
Goat Head Creature

Life is not long.

And life is a big question mark.

What is your life like?

Go ahead and go through the process.


He was still staring at me silently, without moving an inch.

Now that innocent look turned into a piercing glare, his previously usual goat eyes turned bright red. The stick he was carrying turned out to be able to move, meaning that there was a statue of a snake wrapped around the stick. And the snake can move, it's alive.

He was still silent but starting to get creepy.

The lights in my room, which were all bright, became dim and flickering. I looked right, left, and all over my room. My originally normal body became stiff, and it was difficult to move.

I wanted to call out to those outside my room, but my voice was lost and heavy.

His empty left hand began to rise, when his hand lifted unconsciously my body also lifted. My body is up now, lifted floating in the air. But not high.

I pray in my heart.

God, how am I supposed to do this, I'm confused as to why I got into a problem like this.

I unconsciously shed tears, I was afraid. Honestly, though I can see the unseen, and can do things beyond human capabilities. But when things like this happen, I'm also a normal human being who can feel scared and nervous.

He moved his left hand again, and when he moved his fingers I also felt an incomparable pain in my stomach. I looked at my stomach, and now I can also see the horns stuck in my stomach very clearly. The horn stuck in my stomach.

He moved his fingers again and the pain was getting worse. The horn moved, down and deeper into my stomach. If you think horns are small, you are wrong. The horns are big and long.

The more it stabs the more it hurts, this pain is so real.

He approached me, the goat-headed creature approached me. He was right above me, and there was still some distance between us.

He equalized his position with me, I was on my back and each floating. He was on his stomach and floating above me.

Suddenly my mouth opened by itself. I felt something come out of my mouth, I felt dry in my throat. He sucked me in, my breath thinned.

My body is weak, not stiff anymore.

I can move my hands. And at that very second, I moved my hands to push him. He bounced up without me touching him, and at that moment I fell back onto my bed.

Take a shaky breath. And he came back down again quickly, pointing his wand at my face. Since I didn't know what else to do, I closed my eyes at that time.

"God, if this is my destiny then take me"

And after I felt I closed my eyes for too long, nothing happened. I open my eyes slowly.

I saw the badge of a root wrapped around the stick.


Gosh, don't tell me that root creature is out again.

The goat-headed creature was hoisted back at the end of the wall, and I saw it had its whole body entwined with roots. And I'm sure it's the Root Being who wants me, wrapped around the Goat-headed Being.

Why did this root creature come, and only then did I realize that I was bleeding in my stomach? I touched my stomach which was wet and fishy, ​​along with the horns that were still attached there. I can hold this horn too.

No wonder the root creature came, because I also just realized that it's Friday and I'm bleeding.

My body began to relax again, I saw the root creature was tightly wrapped around me. Until the goat-headed creature could not move a bit.

The root also wrapped around his neck, tugging at him and



Ughhh I saw it and it was so disgusting. The goat's head detached from its body, oh my gosh this is worse than other cannibal and psychopathic films. I couldn't see it and wanted to throw up.

When the goat's head is separated from the body. I felt back pain in my stomach.

The horn moved back as if someone had pulled it out. Damn it hurts so bad. The smooth horns forced their way out of my stomach, every swipe of the rough horns hurt my stomach.

Again, when I want to scream, because it hurts so bad. No sound came out of my mouth.

I feel every rub is very, very painful in my stomach. And I feel in my stomach something is coming out. Please don't go out.

And finally, the horn was completely out of my stomach. I took off my shirt, and I saw my stomach was perforated and bleeding. My hands are shaking and my body is cold.

With a strange sight in front of me. The body and head of the goat slowly entered the body of the root creature, as if it had been swallowed by the root creature.

Gosh... what a spectacle this is. I watched him sink into the body of that root creature grab it slowly.

And strangely, am I dead?

When the body and head had completely disappeared and were swallowed I felt more comfortable in my body. I saw my stomach was back to normal and there were no traces of blood or holes at all. But left a bunch on the right side of my belly, like a heart-shaped birthmark.

Okay focus, now the root creature hasn't gone away yet. And why did he help me a second time? Hmmm, what does this mean, he came when I was really on the verge of my death. And he helped me too. Is he fine?

I was just muttering about it, suddenly a scratch or scratch appeared again on my right arm.

I retract what I said he was good before. He was the same as when he chased me the first time, but these scratches weren't deep. It's just an ordinary scratch, but I can feel the pain there.

I was reminded of the previous incident, the incident when he first came into my life. And I also remembered that my father had made a fence on me. Does the fence work? I think the answer is yes. Because the scratch is not as painful and deep as before.

And another scratch appeared on my left arm.

Ahhh, is this creature what wants from me. Because this is the second time when my life is threatened by another creature, he came and instead killed the creature that bothered me.

I was silent for a moment, even though he was in front of me now.

I'm starting to think that, I guess this rooted being doesn't allow other beings to take me. Because only he can take me, and that's why when someone else will take me. He came and killed the creature. But so far, this is just my opinion.

All I know is that he existed and appeared the moment after I experienced my near death.

A third claw appeared on my thigh. Oh, how long will this rooted creature disappear again?

I glanced at the clock on my desk.


Gosh it's already night, are my family still waiting for me outside or are they already sleeping?.

The fourth claw appeared on my thigh again.

I want to move my body, but it's still weak.

Then the rooted creature slowly entered the ground again.

That's weird.

I looked at the clock on my desk again.


It's been a day, is that why he disappeared again?

I took a deep breath and let it out.

Tonight is a night I can never forget in my life. I will remember it for the rest of my life.

I looked at the clock on my desk again.


I can not sleep, and my body is starting to feel good.

I decided to get up and get some water.

uhh. I walked still limping.

And I feel my stomach still feels weird. Ugh. It still hurts but it's okay.

I came out of the room, all the lights were still on.

I looked in the living room, there was no one. I went to my parents' room, they weren't there either.

In my sister's room, nothing. The last time I went to the kitchen, they weren't there either.

Where are they?.

"Father?, Mother?, Sis Emy???"

No answer.

Then where did they all go? I'm the only one left in this house.

. Where are they.??.


Am I dreaming this time? or are they not at home?

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