
Chapter 33

"Yo." Toshiro said as he waved his hands.

"The hell?!"

Getting snuck up on surprised Kyoshi, but really that wasn't even what he was confused about. The demon standing in front of him was strong as hell.

It seemed when he wasn't trying to be sneaky his presence couldn't go unnoticed. Just being in the same area with this guy made Kyoshi have the chills.

Still though, he remembers this guy.

A few months back, he remembered when Muzan sent a mental link to all of the Kizuki along with himself of a demon working in conjunction with the DSC.

He saw Toshiro dig into one of his pockets and pull out a piece of paper as he unfolded it and read it out.

"A kid, who looks 15, kinda long black hair, really pale, gray eyes like smoke, and carrying a sword." Toshiro said as he looked up from the paper and towards Kyoshi.

"Hmm, they never said anything about you having a companion though. No matter…let's go talk somewhere private." He said as he slightly turned around.

"Sensei, I don't think-"

"Mm, we don't really have a choice." Kyoshi said with a sigh.

'Might as well, vet to know this guy.' Kyoshi thought as he walked forward with Rin at his side.

"So what're we talking about?" As asked as they walked around a less crowded part of the city.

"Nothing much. Just received a letter that's basically asking for you to either be brought into the DSC or to be killed." Toshiro answered.

"I figured word of my greatness would spread eventually, so which one did you chose?"

"Hmm, neither yet. Any idea why they won't you dead?"

"I think it's obvious. Then again, why would they want me turned into the DSC? What would they plan to do?" Kyoshi asked.

"What indeed?" Toshiro answered.

Rin watched the two speak with each other and couldn't tell where this would lead at all. On one hand she had the feeling this guy would let them off, but on the other hand she felt as if the guy would randomly kill them.

She knew for a fact, that he was way stronger than the both of them. Out of their league type stuff. She couldn't understand how Kyoshi could act so calmly and defenseless towards the guy.

"You said you don't really hate the DSC right? Well humans in general." Toshiro asked.

"Yup, totally understand they just trying to live, but the only thing I don't like is when they open their mouth about the reasoning of why they do it.

Honestly, instead if all that self-righteous bullshit, I'd very much prefer to hear them saying something like "we're wiping scum off the planet" of something like that.

But no, it's because it's their "duty to destroy the evil in this country" like they not evil themselves." Kyoshi explained.

"You think so?"

"Yup. Everything we're doing was literally invented by humans. Experimenting on our own and other kind, stepping on people weaker than us, bro, even cannibalism."

"I see."

"Well enough about all that stuff, why'd you; a demon, join the DSC?" Kyoshi asked.

From what he can tell the guy is at least sensible, so they can have some type of chat together, but he also seems rather impulsive.

"Hmm, to put it simply, something happened to me and the demon slayers have been helping me with a problem for a while." He explained.

"Bro, doesn't that just sound like they using the fact that they're the only ones that can help you with whatever problems you have to keep you on their side?"

"Meh, gotta do what you gotta do to live." He said as he hunched his shoulders.

"Plus, it's not like they've taken my freedom away. I can still do what I want." He added.

"I see. How do they get around the whole, you needing to eat humans to live situation?"

"Meh, they just give me criminals. You know. Rapist, mass murderers, even some war criminals." He said.

"Ew, they probably taste disgusting. You can kinda taste it in their blood, how starved and dehydrated they are. And then there be bone fragments inside the meat from broken bones"

"You can pick that stuff out. Plus, what else will I eat? Can't get just get me some perfectly healthy people. It's the DSC." He said with a laugh.

"…welp, let's leave that topic. I assume you came here for something other than that right?"

"Oh yeah, where's Muzan?"

"I don't know." Kyoshi said hunching his shoulders.

"Meh, worth a shot. Anyways, I've got a proposal for you."


"How about joining the DSC? Before you reject, you should hear them out."

"Nope. I don't care if you killed me now, but nope."

"I thought you might decline, but how about after seeing this…" He said as he dug into his jacket pocket and took out a picture of Seikichi being trained by Tengen.

It was from above and to be frank it took a lot of training for him to get his falcon to learn how to take pictures with its talon.

It's how he keeps up with stuff at the HQ since he doesn't exactly like being there.

"Yooo, he actually became a demon slayer!!" Kyoshi said with a smile and slight chuckle.

"Dang, what rank is he? Damn it been about 4 years since I last saw this guy. Man gotta lose the bangs though…"

As Kyoshi grabbed the picture, Rin and Toshiro watched his ho on and on about the things he remembered. He seemed like an old vet that's talking about his war buddies.

Rin looked over his shoulder and was more than surprised to see that Kyoshi was friends with one of the next Hashira candidates.

They both went on rants about Seikichi as they passed information with each other while Toshiro watched.

Toshiro could kinda sympathize with him. He rembered the last time he saw his war buddies, they were on a deathbed all old and frail while he stilled looked as young as the accident.

He snatched the picture from Kyoshi and tucked it back into his jacket pocket as he sighed.

"So, you'll go?"

"Hmm, is he there at the moment?" Kyoshi asked.

"I don't think they'll have him at the meeting or if he's on a mission. You might have to wait there." Toshiro said.

"Then in that case, I'm good. We'll meet eventually and I don't plan on going into enemy territory completely surrounded and probably outclasses. That's stupidly dangerous." Kyoshi said.

"Welp, I guess that's it." Toshiro said as he prepared to leave.

"Really? That's it?"

"Yup, I wasn't sent to kill you. Regardless I'm out. Have fun kid." Toshiro said as his body turned into red mist as he vanished.

"…what now?" Rin asked.

"Well, other hashira are most likely already looking for me. While I don't think he'll tell them of my location, on the off chance he does, I think it's about time we leave."

"Ehh, but we just got here."

"We can come back some other time. Plus everyone else has to meet you since you're the first person I've ever turned."

"Does that mean Muzan too?" She asked nervously.

"Of course." He said with a nod.

After calming herself, they got ready to leave Tokyo and head "home".

Along with them, Yui also prepared to leave the village as her messenger crow had come back with news of Kyoshi's whereabouts along with his traveling companion.


Rly short chapter and much of nothing happened. I'll probably release another chapter today.

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