

At that exact moment, Sebastian's phone indicated an incoming call. He immediately noticed it was Daniel, before saying to Sara "Daniel is calling me, I need to take this, but I will get back to you."

Before Sara could respond, Sebastian ended the call and answered Daniel's call with a snapped "What is it, Daniel?

"Calm down Sebastian. There is no need to bite my head off."

"I was busy."

"Talking to Sara I suspect. I have seen what has been publicised. I am going to make this clear, and you can forget about asking our uncles to support any different position on this because it is one thing, we agree on…"

Hesitantly Sebastian asked, "What is it?"

"Forget about using company resources to aid her. This is one thing we do not want to be associated with, as it will damage us."

"But she is the victim. Someone preyed on her vulnerability, particularly when she asked me to go with her and I refused…"

Firmly Daniel responded "Get it through your head. She was seventeen. She should have had some sense not to go into a meeting like that on her own, particularly with all the rumours that surround the entertainment industry."

"What! That is not fair. I want to help her."

"Are you really a petulant child?"

Angrily Sebastian spat out "You…"

"Just let me make this clear. Company resources are not available. And the relevant departments have been told that you cannot counterman that. You can do what you like yourself, as I cannot stop you helping her, but that is a waste of time. Plus, both your sister-in-law and I want you to issue a public apology to Abigail Meng, and before you ask why, you questioned my commitment to my wife, and you used a young woman to do so."

Before he could respond, Daniel hung up at him, and Sebastian swore. The question was, how could he help Sara. She did not deserve to be hurt like this.

It hit him, one of he very few ways that he could think of was to get her to the police to report what he did. It might stop the damage that was happening.

Sebastian dialled Sara who quickly answered and sobbed "Why did you hang up on me. I needed you."

"I told you, Daniel was calling, and I needed to take the call."

Slightly brighter, Sara said "He is going to do something?"

Defeated Sebastian said "No. He even told me I cannot use any company resources to help you."

"WHAT!" came Sara's angry response.

"I know, I was stunned myself when he indicated that, and then his demand to me…"

Sobbing, Sara added "He demanded that you abandon me. Please No!"

"Sara, Sweetheart, no that was not what he demanded. It was something else, but that does not matter."

"What do I do? This is destroying me."

Taking a deep breath Sebastian as calmly as he could said "I am assuming you are still at the hotel?"

Sara hesitantly responded "Yes. Why?"

"Come and meet me in the lobby in fifteen minutes. The only thing I can think that we do is report him to the police for abusing you. You have only just turned eighteen."

On the other end of the phone Sara, smiled and said, "Half an hour as I have to get ready."

After hanging up the phone, Sara, relaxed and headed into the bathroom, away from Chelsea who was wailing in the lounge area of eh suite having forced her way in ten minutes ago, and quietly dialled the agent that her management company had appointed for her.

As soon as there was an answer Sara quietly said, "I have received your messages, and I am handling it."

"Miss Meng, be careful in what you do. Remember what I told you when you told me about what happened. I warned you about meeting the director, as he is known for this with young newbie actresses, and the rules around him because of his family background mean that no one dares report him to the police."


"You really want his family to destroy you? They will have no compunction in locating any potential of your flaws or scandals and publicising it. Being the daughter of the Meng family, and soon to be young Madam of the Wu family will not stop them."

Sara went quiet for a few seconds before saying "I must protect myself. And I thought you told me that every trace of anything that could show what happened you had secured in case it was needed."

"I spent the money you gave me to purchase all recordings and rights to what happened, and as per your instruction I have made sure there is the one copy of everything, which you have. So before you ask I have no idea where it came from and how they got it."

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