

There was something very unique about being tired. The very notion of doing something productive becomes a battle of the mind instantly.

And Jack was also no exception currently staring at his own monitor.

After being done with school he was having this called battle of the mind. He was also clearly giving glances over to his bed and he would love to just straight up sleep through the rest of the day.

But then again, he would waste a whole day and be back straight to school. What a weird dilemma.

There was a silver lining though. tiredness gave birth to laziness. It wasn't always a good thing, but sometimes it resulted in being efficient in its own way.

Why that would be the case? Well, Jack was also looking at his phone and his head was deep in thought.

'Man, I don't feel like doing anything today.' He looked over the data of his game and just simply stared. 'Why did I decide to make a game again? Those take a lot of time to complete. And with all the club activities piling up, I wonder if I can even put enough effort into this.'

Tiredness leads to laziness and one effectively starts to rethink the way how to tackle stuff.

'Right, I should text Leah about me not being able to help out today...'

Jack started to type on his phone and sim his aunt.

-Headsup. About the stuff, we talked this morning? PE killed any remaining energy I had. So I will pass on today, sorry.-

Looking at his text and nodding in acknowledgment he put his phone to the side.

'From how she wanted me to help out it seems we are not exactly doing that great with money. But I guess even she has her pride not talking about it.' Jack was thinking about the fact that she was giving him a pretty good allowance even though there was no real guarantee that he ever would do anything to help out.

'Money really is an issue. I myself start to feel it as well.' Obviously, he needed way more cash than he already invested. The game would probably get a substantial amount in but 40% would go to vapor anyway.

And it would take a lot of time to accumulate. So Jack started to rethink how to make money.

'How to get money fast...'

[You could rob a bank, Jack.]

Jack widened his eyes 'What the? Are you joking with me right now, KISS?'


'I guess you don't care what I do morally, huh? So that could be an option. But I will not go and do criminal stuff. At least I don't believe it's worth doing when I have different options.'

Somehow he wasn't even pushing it aside completely.

'Come to think of it. Could you predict the numbers for Powerball?' Somehow he started to wonder if there was a possible easy way out. But at the same time he was just smirking and joking as well.

[If you give me the current numbers and the data of at least the past few years, I can try to simulate.]

Jack widened his eyes. 'You serious?' He immediately went ahead and researched the current Powerball.

Apparently, it was called Megaball in this world and its current amount was a whopping $260 million.

After checking all the previous numbers to this date Kiss chimed in again.

[That is enough data for me to simulate. Your chances would rise to about 30% to win the jackpot, 60% to win something big, and 100% to get at least your money back.]

Jack just took that in with a small gaping mouth. The percentages were insane.

With that said he nodded in agreement and KISS spat out 5 different combinations. According to KISS, there was a high chance of the Powerball being a 4.

Rubbing his chin he thought about it. He would just waste the remaining money he had. There was still some small change in his bank account and there were already options to pay via online services. Hurray for that.

But somehow he felt like putting everything on that would just feel like cheating. Well, it literally was cheating in a sense.

Making a big sigh he just shook his head and went ahead buying himself those tickets with the given numbers and another combination of his own.

Wasting away the last remaining money he had he went back to staring at his monitor.

There had to be a certain way to get money in regularly without cheating. Something that could at least put him at ease and not stretch his time even thinner.

Then something hit him after he looked at the economics book lying around on his table.

'Right, how could I forget about this?' He was not talking about the content of the book but more about the book itself, flipping it around more than once. 'If I write a book, it should be done rather quickly as long as I tap into my old memories. Just gotta make sure none of the originals exist.'

Plagiarism was a very powerful tool in all those weird fantasy stories. And he is slowly being corrupted by it as well.

So taking a quick search for very good and addicting books, he found the following.

Harry Potter existed, so that was a no-go.

A lot of other classics also existed, which were also a no-go.

But a certain book series did not exist and it gave him a sly smile on his face.

There were three book series that he would now write. Each has its own take on fantasy.

Jack immediately went ahead and started to open up the equivalent of Microsofts word program and started to type out three different Titels.

- The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

- A Song of Ice and Fire

- The Lord of the Rings

- Alice: Return to Wonderland

Those were the four books that he ended up not finding and god forbid that Tolkien's epic was not in this world. What blasphemy, really.

And yes, he also planned to write a darker version of the classic Alice in Wonderland. Most probably know it as Alice: Madness Returns.

'So, now the question remains how I can access my memory well enough?'

[I can help out with that. Just give me permission and I will make all memories much clearer to you...]

'Oh, now I see why I had a splitting headache that one time. You were the reason that pushed the former Jackson's memories into my head when I tried to know what happened to this body.'

[I only made you remember clearly...]

'It's fine. At least you give me a warning this time around with you asking for permission. Just go ahead and scoop up all my memories from when I was reading those books. Let's start with Tolkien's books.'

With that being said, the headache that came after was a hell of a knockout. Literally knocking him out for a few minutes.

"Urgh...fuck. Not really one of the best ways to remember things..." Jack rubbed his glabella and started typing away.

Knowing the book word for word as if he was reading it at the same time sure enough was a weird experience. But he guessed that is what people with a photographic memory felt like.

Come to think of it, Jack felt like he was close to having something like it. Not really on the same level but close. Well, if things come from push to shove, he had his cheat called KISS.

A few hours went by and he managed to write quite a lot of content. But obviously, that would still take time as well to finish.

So in an attempt to get money quickly, he ended up giving himself more work again. What a damn cycle he ended up with.

And before he ended up even more tired than he already was, he went to sleep early enough to get his energy back for the following day.

That is after also doing some of his other stuff at the end like recording 2 covers of existing songs. At least his laziness somewhat vanished after getting into the mood.

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