
We Set Out For Dameville

After ordering, Becca began to eat unending and Liam just stared at her. She only looked up the moment she turned full and she sighed in satisfaction. " Do you want to kill Elaine, look how much food you consumed in a short amount of time?", she furrowed her brows. Who was Elaine?

Liam quickly guessed what she was thinking and sighed. He got up and she followed suit. " Wait here I would be right back", he said calmly to have her sit back down. Well her food hadn't completely digested so she might as well listen to what he was saying, it would benefit her anyways.

Liam arrived outside and was met with Julio standing under a tree, he disguised himself so well that you wouldn't notice any strange thing under the tree but Liam quickly took note.

" Julio",Liam whispered across for Julio to appear before him. " I was afraid of being seen milord", Julio quickly explained and Liam just nodded. In response Julio told Liam all that happened in the kitchen that day and that the culprit responsible for Becca's neck line was Lady Tori.

Liam didn't comment on it. So Tori had the guts to hurt Becca behind his back, he wasn't shocked if his sister just watched, Georgia was less caring than Gina but Tori wasn't family, maybe to his mother but not to him. He would make sure to repay her with the worst punishment his crazy brain could think of. Julio soon disappeared for the prince to make his way towards the guards.

" Hello?", Liam said as he approached a certain red head, well the one who had dared bump into his little one and still bullied her. Why were all red heads stupid or was it only the ones he knew because Tori was red haired and she also hurt his little one.

" Prince.... Am sorry I didn't know that she was with you.... I swear on my father's life I would stay away from her, I swear", the girl began to beg but all she did was add fuel to the fire and Liam barely pitied her. It was foolish humans like this who end up on his radar. His gaze on her darkened and he raised her chin to the side, " Loose her", his cold voice rang in the air giving him an unsual gloominess and the girl smiled in relief, was the prince letting her go, if she got out of here alive, she would stop being mean and apologize to everyone she hurt.

Little red head thought in her heart as the guards untied her.

She got up ready to thank the prince for letting her go when in an total of seconds, SNAP. He had broken her neck bone by twisting her head to the side, the most easy way to kill a human or knock a vampire unconscious. He brought out his fangs and dug on her skin, wow she tasted good. He kept sipping her blood with Becca on his mind and all of a sudden he heard her soft shaking voice, " What..... are you....do... doing?".



The current King of the Witches, King Phillips and his queen were having breakfast with their children when the King's assistant came in saying that there was a later from the palace of the Vampires.

"Read what is in there Lucious", King Phillips said to have Lucious read out the contents loud and clear for the King and everyone in the royal dining to hear.

To GREVINHALE's royal king and queen,

I, the personal advisor of Prince Liam the vampire prince, personally writes to you to invite you to the wonderful celebration of the Prince's coronation, I hope you accept as we wish to share our blessings with you all....

Advisor Matthews

" This is absolute nonsense, how do they expect us to show up for that useless coronation when we don't even agree with those silly night creatures", Phillips son, the current Prince Maverick said and his mother chuckled.

" Maverick my dear, it's not up to us if we attend or not. You see for every coronation that happens in the three kingdoms, Dameville, Gardenne and Grevinhale, the higher-ups require us to come together to mark this moment", Felicia said to her son and stared at her daughter who was now in her own little world.

Ever since the death of that good for nothing niece of hers, everything had gone smoothly for her family. At first it looked like a dream which was too good to be true. But then days passed and days turned into weeks and weeks into month. It's been a whole year and If Isobel was truly alive, she would have returned, besides everyone felt the pain of loosing the heir, so of course Little Isobel was gone and her life was perfect.

The thought of all these always gave her joy, immense joy I tell you.

" Then it's settled, tomorrow morning, we set out for Dameville, attend the prince's stupid coronation and return back to Grevinhale", Phillips said and left the dining room to go handle matters of the court.

But if you think about it, were things actually going to go as planned?

sorry for the insults to red haired people it was just my imagination, don't get annoyed

sorry for the slow updates

kindly rate and review my work please

Lil_6ixx6creators' thoughts
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