
[39.2] Della POV: The Scorching Sun

[Author's note: This is a dream.]

The bright sun scorched my skin.

The metal collar and chains around my wrists burnt my skin as they captured the sun's rays.

I'm here again.

My throat was parched and I felt like I would faint at any moment. The only way I could stay awake was by looking at my bare feet and moving my toes through the harsh surface of the cage.

My feet feel like they are burning.

I had to endure this from birth, but it still never got easier.

I turned my head to the side and watched as others were led into the small cage to join me. I recognized my younger brother and nearly cried in relief, but I didn't have any tears to spare.

I couldn't speak to him since the guards would punish us, but when our eyes met it was enough for us to understand each other. He silently moved beside me and grabbed my scratchy dress.

A crowd gathered in front of our cage. A man spoke, "These slaves are the best quality! They are all ice attributes! This is a rare find in our desert territory, so purchase them now!"

A man came over and pointed, "I want those three."

Red flawlessly infiltrated my dreams and grabbed the cage. She laughed crazily, "HAHAHA! They are selling you! Don't you hate them!? Why aren't you trying to fight back?! You're not even trying to argue!"

I tried to ignore her.

This was the memory that always stayed with me.

It wasn't that it was traumatic, in fact, I was overjoyed because I got to stay with my younger brother.

I was shuffled out of the cage and attached to a large animal I had never seen before. All of the slaves were chained together and forced to walk across the burning hot sand without any breaks.

Our throats were all parched and our stomachs were in pain from hunger.

I felt the chain behind me suddenly tighten and pull me down. I looked back in a panic to see my younger brother collapse from a heat stroke.

The man who bought us screamed, "MOVE!"

I bit my lip and rushed to my brother's side to pick him up, "Get up! Hurry!"

Red watched with devious eyes, "Do I get to see his death? How exciting!"

I ignored her and placed my hands over his forehead. I closed my eyes and imagined ice forming at the bottom of my palm.

A frost slowly extended from my hand and covered his forehead. His heat stroke slowly dissipated and he opened his eyes slowly, "Sissy.."

I felt someone grab me and pull me back. I looked up at the man who bought us with pure fear.

He screamed, "You dare waste MY mana!?"

He raised my hand and struck me.

An explosion of stars exploded across my vision as I fell to the ground.

He went to his bags and pulled out a whip.

Red screamed as he lashed me, "He's beating you now! Don't you want to kill him!? KILL HIM!"

How could I kill him?

At the time, I only knew how to endure.

After he finished, he forced me up and had me walk through the desert with open wounds. Sand seemed to crawl inside and make the cuts feel even more painful.

I thought whipping was the worst, but that was nothing compared to having my mana extracted.

As soon as we arrived at his camp, he grabbed me by the hair and led me inside a filthy-smelling tent. He threw me to the ground and began to extract my mana forcefully.

I screamed out in agony while he continued to extract my mana without expression.

It felt as if my bones were being ripped out and my skin was being burnt to a crisp.


I woke up screaming.

Once I realized I was awake, I forced myself to take deep breaths.

I held my hands which were still tingling from pain. My eyes slowly looked around my room and saw a thin layer of ice around me.

Red stared at me with malicious eyes, "Why aren't you going back to get revenge? You could kill them! You're not a child anymore!!"

I ignored her and climbed out of bed. I put on a cover and walked to the office where the Headmaster was still sitting and scribbling.

I entered silently and pulled his chair back. He looked at me in confusion as I sat on his lap and nuzzled into his cold embrace.

He froze, "Uh… Della?"

I hushed him, "Shh. Just let me sit here for a while."

He remained stiff, "Is… Is everything okay?"

"It's okay. There isn't anything to worry about."

"I… I might be able to help if you tell me."

I laughed, "You really don't have to worry. Just pay me no attention and go back to work."

"Oh… Then I will do that."

I felt him return to writing, but it was clear he was having trouble focusing.

Red clicked her tongue as she watched us, "I don't understand why you like such a cold man."

I smiled to myself, "I hate the heat, so I don't mind a cold man."

Aldrich paused, "What was that?"

Ah. I spoke aloud.

I turned to look up at him, "I hate the heat. It reminds me of the desert… But when I'm in your embrace, it's a very comforting cold. It makes me forget all about that scorching heat."

"Is that so…"

I felt the air around me get colder.

I laughed to myself and snuggled in closer to him.

I closed my eyes.


I could get used to this.

…If only she would let me.

Eventually, I fell back to sleep. For the first night in a while, I never had any nightmares.

I slept so soundly that I never realized Aldrich had carried me off to bed and covered me with blankets with a delicate touch.

Once morning finally arrived, I could barely force myself to wake up.

My eyes slowly opened, wincing from the bright light.

I sprang up in a panic, "Oh no! I need to wake up Reika for class!"


When did I get in bed?

Ah! No matter. I need to get Reika ready.

I rushed to put on a cover over my pajamas and ran to her room only to find it empty. My heart started thumping wildly in my chest as I stared at the bed that didn't contain my daughter.

Where is she?!

What happened!?

The woman in red snickered, "She's dead. She got kidnapped and now she's dead. You're a horrible mother."

My breath caught in my throat. I cried out in a panic and rushed downstairs, "Reika! REIKA!"

I ran into the kitchen where I saw Reika, Aldrich, and Zephyr sitting with food in their mouths.

I grabbed the wall and took in a deep breath, "Oh… You're all here…"

Aldrich put down his fork, "We didn't mean to cause you to panic. You were sleeping so soundly and I know you've been having trouble sleeping lately, so I thought I would let you sleep in."

Zephyr frowned, "He woke me up so I could help him."

Reika held up a charred piece of toast, "Then we all made breakfast together."

I forced on a smile and walked over. I looked at the horribly made food, "You should have woken me up. What will you do if this gives you a stomachache?"

Reika grinned, "It's the perfect excuse not to have to go to class."

I frowned, "Reika."

Aldrich cleared his throat, "It shouldn't make us sick. It's still edible."

Zephyr tried to bite on the hardened bread, but it wouldn't break. He put it down, "I wouldn't say edible."

I went over to the counter and pulled out my wand, "Let me make something really fast."

Aldrich frowned, "Della… If you're too tired, you don't need to do anything."

Red spoke quickly, "See! They don't need you. He's even trying to tell you politely."

"I got more than enough sleep. Don't worry." I gave my wand a twirl, "Volito."

The ingredients flew in the air, combining and mixing before landing on the stove. I cooked fast and handed out plates to each person.

Zephyr happily devoured it, "Ah! I missed you, delicious food!!"

I let out a content sigh, "See. They all still need me."

An uncomfortable silence went over the room.

"I don't think we ever said we didn't…" Aldrich looked at Zephyr, "Right?"

Zephyr glanced up with his mouth full of food, "Mmf mfmff?"

Reika slammed her fork down and stood up abruptly, "NEVER!"

We all flinched from her sudden outburst.

She ran over to me and hugged me, "If I didn't have my Mummy I would go crazy and destroy the world!"

I laughed and rubbed her head, "There's no need to be so dramatic. I'm sure you wouldn't actually destroy the world."

She stared up at me with a slightly crazed look, "I would. I really would."

Behind her eyes, I saw a flash of something unnatural.

Red laughed, "Whoa! I guess the corruption is actually working. I wish I could tell my master."

I hugged Reika tightly, almost desperately. I forced a calm voice, "You wouldn't do that. You have Zephyr, your father, and your friends. You wouldn't be alone."

Zephyr scoffed, "Yeah! What are we!? Chopped liver?!"

Aldrich pouted as he moved around his food, "...Am I the least favorite?"

"No! Daddy!" Reika pulled away from me and went over to hug Aldrich from behind, "I love you the same! I would destroy the world if I didn't have you too."

He sighed and tapped her hand, "Please don't destroy the world."

I nodded, "That's right. We wouldn't ever want that. We just want you to be safe and happy."

Reika crossed her arms and clicked her tongue, "Okay, okay. I promise I won't reduce the world to ash."

I smiled, "Good girl. Now get to class before you're late. Tomorrow we will go shopping for dresses to wear to Prince Cyrus's graduation ceremony."

Reika quickly collected her things together and left alongside Aldrich. Once again, I was left alone to listen to Red's incessant insults and commentary.

Just so no one is confused:

Red = the woman in red whose body Della is in

Nekorucreators' thoughts
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