
How I Survived - [GL]

Penulis: Twink_98
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-MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY- This story is told through the eyes of a nearly 18 year old Marisol Sullivan, who has many problems of her own. With no mother around and an alcoholic father she was left with no choice but to become everything her little brothers needed.. even if that meant not being able to live a normal teenage life. When the world around her begins to crumble and everything seems lost, will she find the strength she needs to push through?. ------- I don't like to give too much away in the synopsis, maybe I don't give enough but you'll get the gist halfway through chapter 7. I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think, I'd appreciate the feedback. -VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED- -There will be Graphic mentions of violence and mature themes. Also the main character prefers the company of women, so if you don't like lesbianism maybe don't read this. Or just skip that part idk, you do you. -Keep in mind I'm not a writer, I do it for fun, I hope you can enjoy my imagination. If you end up reading my story then thank you. I hope you like it. -I made the cover- (I DON'T GIVE PERMISSION FOR MY STORY TO BE POSTED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN ME) :) The only places I post are wattpad and here.

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Chapter 1Chapter 1 - Intro


Marisol POV-

Every Friday is a good day for me, after a night serving popcorn I get to take a load home for my brothers. To see the happiness on their faces is one of the only things that still brings me joy. They are the reason I wake up every morning, they give me a reason to wake up. After our mother passed away when I was about to turn 15, we've been broken. Our father turned to alcohol and I was left to take care of my younger brothers, Forrest who's now 12 and August who's almost 8.

What little pay my father does get, goes on his habit. He works for my uncle Allan in the building trade, that's the only reason he hasn't been fired for not showing up. We used to be such a happy family, picture perfect. It turns out my mother was the glue that held us together.. I try to fix the broken pieces but I could never fill the hole she left in our lives.

Since our mother died, my everyday has revolved around my brothers. Making sure they are washed and fed, as happy as possible. I try my best but still feel like I'm failing, they still need their parents. A little while after it happened my father began spending all the money they had saved up on gambling, nights out drinking and God knows what else. At 14 my only choice was to get small cash in hand jobs in order to put food on the table. Now at almost 18 I waitress in the week, and work in the cinema on Fridays and sometimes Saturday nights. Making sure my brothers are clean, clothed and well fed is not a huge worry for me anymore. Though that leaves almost nothing to spend on myself I'm not bothered.

"Sol have you got popcorn?" August asked excitedly as soon as he heard the front door close. He ran around the corner to see me.

"No, they ran out" I said pouting..

"I can smell it" he replied calmly smelling the air as he approached.. I just pulled out the big bag that I'd been hiding in my coat for him to see. The huge grin on his face made me smile.. "Thank you Sol" He resumed the excited state and squeezed my waist tightly before running down the hallway into the living room with it.

"Make sure you share!" I shouted..

"I will!" He shouted back sweetly causing me to laugh again..

It's sad that Forrest has to take care of Auggie on his own sometimes now that I work more, but we aren't lucky enough to have a choice. I'm just so greatful they both have an enormous understanding for our unique situation.

I went upstairs to get a shower and get changed. After showering I made my way back downstairs to join August and Forrest, still sitting together on the couch eating their popcorn, both already in their pjamas. I sat down on the three seater sofa nexto August letting my body relax into it. I sighed from exhaustion.

"Marisol are you okay?" Forrest asked with genuine concern.

"Do you want some popcorn?" August interjected, shoveling a handful into his mouth.

"I'm okay, I'm just tired" I smiled to them both while plummeting my hand in their popcorn. "I'll have some popcorn though, thank you" I added as I began eating them one by one from my handful.

"Why don't you go to sleep?" August asked looking up at me.

"I don't want to miss the movie" I pointed to the screen.. I don't even know what movie it is.. something about a talking chameleon, he's wearing a shirt.. oh scratch that, all animals are wearing clothes.

"You already missed most of it" Forrest had to mention. "If you're tired you should go to bed".

"I will, but first I want to see if the lizard girl freezes again" I imitated the frozen lizard while August laughed his head off. He's always been one for silly humour. Forrest on the other hand is much more practical and mature.. though even he couldn't help but laugh at my silliness. I still get surprised at how resilient they are. Somehow when things are at rock bottom I still find ways to make them laugh. Or often the other way around.

Throughout the years I managed to take them where they needed to go, granted it's not always on time and I am always exhausted but I get them there. It's helpful that they both enjoy alot of activities. I can work or shop or clean, whatever I need to do while they are off having fun, not sitting at home alone. I never let on how much I struggle, I never asked anyone for help. The boys sleep at my uncles house every Saturday night which I'm more greatful for than I let on.

August and Forrest both got used to our new lives pretty quick. I would get them ready and take them to school, then show up at my own school for a few periods. Or take the day off completely if I ever needed extra cash. Back then I was doing all kinds of things. From washing cars to walking dogs I did it all.. August was so young at the time, he was only spending a few hours at day care. Meaning all my spare time was spent taking care of him..

After the movie both the boys had fallen asleep. August had his head on my lap, and Forrest was almost laying ontop of Auggie. I tapped Forrests shoulder lightly for him to wake up

"What time is it?" He mumbled squinting his eyes open as he sat up.

"Bed time.." I whispered smiling. "I forgot to ask.. how was chess club?"..I should have asked when I brought them home earlier but it went over my head.

"It was good, I beat Jacob twice" He grinned in his still sleepy state, over the moon at his victory. Jacob is the guy who mentors the club and he's in his thirties.

"Well done, I'm proud of you Forrest.." I smiled..

"Thanks Sol" he hummed as he walked out of the room.. "love you" he called from down the hall.

"I love you too, goodnight" I spoke loud enough for him to hear on his way up the stairs but not loud enough to wake August. I maneuvered my way out from underneath his head, picked him up like a baby and carried him upstairs to his and Forrests room. He twitched a couple of times but luckily for me he is quite a heavy sleeper.

I tucked him into the bottom bunk, brushing his dark fringe back to plant a goodnight kiss on his forehead.. He smiled even though he's still sleeping.. he's always done this and I'm glad he never stopped.. my mother used to say it was one of the best parts of her day.. seeing that little smile.. now it has become one of mine.

Even though Forrest is 12 he still needs love..

I stood on the ladder and knowing what's coming he smiled and closed his eyes, I brushed his sandy blonde hair back and kissed his forehead.

"Sweet dreams" I whispered before stepping down from the ladder.

"Sweet dreams" He hummed as he turned over.

Another day done.. where is my father you might be wondering?... who cares I say.


Sunday night after my uncle dropped off the boys my father came stumbling through the door, in the same clothes he went to work in on Friday. "Where have you been?" I rolled my eyes.

His dark shaggy hair has food and huge knots in it. The dark bags under his eyes spoke volumes..

"What's it to you?" He grumbled.. his foul stench only just began to reach my nose. Old sweat, sickly booze and cigarettes.. from looking at him you wouldn't think he even lives in a house, let alone owns one.

"I thought you were going to stop doing this?.. I might not need you anymore but they still do" I spoke in a disappointed tone. They would be better off without him like this.

"What about what I need?" he slurred seemingly getting angered by me. Nothing I've said in the past has ever mattered so I don't know why I'm even trying now, maybe I've been too soft on him. If he carries on like this one day it will be like he never even had children.

"What you 'need' is to be a man and take care of your family, before you loose the rest of it.." The only reason my brothers are still with us is because I take care of them and keep my father away from their lives as much as I can. He does a pretty good job of that himself but I mean, I make sure people don't know what he is like. People that do know us think that my mum left us and he works alot. Others just have no idea about the situation, our father never shared and neither did we. We had only lived here two and a half years before she died, all of my parents friends are back in our old city, where we held the funeral.

I wasn't expecting what came next.. a solid fist to the eye. I heard him gasp but didn't really see anything. I was already on my back looking up at the ceiling. I squinted my eyes open a few times, trying to get rid of the white hazey stars that now clouded my vision. His large hands grabbed onto my arms pulling me up into a sitting position. I pulled my arms out of his and immediately stood up wobbling on my feet, holding a hand over my eye that had started throbbing. This is not the first time he has struck me, a few back hands but I've never been punched in the face by him before. It's not as bad as I thought it would be but it definetly surprised me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-".

"Don't fucking touch me" I snarled as he went to reach out for my hand.. This is the last straw. "Go to bed Marcus.. get sober.. don't make them hate you too".. I sighed leaving him stumbling on the spot, dumbfounded.

As I looked in the mirror on my bedroom wall I noticed my eye was already swelling, that's going to be fun to take to school.


Monday morning..

I'd fed the boys and got them to school but not without them asking a few questions about my eye, I told them I fell over and they took that without further enquiry.. After I dropped them off I made my way to Kingsley Academy. Our father slept through the morning as usual.. I had a few strange looks from people as I dropped each one of the boys off. My black eye is already drawing attention and I haven't even got to school yet. The only thing that brought me warmth was the beautiful shining sun.. it's been so cloudy and cold recently.

Walking through the halls used to make me feel anxious, and that was when I even had friends. It seems like forever ago.. As soon as I lost my mother my whole life changed, I had to change to protect what I was left with.. I blocked out everything and everyone. I never told any of them what was happening, not that my mother had died or that my father was a drunk, or that I had no time to hang out with them anymore because I was taking care of a 3 year old and an 8 year old that just lost their mother and basically their father as well. I just pushed everyone out in one swift motion, and I never had time to look back, not with who they had become anyway. Perhaps they were always like that and I was just blind to it.. but now I see them clearly.

"Can't afford a new pair?" Natasha sniggered from behind her possey of bitches. Almost all of them laughed. What they were referring to is my black skinny jeans, the colour has worn out into a wish-washy grey and they have holes at the knees. But they are clean, they fit and they are comfy..

I didn't turn in her direction as I calmly replied "Why don't you go headbutt another make-up pallet you clown" I was referring to the bright red lipstick and bluish/purple eyeshadow that was a little too high. The concealer and highlight made her look ghostly. I continued on to my locker hearing a few gasps and more laughter from other students that had overheard us. Even some of her friends couldn't help themselves.

I used to be a part of Natashas group.. top bitches seem to hold a grudge.. all because I left her 'squad'. Well that's all I can chalk it up to since I've never been given an official reason.

I continued on to my locker where a slim figure stood infront of it.. she waited until I spoke.. "Storm.. what are you doing?" I asked tiredly whilst looking to the side so she didn't notice my face.

"Can't a girl be innocent for once?" she smirked..

"Other girls maybe, but not you" I raised my eyebrow.. She pretended to be offended exaggeratedly placing her hand over her mouth with a gasp.. but I know her better.

"So what do you say we go out sometime?" She flicked her mousey brown shoulder length hair to the side with another flirtatious smile. I only entertain her because Natasha hates it. Storm is one of her bestfriends but I don't think she cares that much.

"You're gorgeous an all, but a little too shallow for my taste, can I get to my locker now?" I held back a chuckle, rolling my eyes.

"You won't know for sure if we don't try.." she winked causing me to laugh, I forgot about my eye and when I faced her she opened her mouth gasping for real this time.. "Marisol what happened to your face?" She sounded worried, she was about to reach her hand out to touch my face but I stopped her taking a step back..

"I just fell over at work" I smiled.. the boys seemed to buy my falling over story.

"You need to be more careful, you could get a concussion" She nodded to her own words.

"I will, now go".. I pointed..

Storm nodded and left to go back over to Natashas group. She is a mostly upfront person and I like that about her, she fits into Natashas group because she is popular and her family is wealthy. She is kind to me and good looking, but she's really not my type.

"Why do you always do that to me?" I heard Natasha moaning in the distance..

"I can't help it.. I see a hot girl and I have to ask her out" she lifted her hands in the air as if to ask.. what else am I supposed to do?..

"Even one that has rejected you hundreds of times?.." Alexa chimed in, probably rolling her eyes..

"Just because your too scared to even ask a girl out.." Storm retorted, chuckling..

"Whatever" I heard Alex mutter back.

"Both of you shut up.. she's not worth the effort" Natasha almost shouted.. I didn't know that Alex even liked girls, that's really all I took from their conversation. The rest of it was pretty standard.

I have to walk back past them to go to my first lesson, this time I can't hide my face without looking like a fool. I was going to wait for them to leave but they don't seem to care what time it is so I have no choice.

And it's not like I can hide it all day anyway, Storm already asked me about it.

"Wow.. look girls.. someone got what they deserve.." Natasha smirked maliciously.. I just turned to look at her unimpressed for a second as I walked. Luckily that was the end of that.. I continued on with my lessons until lunch time.

I sat on my own at lunch as I always choose too, but Rain, Storms twin sister sits with me sometimes. We don't talk much but it's nice to have the company. She is completely different to her sister. Rain dislikes Natasha even more than I do.. she wouldn't come near me until I stopped being in their group.

"Hey..." She said as she sat down.

"Hey.." I replied barely looking up..

"What happened?" she asked nonchalantly, gesturing to my face with her fork in hand.

"Accident at work" I hummed before eating another bite of my sandwich. "You okay?" I asked..

"Yeah.. I'm okay-" We talked a little about a music test that both Rain and Storm had been practicing for.. she was just telling me that she's not nervous when I overheard my name in another conversation.

"Did you see Marisols face?" Willow spoke like she had the best gossip in the world.

"Yes, I told her she got what she deserves" Natasha snorted in her best bitch imitation.

"What do you think happened?" Alex asked..

"She said she fell over at work" Storm offered the explanation but only some bought it.

"What?.. No she's obviously lying.." Sky chirped.

"Why would she lie?" Alexa asked.. Alex was the only one I was torn up over loosing.. we were so close once. Even if I'm the main reason we are not I still feel the loss of her.

"To cover something up, obviously.." Natasha explained.

"It was probably one of her parents.." As Willows thoughtless words left her mouth my blood began boiling..

"That might be why she's so messed up" Natasha added with a chuckle.

Something took over me.. I calmly got up, I slid the rest of the food that was on my tray into the bin as I walked over to them.

They were so engrossed in their conversation about me, they didn't notice me get up and start walking over. The first sign that any of them knew I was there was my tray being bounced and broken off the side of Willows head. She fell backwards off her seat at the force, screaming.

They all began getting out of their seats, everyone in the huge hall was shuffling around and hollering. Amidst the flurry of people Natasha decided to come running at me with pure hatred in her dark blue eyes. I span her around by her out stretched arms and threw her over the cafeteria table.. she landed on the opposite side of it with a thud, wailing aswell. I didn't even hit her why is she already screaming?.



This is my attempt at story #2.

It's basic right now. I do have a plan but if you know my writing, then you know that I never really follow through with my plans.

I don't know what part of my head this story came from.. I just started thinking about it. Maybe I need a little distraction from The New Moons.

This isn't set in a specific country.. I pretty much ended up mixing a few. I'll make up names along with all the towns and stuff.

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