
Fast forward

Over the next 8 months the three friends grow exceptionally close. They eat dinner together almost every night hang out almost every weekend Marcy has even stayed over with max a few times. they even went away together for Christmas. They rented a cabin in the mountains and convinced aunt Lisa to join then for their holiday trip. Though the sexual tension has only grown hotter and more electric between Marcy and Ian, Ian refuses to pursue Marcy though he loves to watch her squirm and Marcy is sure it is all in her head (what a fullish girl).

Marcy feels like she has a family again though her aunt and her new found friends can not replace her mother and father they are family and are exactly what she needed. There is love for all of them and she is never alone they are always with her or a call away. Marcys grades have even improved in school over the last couple months thanks to help from Max who is much more than a pretty face it turns out. But when Marcy is alone at night she still watches the wolves, well wolf she has still only seen the one though her emerald eyed wolf, she can hear his family close by calling to him . Some times she even thinks that he waits on her to come see him too. And everytime she sits to watch him she gets the oddest sensation of deja vu when she looks into his bright emerald green eyes that seem to glisten in the moonlight.

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