
[38.4] Cyrus POV: The White Rabbit

Reika picked me up and turned me to face her.

My whiskers twitched as she smiled at me just inches from my face.

She squealed, "HE'S SO CUTE!"

Suddenly she started covering my face with multiple kisses.

My mind went blank.


She's kissing me…

She stopped her assault of kisses and hugged me gently, burying my face into her cleavage.


You know…

This isn't so bad…

I nuzzled my head against her chest happily.

I didn't think it would feel this soft.

It feels just like soft, squishy pillows. If I slept on these every night, I think I would die a very happy man.

Reika giggled, "He's so cuddly. I didn't know rabbits were so tame."

Zephyr leaned close and sniffed me, "He reeks."

I froze.

Wait. Does he know?!

Reika leaned down and took a deep breath on the nape of my neck, "I think he smells good."

I shivered happily.


Please do that again.

Reika's eyes widened, "Whoa! He has such beautiful colors around him. I guess Cyrus's essence rubbed off on him."

Zephyr snickered, "Yeah. That's it."

…He definitely knows.

She stared at me in confusion, "Wait… Is that a red string?"

Eh? A red string? Does she mean my ribbon?

She shook her head, "There's no way. I guess I'm just so hungry I'm hallucinating."

Della called to her, "Then come get some food. I don't want you to faint."

Reika walked into the kitchen still holding me, "Can you make my new rabbit a plate to eat?"

Della prepared dinner, "I think I have some vegetables from my garden I can give him."

The Headmaster appeared in the kitchen and walked over to Della to look at the food, "That smells amazing."

He reached to steal a bite, but Della smacked his hand with a wooden spoon. She smiled, "Wait until I finish."

The Headmaster rubbed his hand as he scowled, "Then why are you giving it to the fox?"

"Huh?" She looked down to see Zephyr with a large piece of meat in his mouth. She shouted, "ZEPHYR!"

He quickly swallowed it, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Della let out a defeated sigh, "It wasn't even cooked."

The Headmaster glanced at me as if he just noticed me.

His darkening expression caused my blood to chill.

Even my heart was too scared to beat.

He knows.

He definitely knows!

The Headmaster looked away from me and to Reika, "What is that?"

"A rabbit. Cyrus gave it to me as a gift."

The Headmaster frowned, "What did I say about bringing in random animals?"

Reika clicked her tongue, "But it's not a random animal. It was a gift from Cyrus."

The Headmaster looked at Zephyr, "It's not a demon this time, right?"

Zephyr looked at me and snickered mischievously, "Nope. It's definitely not a demon this time."


He definitely knows.

Well, at least it's Zephyr who knows and not the Headmaster.

The Headmaster would definitely take this opportunity to cook me alive.

Della spoke, "Zephyr. Since you were naughty and ate a piece of meat, you have to set the table."

He groaned, "Ughhh. Fine."

Zephyr placed down the plates, "There! Done!"

Della frowned, "You forgot the silverware."

Zephyr pursed his lips, "Why do we need silverware when we have hands?"

Her smile twitched, "Zephyr. Don't make me mad."

He gulped and grabbed the silverware, "Yes ma'am."

After the table was set, Della brought the food to the table where everyone sat down. Reika put me on her lap as she fed me carrots, "Eat up~"

Della wagged her finger sternly, "Reika. You need to eat your carrots."

She pouted, "But I don't like cooked carrots…"

"They aren't cooked."

Reika forced a smile, "But it's still carrots."

Della remained firm, "You need to eat it to remain healthy."

Reika looked at the Headmaster, "Papa…"

He averted his gaze, "Listen to your mother."

Reika deflated in defeat, "But I hate them…"

I looked at the carrots in determination.

Don't worry, Reika!

I will protect you!

I leaped forward and chowed down the carrots, leaving nothing behind.

I collapsed from a full belly.

Della blinked in surprise, "I guess he really likes carrots."

Reika shrugged, "He is a rabbit."

Reika reached down to rub my stomach.

I shivered in ecstasy.

Okay. The life of a rabbit isn't so bad.

I get to sit on Reika's lap and have my stomach rubbed by her.

This is amazing!

I lounged on her lap as she finished her meal. She stood up, still holding onto me, "Thanks for the meal, Mummy. I love you."

Reika skipped over to her mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

The other side of the room suddenly grew very cold.

Reika chuckled and skipped over to the Headmaster and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Love you, Papa."

His glare softened and gave a nod, "I love you too. Don't stay up too late. Remember, you are still grounded."

Reika skipped out of the kitchen, "Yeah, yeah."

Zephyr turned to Della, "Can I have snacks now?"

Della let out a sigh, "But you just had dinner."

He pouted, "I finished my meal, but now I want unhealthy snacks!"

Reika carried me up the stairs and away from the conversation downstairs, "Okay, now it's time for a bath, little one."

Ah yes.

A bath.

How relaxing-



S-Surely she doesn't intend to bring me in with her…

Reika walked into her room and entered her personal bathroom. She closed the door behind her and placed me on the ground.

I froze as I watched her get ready in disbelief. She gave a wave of a wand, and the bathtub filled up with the perfect temperature of water.

What is happening!? There's no way she will-

She placed her wand down and started undoing her clothes.


Even though I wanted to look away, I couldn't force myself to.

At first, I was in shock at the sudden change of events, but then…

My chest thumped as desire poured into my heart.


This is wrong…

I have to…

I have to-

Reika beckoned to me, "What's wrong, little rabbit? Do you not like baths? Come join me!"

She suddenly picked up my body.

I squealed and forced my eyes shut.


Why does she not have any misgivings of me!?

No rabbit would ever act like this!

What if I was someone else!?

She held me as she placed shampoo in my hair and styled it.

I forced myself to keep my eyes closed, but I felt all of my control start to weaken. As she shampooed my head, I couldn't help but fantasize about a future where she would do this to me again…

And hopefully, I wouldn't be a rabbit.

Finally, she finished bathing me, "Okay, time to dry off~"

Oh thank the gods! Any longer and I'm sure I would have lost my mind.

She stood up and placed me on the ground. She grabbed a towel and started to dry me off, "Let's dry you off."

Wait!? Shouldn't you dry yourself off first!? You'll catch a cold!

She raised me up and started to kiss my face, "Aren't you so cute! I just want to keep kissing you!"

NOO! Please stop!


I can't take it anymore!!!

I opened my eyes to see her holding me without wearing a single thing. My body trembled as I watched beads of water slowly roll down her porcelain skin.

Suddenly, a burning pain erupted across my chest.

Yeah, you can probably guess where this is going.

Nekorucreators' thoughts
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