

Meaning that is not interpreted and understood


Maybe no one knows what my real name is.

Lots of people wonder about it.

Sorry, it's true, I can't reveal my real name to anyone.


Only my mom and dad know about it. Because I can't trust anyone but myself. Because it's all at risk to me.

It's simple, a name. Maybe for you yes, but not for me. Will this continue in my life? I don't even know the answer...

Maybe what you know right now is just my daily name at this time. Names that are scattered, names of deeds, ID cards, and all. It's just a name disguised from my real name.

Because of the incident that I don't want to repeat, made me have to disguise my real name. Yes, it happened when I was in middle school...

An incident that at that time I still couldn't accept my strengths, which I even considered a curse. I have not been able to accept and control everything I have.

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