said as she put little twigs in my hair.

"Your mom must've had you when she was really young huh.." I said.

"Yeah...She didn't give birth to us like everyone else though. It was more like..we spawned. Essu helped mom by...spawning us I guess you could say it like that, but she was 12...and she said that one of her teachers had taken advantage of her by seducing her, but that's something you have to talk to mom about." Oria said.

"I see. Well I am not going to pry on it. How about we play a little game while I am here." I smiled.

"Okay!" The two girls smiled.

Alastor sat on his throne, highly annoyed that he couldn't obtain my crest. Lythia crossed her arms and glared at Alastor. He looked at her and rolled his eyes at her. "What?"

"You're pathetic. You dragged me out and nearly got us BOTH killed and now you're fucking mad that YOU couldn't complete your goals. Fuck. You. I told you to not kill his family back then when we first dated and now you sent my sister to him and allowed her to fucking DIE! Now you are acting like a child because you could get what the fuck you want. If anyone should be pissed it should be me, dammit! Because of your bitch ass, our son doesn't know how to be a proper gentleman! Oh imma do this, oh imma do that...you ain't nothing but a punk. Now we gotta worry about a fucking war! WAR! That's the last thing our son needs!" Lythia yelled.

Their son was listening behind the closed door and looked a bit sad. He had never heard his mother so angry before and felt bad for her. He heard Lythia squeak in pain then looked surprised.

"Get the fuck out of my face, you fucking whore." Alastor said after slapping Lythia.

Lythia turned away then screamed in anger. "I knew I should've married Ryoma! At least he knows how to treat his people and wives! Fuck you Alastor! You're on your own! I'm taking our son and leaving this hell!"

"Fucking leave then bitch! I've got options and they are far better than you!" Alastor said.

Lythia stopped and looked back then glared. "Fuck you...you piece of shit! I hate you!"

Their son hurried off back to his room and began to realize the real dynamic between Lythia and Alastor. Lythia secretly hates Alastor and Alastor doesn't even care about Lythia. He sat on his bed, hugging his knees. The image of the perfect family he had in mind shattered and he felt his entire world was a lie. His eyes watered a bit then he closed his eyes as his tears rolled down his cheeks.

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