
The Arrogant Warlord

"Lord Miyazaki, we are here in Uthea. Is there any particular reason why you wanted to come to this country? You do realize the country is ruled by women and men here hold no power, right?" A man said as he stopped the boat at the port of a rather large kingdom.

"Yeah, I know and it is this reason why I wanted to come here. Well another reason, I hear news across the globe that if one conquers all 20 kingdoms here, they get a special reward. I want to be that one to conquer all 20 kingdoms and make all of them my wives. Yeah, this should make for the history books of my tale. The Warlord who's done the impossible." I said and smiled. "I will go down a legend, and the ruler of Uthea."

"I mean...sure. Good luck with your goal, but you should know that none of these women are weak or pushovers. They are all Queens for a reason and all of them are exceptionally skilled in battle. I don't think you should fight with these women." The man said.

"Do not fret, I am also trained in battle. I am the ruler of my country as well in which my brother rules now because I have decided to move here due to the legends. I will bring back souvenirs." I chuckled then got off the boat, and grabbed my sword and bag from the boat.

I walked ahead and had a smile on my face, ready to begin my new journey around the new country I was ready to call mine. I walked along a path to a kingdom. I whistled and stretched then heard some leaves crunching and stopped whistling. I opened my eyes and heard whooshing around me. I noticed a kunai land next to me and smirked.

"Your aim is incredibly bad for a ninja." I said then looked around.

A woman emerged from the bushed and slashed downwards at me. I smirked and dodged her attack. I stepped backwards and looked at the woman. She had on an oni mask and wore a black kimono with samurai shoulder guards equipped. Her red eyes shined and emitted slight aura.

"I can tell you aren't the queen...though it may be extremely obvious that you aren't, but I can tell you wish to fight. I will show you the difference between us. You shall know my name after this fight." I said then dropped my bag on the ground.

She dashed to me and slashed with her dagger. I dodged her attack then hit her stomach with the scabbard of my sword. She grunted a bit then vanished, leaving behind cherry blossom petals. I sensed her above me and dodged her strike. She landed on one knee and had her blade stuck to the ground. Her eyes shined and she yelled then slashed upwards, releasing a powerful cutting wave at me. I smirked and unsheathed my sword slightly and blocked the cutting wave. An explosion happened and she looked at the smoke. The smoke cleared and I dashed to her then my aura surged around my body. She looked surprised and tried to dodge me.

"Too slow!" I said then slashed in a circle releasing a large circular blade beam around me.

She grunted as she was hit and her back hit a tree. She groaned in pain and fell to her knees. "Who is...this guy..? There should be no way he overpowers me...I have trained for months! This random foreigner shouldn't pose a threat to me..!"

I looked at her then smirked. I crossed my arms and exhaled then my aura vanished. I picked up my bag then walked ahead. "Better luck next time, ninja. Today just wasn't your day."

She growled softly at me then stood up. "Who are you..? Why are you so strong?!"

"My name is Ryoma Miyazaki and I am here to conquer Uthea because I have heard a legend about this country. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go and put my plans into fruition. See ya." I smiled and continued walking ahead.

She looked at me then vanished. I continued along a path and noticed I was nearing the end of the forest. I smiled when I noticed I was in a village. I looked around and noticed the people inhabiting the village weren't just women. There were women and men of all shapes and sizes. I walked around the village for a bit and watched the people interact with one another. It was very peaceful and calming. I noticed stray dogs and cats in the area as well and one came up to me. I pet the dog then reached inside my bag and pulled out some bread then gave it to the dog. The dog happily took the bread then trotted off.

I stood up and noticed a woman standing in front of me. She was carrying a basket full of fruits and held a large bottle of water in her hands. She wore a brown bandanna over her long brown hair, wore a brown dress, and had on brown boots. She looked at me up and down in surprise.

"You're one of nobility...who might you be..? You don't look from around here. What kingdom are you from?" The woman said and walked around me, inspecting me curiously.

I watched her and chuckled lightly. "Curious one aren't you? I am not from around here. I am new to this country actually. My name is Ryoma Miyazaki. I am from an the Yesha Empire, I actually used to rule the entire Yeshan Country before I moved out here."

"Yesha Emprie...You come from a long way, Ry- Ah, Lord R-Ryoma." The woman said.

I smiled at her then reached inside of my bag then pulled out a large loaf of bread then placed it inside of her basket. I waved then walked off. She looked at the bread then looked back at me. I kept walking around then noticed the same ninja woman appear in front of me. I stopped and looked at her and smirked.

"It's you again. You are good at finding me. Would you care for an apple?" I asked and pulled an apple out of my bag.

"Cut the shit. I don't want your Yeshan Apple." She glared at me and sliced the apple in half.

"I see you are more of the orange woman. I have those as well." I said then took a bite out of my cleanly sliced in half apple.

"You are no different from the other men who come here. They want to conquer so they can just put us all back in the lowest state! I won't allow you to do the same. Women have been in power for generations and I won't allow a man to come here and break the trend! Go back to your country, as one of Queen Azusa's retainers, it is my job to protect my kingdom!" The woman said.

"Would you mind telling me your name?" I asked.

"Hmph...My name is Kotone Fujima! My name will be the last name you ever hear because you aren't making it past me a second time! No one ever does." Kotone said then got into her battle stance.

I looked at her then closed my eyes, chuckling. I tossed my bitten apple at her and she caught it then looked at it. She looked back up and noticed I was gone. "I got passed you a second time. Enjoy the apple." I laughed and continued forward.

She looked at me slightly annoyed then dashed to me. She slashed at me and I dodged her attack. I kicked her back and she grunted, sliding back a bit. I looked at her then set down my bag. She dashed to me and vanished and appeared behind me. I dodged her next attack then noticed her clones appearing around me.

"Must I show you the difference in our abilities once again?" I asked.

"You just got lucky the first time! There is no way you should ever be stronger than me!" Kotone bellowed and did multiple hand signs then all of her clones raised their hands in the air, summoning a large ball of flames above me. "Now disappear!"

She threw the ball of flames down at me and bellowed. I closed my eyes then sighed softly. I opened my eyes and raised my sword to the sky then a beam of light pierced through the large fireball and caused it to explode. I bellowed and my eyes shined brightly. I slashed in a circle and hit all of the clones including her. All of her clones disappeared and she groaned loudly when my attack hit her. She crashed into a house and the family screamed in freight upon seeing Kotone crash inside of their home. I looked at her then a bead of sweat rolled down my cheek.

"Maybe I went a little overboard with my Shining Light strike." I said then walked over to the house and sheathed my blade. "Hey, sorry about...this."

"I-It's fine.." The husband said then noticed Kotone stand up slowly.

"This...isn't over..." Kotone grunted and threw down a smoke bomb then vanished.

I rubbed the back of my head then bowed at the family and went over to grab my bag off the ground. I walked off whistling, trying to find my way out of the village.

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