
Sakura 2

Sakura sighed as she laid in her bed, her green hues glaring at the ceiling absent-mindedly. It was night, and she had her light that was positioned over her dresser on the other side of her room brightening her entire room. She was wearing red shorts with a matching top. Her room was more of rectangular shape, if that made any sense, and it's occupants included a table; a chair; a bed positioned near the bed; and pink curtains that decorated and covered said window, which were pulled back now.

"So this was what my remaining school years are going to be: Ino's slave... What a fucking mess...I can't believe she would actually do something like blackmailing me, in order to get what she wants. What a bitch!"

Sakura pulls her pillow over her head to muffle her scream, her legs being kicked about as she does so. This was her way of venting her frustration, since just thinking about the situation had gotten her all riled up. But the tent that had formed in her shorts was a contradictory to this. Sakura whimpered as she peaked from underneath the pillow to glance at her, a hit of rosey red adhering to her cheek.

"It's because of you that I'm having these problems," she said, "If only you hadn't been between my legs, none of this would be happening..." She may have stated this, but none of true. If it were, then why would she dedicate herself to indulging in masturbation with it? Truthfully she loved her cock; it provided her with amazing pleasure, and she loved her blissful ejaculations that came with it. But it had gotten her into many tight situations-like the time she was nearly caught pleasuring herself in the womens' locker room during her freshman year, or the time she got a hard on during class and had to do a presentation. Yeah, those were close indeed, but not once did she ever anticipate that Ino would use her ill habits against her.

Removing her pillow from her head, Sakura fixated her gaze onto her erection. It made her think back to when she was young; when she was innocent and pure-hearted, and when puberty hadn't hit and she wasn't thinking of satisfying herself all the time. She closes her lids over her light green hues in order to think about those wonderful moments.

[Brief flashback]

Sakura was in the doctor's office with her parents. It was daytime, the brilliant rays of the afternoon sun penetrating through the white curtains and suffusing the room in white. Sakura was small, a child. She was swinging her feet back and forth as they were dangling over the ground, which she couldn't touch yet. She sat in her chair beside her mother. She was wearing a pink dress and wore white socks with black shoes. She had a pink bow in her hair as well. Her mother was in a brown suit, and her father was in a white, long sleeved shirt and black pants. His beard now was nothing more than stubble at the time. She doesn't remember what the doctor was wearing or who he even was, but she did remember the conversation they were having.

The doctor sighed. "Your daughter was born with a rare condition," he begins, "and she has both the organs of a male, as well as a female."

"But how does this happen?" Inquired Sakura's mother.

"That isn't an easy question to answer," he replies. "Even I, myself, am puzzled how these two organs can work cohesively. But we won't be able to find out more until she becomes older, seeing as since she is so young and we can't take proper experiments to discover this."

Both her mother and father glance at Sakura, who did nothing more than smile back, revealing that she was still missing a few teeth out of a complete set. Her mother and father both smiled back, with her mother rubbing her head.

"It appears that her body seems to function well with these part, though, meaning you as parents shouldn't have any worries at this time. We will continue with the annual check-ups for safe measures," stated the doctor. "But, as a precaution, we mustn't let let anyone know of this. This is strictly confidential between us."

Sakura's mother and father both nodded in agreement to this. They all then stood to shake the doctor's hand, concluding their appointment at that point; and grabbing Sakura, they then left.

"Do you really think she is going to be ok? I mean, what will happen when she gets older?" Sakura's mother asked her husband worriedly as they walked the hall, back towards the exit. Sakura was between the two, each holding her hand. Sakura's father smiled once more as he glances down at his daughter. He saw nothing that was wrong with her, and instead saw her as what she was: his daughter.

"It doesn't matter to me, but what I do see is my pink-haired princess, whom I will love unconditionally. And I believe when she gets older, we will have nothing to worry about," responds her father, smiling. Hearing this, her mother's worry disappeared, with her donning a smile also. They three then exit the hospital, making their way back home.

[End of flashback]

Yeah...things appeared so much simpler back in those times, did thy not? Now she has to deal with these overpowering urges and some sadistic blonde that she would love to strangle to death. But she couldn't lie about the fact that Ino had an amazing body. But you you would never hear her saying such to her.

A sigh once again parts her lips. She had removed her cock from her shorts, the organ standing at attention. She wasn't going to be able to sleep while it's in this condition. If she wanted peace, she would have to relieve this tension immediately. She exits the bed and walks over to the lamp, pulling the string to deactivate it, leaving the room semi-dark. The ghastly rays of the moon entering the room compensated for the lack of inadequate lighting. She then returns to her bed, retrieving her special lotion before laying upon her back. The pinkette soon got to work on alleviating herself, her right, now lathered in lotion, now working her erection, the sounds of her labor pervading the air.

Sakura closed her locker as the bell signalling second class rung. She had seen Ino during first class, and for the most part, she appeared rather...normal? Yeah, that classifies that. It's funny, ever since those couple days ago, when she revealed that she was "Lady I" and made her jerk herself off, Sakura hadn't heard from her since. Maybe she does have a conscious.

Sakura was making her way to the library since she had no second classes, meaning it was a free period for her. She wondered if she was going to see Sasuke there. Now she wouldn't mind having a go with him, and she would bet after she was done, he wouldn't be able to sit for days! But chances were that he was with that knucklehead Naruto, since they were great friends. She developed a crush on the boy since they were young. Both Ino and her had crushes on her, however, Ino was too loose and Sakura was plain invisible to him. But Naruto was very nice to her, though. That doofus...he even asked her out once.

Sakura was just at the library's entrance. She takes a moment to look in through the door, only to discover that...Yes, Sasuke was present! And what made it better was that he was alone! This was her chance! Today was turning out to be pretty awesome for the pinkette. Elated, she pushes open the door. She was only able to put her right foot over the threshol when, abruptly, her phone vibrates. Reaching into her skirt pocket, she retrieves her phone, checking it. Her eyes went wide as her heart seemed to drop to her stomach. It was from "Lady I", aka Ino. And opening the text, it read:

"Meet me on the top of the school immediately. Any minute later than five, and I'll send your pictures to everyone in Konoha in seconds. See you soon~?"

After reading this, Sakura sighed, clearly disheartened. She clearly wanted to talk to Sasuke, but if she didn't submit, the truth about her would keep him away for good. Ugh, how she hated her!

Sakura arrives at the top of the school, which was strictly prohibited. However, in doing so, she finds none there except for herself. After dropping her book-bag near the exit, she takes a look around. She probably knew that Sasuke was in the library and purposely tricked her into appearing here! Knowing Ino, there wasn't nothing she wouldn't do to get what she wanted.

"Glad you could make it," said Ino, who appeared behind her, causing the pinkette to practically jump and spin around to face her. "No need to be so startled, you know."

"Whatever," Sakura says. "I haven't heard from you in the past few days, so why now you decide you want to meet again?"

"Simple..." she began, stepping before Sakura and closing the distance between them at that instant. Sakura could feel her breast being pressed against her own, her nipples like diamonds from the contact. A light hint of red appeared on her cheek as a result of this.

"...I can't get what we did out of my mind...and now, I can't stop thinking about it. I've haven't been texting you for the past few days because I was thinking on how I will make you pay for making me have an orgasm infront of you."

Wait, pay!? But she was the one that made her masturbate before her, not Sakura. How is that fair for giving her punishment if she didn't do anything at all?! Sakura had no idea Ino was this nuts.

"Wait, punish me?" Sakura reiterates. "You were the one that made me masturbate infront of you, so isn't it your own fault that you started to do so as well!?"

"No, it isn't my fault. Your cock is the one that made me do it, so I plan on disciplining it for that sole purpose," Ino elaborated. "So hurry up and get hard so that I commence the disciplinary actions."

Sakura hesitated for a moment before she reached beneath her skirt, hooking her thumb around the rim of her black shorts and underwear, pulling them both down to her knees. She adverted her gaze as her limp member gradually blossomed into a full erection, which was protruding from her skirt and pointed right at Ino. Sakura then awaited for Ino's next order. But what she didn't know was that Ino had gotten on her knees before her, grasping her thick cock with her delicate hands. She then began to stroke her right hand along the shaft, the stimulation of the nerves sending pleasure rippling through her. She attempted to ignore this at first in order to not allow the female the satisfaction, but as her hand pumped faster, the stimulation increased in response to this, making it rather difficult for Sakura to keep her composure.

"You're holding up well, but let's see how you manage against this..." Ino said, catching Sakura's attention. Sakura's eyes then widened as she watched ino's lips part, her mouth opening. Sakura could anticipate what came next, her heart racing in anticipation. She could feel Ino's breath kiss the sensitive glanse of her organ, before she felt Ino's lips encasing the tip and her tongue rubbing the underside. Sakura allowed a gasp to escape her lips as she felt this. She was growing more excited by the second, clearly desiring for her to suck.

Ino's right hand gasped the back of the shaft to hold it steady, her mouth sliding down until it her lips touched her hand, only to go back up. She resumed to repeat this action, gagging on some occasions since the glanse would hit the back of the her mouth, triggering her gag reflex. Though, this only coated Sakura's length with more saliva and also causing tears to develop in her eyes. Aside from that, she was doing an acceptable job of sucking her.

Sakura couldn't fathom that Ino was actually performing a fellatio on her. She expected more of her jerking her off, but this was greater than that. She didn't know that Ino was this skilled in oral sex, and the way her head was bobbing along her erection felt amazing! But Sakura couldn't stand still for this, her hips involuntarily shaking so she could intensify the pleasure. She had momentarily omitted that this was her punishment, her body responding to its cravings.

Noticing this, Ino stops and pulls her cock from her mouth and glowers at the pinkette. The right hand pumping her now red cock.

"What did I tell you? This is your punishment; your own actions are restricted until I saw otherwise, got it?" Ino informs her sharply, with Sakura nodding her head silently. Sakura had succumbed to her body and dropped her defences against the blonde; she was willing to comply as long as it meant being rewarded with more pleasure. She was puddy in Ino's hands. "That's a good girl. Keep being cooperative and I might let you try my other 'lips' one day..." But truth be told, Ino was growing wet after sucking her. Though she refused to let herself slip up like last time.

Sakura was trembling as she continues to let Ino take control. It seemed like it was progressing now, but after her minor slip up, Ino's pace was stagnant at the least, clearly teasing the pinkette. She was even looking up at her as she did this, watching Sakura's expression. But the problem was was that Sakura was getting close to her orgasm. She could feel the tension in he organ developing, which was growing greater by the second, and yet Ino didn't increase her speed. Sakura's heart rate began to increase, her body starting to twitch on its own. Sakura's eyes were lowering slightly, her right hand over her mouth. Pre-cum was also leaking from the tip in preparation for the load that was being coming up. Ino's eyes suddenly shifted downward, then back up and Sakura.

She pulls her mouth off the length, allowing the cool air to hit it.

It was clear that she sampled the pre-cum upon her tongue.

"You're about to cum, aren't you?"


"Tell you what...if you can say 'I'm Lady I's bitch', I will let you go with this punishment and finish in my mouth. Deal?"


"You heard me. Not like you could refuse, seeing as though your cock is throbbing like mad. I bet it must be agonizing..." Ino began to pumping the head of Sakura's cock at a slow pace, Sakura instantly stiffing up, "...having a cock like this and being so close to finishing, yet being unable to.."

Ino knew she had Sakura on the ropes, so, reaching into her left pocket with her free hand, she pulls her phone out and pressed the red button, ensuring that her device was recording.

Sakura felt like she going to explode if she didn't rid herself of all this accumulated pleasure. Her eyes were tearing up, the begging of relief evident in them. Sakura was grimacing. But at the same time, if she did so, it would mean that she would have to run her pride through the mud. But despite this, her mind was more concerned about ejaculating, she was willing to give in.


"Hold on..." She puts the recorder before her. "Ok, continue."

"I...I...I'm Lady I's bitch..." She whispers.

"Huh? I can't hear you. Mind saying that louder?"

"I'm Lady I's bitch!" Sakura said aloud.

Satisfied, Ino made sure to save it into her voice memos and put the phone away. She then wraps her mouth around Sakura's member for a third time, bobbing her head vigorously along the shaft, the stimulation pushing her over the limit. The tension the muscles had reached its apex, Sakura's hand grasping Ino's blonde head and clenching tight. She had reached the point of no return, thrusting her own hips into Ino's face to overcome the hump.

Sakura tilts her head back, her eyes closed and lips being bitten upon. It was then that the tension had reached its max, causing the contractions in her penis to occur. Sakura made to sure shove her cock as deep as she could into Ino's mouth before this, the strong contractions forcing out semen into her mouth, which Ino stored in her mouth. After a few seconds, the contractions faded, Sakura slowly pulling her cock from her mouth, which was now limp and covered with saliva. Freed from her grasp, Ino regurgitates the load, spitting and such before wiping her mouth.

The contractions may have faded, but Sakura felt a bit weak in the knees, like her legs were jelly. It was then that the bell signalling third class rung, startling the two. Ino stands to her feet.

"Looks like that's all we got time for today. And aside from pictures, I also got a recording. See you around, sugar bum~" The blonde Kunoichi then says, waving as she made her way to the exit door, abandoning Sakura on the rooftop.

"Shit...now she has a recording...just great..."

The pinkette says solemnly, walking to the exit and picking up her book-bag and exiting the door that lead to the school top as well. But Sakura could lie that oral ejaculation felt amazing. Ino had her feeling weak for a moment. But still, this was just the start. Oh, how she wished she could've had time to see Sasuke in the library...

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