
CHAPTER 26 Reedit

Hades Pov

At the bank of the river, a woman sat on a rock. She frowned at me as I walked over.

And ask. "You are?" She asked with a dismissive tone.

"I am called Hades. Do I need to drink from your river as well?"

"Glad that you caught on quickly. I am Styx, River of Oaths and Hate. You must take a drink only once to pass through my nine layers. Then I will explain the next part."

I nodded and knelt for a drink after dismissing my helm, I didn't need to put it on and take it off so many times. It tasted bitter. When I drank Only one thing flashed into my vision. Cronos, Titan of Time and Harvest, King of the Universe. There was also stubbing my toe but that wasn't important.

All of a sudden I felt like screwing everything and running straight to Cronos throne plunging my hand down his throat and pulling out his black heart. I got up and began to walk to the exit that had appeared in front of me. Before I got to the door, visions of everyone dying appeared in my head again. I stopped and Styx sighed.

"All Cronos will have to do is say a few words and you'll collapse." She chuckled as I fell to my hands and knees to resist my urges. "You may have strength but your mind is impossibly fragile. My advice for you is to sit out in the fight with Cronos. Your weakness is easy to exploit and will get everyone else killed. You survived the River Acheron, and now Styx. Now you must face my love. The River Phlegethon. But before you go, you must make a vow on my river. An important one."

I thought for a moment before narrowing my eyes. "I swear on the River Styx, I will be the one to try to kill Cronos."

She raised her eyebrow at me before sighing. "Idiot." She waved her hand and I appeared on the other side of the river. In front of me was a tall man, around nine feet smiling down at me.

"Welcome Olympian. All you must do is drink from these flames to prepare you for the torture you're going to endure."

I gulped and cupped the fire in my hands. It acted like liquid and dripped between my fingers. I quickly drank the flames. It went down my throat slowly and burned me like

that pepper I ate. It burned every corner of my mouth and throat and I closed my eyes as they began to tear up.

When I opened my eyes, I was in front of the last river. I quickly patted out the flames that had burned my chiton. Now all I had was the skirt. Red scars raced across my body and they wouldn't heal. A woman stood in front of me. She was tall and wore a white chiton like all the others. "What are you?" She asked while staring at me with wide pale eyes.

"Uh, I'm just someone trying to cross. I need to drink from your river, right?"

"Mn. Yeah, that's right. Have fun!"

I sighed and drank the pale white water. I immediately began to forget everything I knew. Zeus, Rhea, Hera, Poseidon. All gone. I tried frantically to grab a memory that slipped out of my grasp. but I was able to close my arms around one and my vision shifted to a new scene. It smelled horrible. I was in my 13-year-old body again. My body looked at Hestia again.

"Hey, Hestia? Do you want to try that thing moth- I mean Rhea was talking about?"

"What thing? All she does is talk after all."

My body rolled its eyes. "The kissing. She told me it was something you did with someone you really liked. She said it made things official."

Hestia shrugged. "I've never seen it. Do you know how to do it?"

My younger self nodded as I got close enough for our bodies to touch each other. I tried to imitate how Kronos had done it. The one thing he seemed to do right other than be the worst thing on the planet. I laced her fingers on her right hand through my left hand. I put her free hand on my shoulder and I wrapped my right arm around her waist before I leaned down and about put my lips on hers. But she stops me with her hand 

Hades:"???? what happened?? "

Hestia: "Meh, seemed a little off, like something someone telling me you are doing wrong." It will be dangerous for you and me. 


Hestia: "And I don't like you this way. l like you brother way. And never try something like that."

Then I awoke in front of the large palace. I could remember everything again. I had never forgotten it but I never brought it up and neither did Hestia. Now we knew what it meant.

But she kiss zeus multiple times like she like him I thought and it get me angry. But I am not strong enough to fight him and take her by force. I think I can save some parts of this immortal killing beast for zeus. I will think about it later

I put on my helm and vanished. The Underworld became freezing as I walked around the palace to the mansion with the green light coming out of it.

I walked down the cobblestone path silently. I didn't want to use my Shadow Travel, as I called it, too much. It was a simple concept. In a shadow, I can transport myself to another shadow I can see or just take a random guess and it puts me to the nearest shadow. The first way made it feel as if I had run half a mile with no rest and the second as if I ran two.

I looked into a window to see three women spinning a tapestry. The young blonde one spun the actual thread while the middle-aged black-haired woman measured it. An old woman sat at the end with a pair of shears and cut the thread. She looked me right in the eyes as she cut a thread. Behind her was a tapestry of a bird-headed man stepping on top of a bleeding Poseidon.

I continued walking. No point in wasting time. I quietly snuck past a tall man in black fur. He was about eight feet tall and two dual blades were strapped to his wrists. They were made of some strange metal that seemed to suck in light. They curved at the tip into dangerous points. He wore a simple black tunic with a blood-red belt. His hair was messy and cut short. His red eyes darted back and forth.

As I walked past he began to sniff the air. He turned to me and continued to smell before turning into a three-headed wolf. He had a shoulder height of eight feet and his eyes turned into red slits of smoking energy. In his mouth, an ominous red glow poured out.

I held still. He sniffed me all over before growling and walking away. I looked down at my not-mauled body, and sighed before noticing the red scars were gone. I didn't know what they meant but I had more things to worry about.

Cronos just stomped out of what I assumed was Hecate's house. He drew something in the grass with his scythe and vanished in a puff of golden smoke.

I quickly ran over to the house and silently slipped in before the door closed. I was in a hall that was bigger than the house on the outside. It was a vast hallway that had various riches in glass cases along the walls. The walls were lined with black round columns chiseled with a checkered pattern. The walls were painted red like the floor and it went up high into a rounded



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