
Chapter 008 | Earning Dr. Abraham Erskine’s trust and meeting Peggy Carter


The bullet was about to hit Abraham Erskine's chest, when Steve threw a green beer bottle towards the Hydra assassin.


The Hydra assassin's body fell down with blood and pieces of glass stuck in his head, the funny thing about this though is that a squad of professional agents came in with pistols pointing at Steve.

"Don't move, or I'll shoot!!!"~

Said an amazing brown-haired woman with a gorgeous face and a cold look on her face.

Her name is Peggy Carter, she is a British-American race born in America, her boss order her to protect Dr. Abraham Erskine at all times.

From an early age, Peggy have been babied by her parents, she always remembered her parents told her to stay at home, cook, clean, and pleasure her future husband.

But something in Peggy always told her, that she is destined for greater things, so she always loathe those weak people, especially woman who always do whatever their husbands tell them.

Over the years, Peggy train like a machine, she always wanted to stand on the same level as men during the War.

"Stop, stop, I know this man, thank you, Steve."

Said Abraham Erskine with shock evident on his face, he thought that Hydra would really kill him and he wouldn't be able to complete his project.

"When did you learn how to throw with such accuracy like that?"

"Haha, I picked it up growing up on the streets of Brooklyn."


Dr. Abraham Erskine nodded in acknowledgment as he saw this small figure in front of him with an intriguing gaze.

"How about this, you get up early in the morning and we will come pick you up."


Said Steve with fake stunned expression on his face, if he push a little harder, he can participate in the Super Soldier Experiment.

"Oh, don't worry; it is just a surprise."

After saying those words; Dr. Abraham Erskine leaves with a group of fully-armed soldiers.

"Don't tell anyone about this, Steve Rodgers, or I'll kill you myself."

Said Peggy with a cold look in her eyes as she walked away leaving an intense atmosphere behind her.

Steve watches them leave as he walked before the Police comes and arrest him.

Their wasn't a shred of emotion on Steve's face as he killed that Hydra assassin; but what Steve doesn't know is that Hydra already has him on their kill list.

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Luthor's Villa

"So; Steve is finally about achieve his destiny; his destiny of being my Captain America."

Said Lex as he sips on his wine, Lex has been gathering up a lot of supporters and racking up influence in order to ascend to the leader of the Irish Mob.

He already has manipulated the leader's wife by showing evidence of her husband's affairs and mistresses.

Lex got closed to her everyday by doing favors and taking care of her, Lex seduced her awhile back causing her to feel shamed.

After having sex; Lex further corrupted her by spitting verbal venom in her ears about her husband.

Lex and Irish Mob's leader wife has been having an affair; the leader doesn't know it though.

"Just a few more steps; and I'll bask in my glory."

"Haha, I look Darth Sidious of the Marvel World."

Said Lex as he laughs in a sadistic way; which would make any other person shit their pants.

As Lex was drinking his wine; he has also been waiting to complete this task for a long time now; he really wanted that reward.


Lex telephone rings as he picks up the call; he heard Steve talking about that; and that it was a success.

The more Steve talked; the more Lex laughs in a scornful way; everything is going according to plan; Lex is manipulating Captain America and making him his bitch.

"Good; Dr. Abraham Erskine is going to take you to the Military Vicinity tomorrow; he will ask you tons of questions; all you have to do is answer them rightfully."

Said Lex as he speaks to Rodgers with a menacing voice; making Rodgers shiver in freight as he heard what Lex said.

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Strategic Science Reserve.

"I don't know if I can trust, Steve Rodgers, sir."

Said Peggy as she saw the way Steve was non-reactiveness when he killed that professionally trained Hydra Agent.

Normal people would hyperventilate and would have psychological scars for years if they ever killed a man like that.


"Peggy, this Steve Rodgers you say; he is just civilian who can't hurt anybody; he just hit the Hydra Assassin in the head; it was a lucky shot."

Said Colonel Harris as he begins to feel annoyed when Peggy starts to express her doubts and over-thinking.

"Besides; I have already ran a background check on him, his father served the 107th Infantry of the United States in World War (|)."

"He grown up in the streets on Brooklyn; people picked on him because of his small size; and he often got into fights."

Said Colonel Harris as he continues to read the information about Steve Rodgers out loud to Peggy; as her suspicious gaze is halted.

"That is enough now; go and see if Dr. Abraham Erskine is alright."

(Sorry for taking too long to post on this story; I have to study, and that doesn't give me enough energy to write a chapter after I'm done; so once again I'm sorry for the minor inconvenience.)

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