
Chapter 123 : Loss


Stefan yanked the elven king backwards, "don't go near him, that energy he's emitting is like nothing I've ever seen before, it could be dangerous."

Aragon pulled away from Stefan, "this is no time for nonsense Stefan I'm trying to find my daughter and grandchild." The elven king walked towards the redheaded prince who had been watching them intently. "Aiden-" the king stopped when he saw the pale human who Aiden had sucked dry laying on the ground, he looked up at the young man, there was an emptiness in his eyes as if one was looking down a dark bottomless pit.

"Aiden what happened?" Aragon asked, "son are you okay? What happened to Estel and the baby? Did you find them?"

Aiden cocked his head to the side and spoke in a throaty voice, "Estel..."

"Yes Aiden, Estel, where-"

Aiden grabbed the man by the throat and with a one powerful flap of his wings left the ground with Aragon still in his grip.

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