
Chapter 19

"So am I like, being detained or something?" Kyoshi asked as they walked through the forest. He went pretty far out to eat his meal and practice and he didn't feel like running so they decided to walk.

"Hmm, something like that. Now let me ask you a question." Masako said.

"Why'd you run from the shinobi watching you?" She asked.

"I didn't want to be watched and seeing how riled up they were looking for me, was kinda funny. My uncle would usually just break stuff till I came out." Kyoshi answered.

'So he's a mischievous one?' Masako though.

"Then w-…."

"Alright my turn. How'd you find me? I know as a ninja your tracking skills are great, but I even hid my aura." Kyoshi said with a sullen expression.

"All those trees being knocked down made quite the ruckus. Speaking of that, what was it that you were doing in that forest. I didn't expect you to be a real swordsman." Masako asked.

"So you were suspicious of me being a swordsman even though I was carrying a sword?"

"Just because somebody has it doesn't mean they can use it."

"Yes it does. Even if they weren't good at using it, they would still know how to use it otherwise they wouldn't have it. It would be useless deadweight."

'She must have had fights against a lot of weak people who's skill didn't meet her requirements to think people carry around weapons they can't use.' Kyoshi thought.

"Well regardless it doesn't matter now since my suspicions were wrong. Those moves, who trained you?"

"Can't say."

"Then which village in the east did you come from?"

"Can't say."

"Fine. Then answer my last question. What happened to the shinobi on team 3A? I know you had something to do with it." Masako said.

"And depending on you answer, I'll decide if you get to live or not." She added with a glare as her natural aura exploded.

"Don't go thinking you scare me you damn demon." Kyoshi said as his aura exploded as well. The tension between them was intense and made the air dry.

'Demon? Does he know?' Masako thought.

"I knew something was off about you from our first encounter, but to be sure I planned this out. I knew you had some type of military position in this village so if something happened you'd be the first to come searching to keep up your appearance in this village." Kyoshi said.


"So I caused a big fuss and came all the way out here to lure you away from the innocent people of that village. You may have reaped the lives of many while hiding amongst humans, but you can't hide from me, you filthy demon!!" Kyoshi yelled as he got ready to pull his sword.

"WAIT!!" Masako yelled.

"I think there's been a huge misunderstanding here." She added.

"No, I'm sure of it. You're a demon hiding in a human village posing as a human and used your demonic strength to rise in rank. Although one thing does bother me, why aren't you dying from the sunlight?" Kyoshi asked seriously.

"Yeah there's been an enormous misunderstanding here. Well you're not really wrong, I am a demon, well half-demon, but I'm still a demon. That part is right, but the leader of this village already knows I'm a demon." She bantered.

"Yeah. A human allowed a human eating monster into an all human village knowingly. Like I can believe that." He said.

"Really, I can explain more when we get to village. I'll be honest, I can tell you're strong and it would be foolish to lose a possibility good ally with more potential because of some misunderstanding." She said seriously.

Kyoshi paused for a moment as he stood up straight and tilted his straw hat down to shadow is eyes and putting his sword away completely.

"Hmph, I'll here you out, but no trickery. I know demons like you with intelligence always lie." He said.

"I know I know. Follow me back to the village and we'll get a room in the chief's house ready for our discussion. Also the chief should be arriving back in two to three days. I ask you stay here till then." Masako stated.

Kyoshi agreed and they continued on their walk in silence.

'Ughhh, who knew my little play would do all of this? At least I got the results I was looking for. This girl was indeed a demon, but was also human.' Kyoshi thought.

His plan was to gain trust from the people in this village and the higher ranking officers like Masako and then gain information about this place. He planned this all out the moment he found out this was a shinobi village.

He needed to know what side they were on or if they were neutral. He could take a guess and say they are most likely on the demon slayers side which would result in him destroying this village.

Mainly because the less enemies the more freedom they have. If they can wipe the demon slayers and their allies out, then they should have free reign to look wherever they wanted for the Blue Spider Lily.

Anyways, he also wanted to check something with Muzan. If this place was aligned with the Demon Slayer Corps then they must have some valuable information as well. Depending on the information, having Kyoshi be a trusted traveler could be extremely useful.

He decided to get what he can get for today and write it in his journal and then send Muzan a summary of all he's found and done these past few days.


—Nagasumo Mountain—

Inside the cabin, the team Kyoko had including herself were about to die. They've been sitting here for a while and as they try their best to continue their breathing, the strain on their body was already immense.

From the pain that was starting to seep into them through their body from the poison to the pain in their lungs and kidney from constant use of Concentration Breathing.

They didn't learn things like TCB Constant. In fact before they were sent to this mission that was exactly what they were working on. That training is the only reason they're still able to use that breathing now and push through the pain.

Honestly it was impressive, you have to admit that.

The purple blisters covering their bodies also caused them great pain. They could feel themselves getting weaker and weaker as time passed on. They were completely helpless.

Captured and restrained in a spider's web.

"The effects should be getting near completion. It seems like our plan went down without a hitch." Itsumu said proudly with a smirk.

Mayumi hit him upside the head and out a finger over her mouth.

"Don't jinx us you dimwit." She said.

"Why're you so worried about a jinx. Even if they found a way to slow the poison down they're still done for." He stated.

"That may be right, but one thing I learned from my teacher, was to expect the unexpected and prepare for it." Habuki said.

"How do you prepare for something you don't expect?" Itsumu asked.

"Quoting my teacher "All you have to do is beat the shit out of whatever situation befalls you and then beat it harder since it didn't give a clear warning."" Habuki said quoting Akaza.

""He also said to just be strong. He also said something along the lines of "weakness disgusts me." And that he'll kill all those who're weak." He added.

"Oh, I see." Itsumu said as he inched away from Habuki.

"We should be fine though." Keiko said.


Soon the sounds of crows cowing reverberated throughout the forest. With their enhanced hearing they were able to hear dozens of crows flying over the forest if the mountain.

They saw the crows flying towards them in bulk and could sense the presence of someone else coming up the mountain at high speeds.

The clouds started to darken and the wind picked up more and more. As he ran up the mountain he expertly dodged and avoided the traps planted while also killing spiders.

"I guess I can go out and-"

"No." Itsumu said as he interrupted Habuki.

"As our guests it would be rude to make you do something like this. I'm confident in my ability to clean up this mess as the man of the house." He added.

The demons in the room looked at him silently in slight shock before they heard some stifled laughter from Mayumi.

"You tryna ben cool or something?" She asked wiping tears from her eyes.

"S-shut up. I'm doing my job to protect us show some appreciation!!" He yelled at her as she continued teasing him.

"Although we are guest this is more of me being selfish since I haven't fought in a while. With what looks to be a storm coming, this should block out the sun for a while." Habuki said as he left the house.

"It must be nice?" Koyuki asked with a warm smile as they watched Habuki from the blinds in the window.


"Having a husband, well boyfriend to spend your days with." Koyuki replied.

"Oh, well, other than being an obnoxious bonehead, I'd say it's pretty nice." Keiko replied.

"I see."

Keiko knew Koyuki would most likely end up being lonely here, but there was nothing she could do. That "father" demon wasn't any good, but she also couldn't tryst other demons.

Koyuki is strong and can fight for herself and a lot of male demons are prideful in their strength so if Koyuki was shown to be stronger than them they might feel unnecessary and wouldn't want to date her.

Demons have their own thoughts and emotions, but they were also extremely territorial. Fighting over who gets what and whoever is killed is proclaimed the loser.

So if another demon saw a beauty like Koyuki with some other guy they might try to fight to the death over her, which would just be annoying and unnecessary.

All Keiko could do was hope for the best and that something or someone falls into her life and do some good for her.

(Seikichi's POV)

'Damn it, I gotta go to work as soon as I wake up. What were they even thinking sending out all those low ranking demon slayers? Well I guess Kyoko was okay, buy for the love of Izanami.'

It didn't take me more than two hours to get there from the demon slayers inn, but I was given a mission right as I was about to take a nice hot bath.

'Damn demons!!'

Yes, I was more worked up over the fact he couldn't take a bath than the fact the other demon slayers are dying. I got the mission from Shinobu's crow who was also carrying antidotes to the poison after a crow took a spider and brought it back to the Butterfly Mansion.

Anyways, as I ran up the mountain avoiding the nicely hidden traps and explosives set out around the base of the mountain, I notice white spiders and I was able to easily just cut them up.

Jumping over logs, cutting down and jumping through the trees. It was easy to move in this forest. I was being led by many crows towards the location of the poisoned demon slayers to deliver the antidote.

As I went further and further up the mountain I can tell at least five demons were watching me from somewhere and one of them was significantly stronger than the rest.

Although it was weird. Demons banding together to fight? It was rare but not unheard of. Other than the Twelve Kizuki there's been demons who fight together before.

We just call them hordes.

"There it is."

I ran up a tree and jumped from it before landing in front of the cabin. I could feel the dread fluctuating from the inside if the cabin as I opened the door.

There was a strike of thunder behind me and I was able to see the four people left alive huddled together in the cover shivering. I could see them struggling to breathe while the light in their eyes were dim.

Purple bulging blisters all over their faces with blood coming from their eyes and nose. Ever since I was able to feel peoples emotions, it's given me a whole new reason to why I should be a demon slayer.

Feeling the sadness and depression of entire villages and families that I've saved from a demon after it's killed somebody was destroying me.

But I can't cry. Not in front of a demon, not in front of a demon slayer, and especially not in front of the kid's I've saved. Demon slayers are seen as shining stars of hooe for the people that know of us, so I can't stop shining because if this.

'I kinda sound like Rengoku.'

I got over my shock and went into the cabin as I unpacked the antidotes.

"You guys are pretty amazing. My expectations of you weren't really good, but I see you guys have proved me wrong. Staying alive in a situation like this and with this type of poison, I know you guys endured a lot of pain."

I tried to comfort them with my words as I separated them from one another so I could deliver the antidotes. I could see them visibly trying to hold back their tears from my words.

I heard from outside thunder striking and the wind picking up in strength as it started to rain heavily outside.

I started to inject them with the shot carefully and in an area there weren't blisters.

"You guys should be good now. Take some rest and let the antidote take its course naturally through your body's. I'll go kill the demons that did this whole mess."

I stood up and left the cabin.


Another bolt of lightning struck and I could feel the vibration in the ground. I could feel the wind pushing me back and the rain was extremely cold, but I could handle it.

I wouldn't have been able to become a demon slayer if this hindered my job performance. With that I started back treading up the mountain.

The terrain becoming muddy and soft along with the winds made it annoying to walk on the ground, but I could get struck by lightning mid air if I jump from the trees.

Although the storm raged on I could feel it. The demon I sensed before was close and it was waiting. Then again I wanted to take some of my frustration out.

The further up the mountain I got the less amount of traps I had to deal with and at some point I was able to see a big house that looked in quite the good shape.

But my main focus was on the man or rather demon standing before it.

"About time you made it." The demon said with a grin and crossed arms.

"Listen, I don't really care for what you have to say. Don't talk to me, don't try to strike up a conversation and fuck your ideology. Let's just scrap."

With that I unsheathed my sword and got ready for a fight.


Fun Fact: Seikichi invented the use if the word "scrap" in terms of fighting. Lol.

Anyways, the next chapter bout to ho absolutely bonkers with the fight and dialogue.

I'll also be getting into the situation of "other" people you haven't heard about in a while😈

The prelude to some big events are taking place and I'm hella excited to write these chapters.

If school didn't give me a random wave if immense depression every time I heard about it I'd be putting out three chapters a day tbh.

Anyways I think I'll go with the most valued option and go for the Ukaku although I did see an interesting one for the Ukaku and Renkaku.

Aka Tails and wings. There is a group of ghouls in TG that have both. Don't forget about The Kakuja and the Chimera Ghouls.

Anyways I think I got an understanding of what I'll do about his Kagune or Kagunes.

Hope you liked the chapter, I know some people getting fed up with the suspense✌🏾

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