
Chapter 13 - Trouble in East Blue

A/N: Shorter chapter, but work has started for me again, so I'm going to pace myself in order to meet the one release a day goal.


On the large naval ship with a figurehead shaped like a dog head, Terumi in a marine uniform was doing his morning practice on the ship's deck.

Although he didn't have any weights to add to his sword for proper exercise, the routine has become something he's used to in order to keep his mind sharp.

Off to the side, Garp was lazing around sleeping in a chair. The ship had just set off from Shimotsuki village yesterday, with its destination being Marineford.

"Ha! Ha!"

Terumi continued his rhythmic swinging, focusing his mind on every swing.


"Can't you be a little quieter kid, I'm trying to get some sleep here!"

Garp, who couldn't take it anymore, decided to speak up.

"Hey, I was here first, you're the one who decided to come sleep here."


Garp then disappeared from his chair and reappeared in front of Terumi, giving him a bonk on the head.

"Ow. What was that for!?"

"This is your first lesson, respect your elders!"

Terumi rubbed his head as he started to slightly regret his decision, sighing slightly.

"Whatever, I'll just go practice somewhere else."

"Wahahaha! Well, hold on a second."

Terumi paused as he was about to turn around to find somewhere else to practice.


"How much do you know about Marineford kid?"

Terumi thought for a second about what his appropriate response should be.

"Well, I know it's the main Marine Headquarters in the grand line, and that the Fleet Admiral Sengoku-san and the other admirals are usually stationed there."

Garp nodded at his answer.

"Listen kid, you are strong for your age, but if you think that'll be enough on the grand line, you'll be in for a rude awakening, don't let your strength chain you down. East blue is called the weakest blue for a reason, any pirates you've come across are just chumps on the grand line."

Terumi nodded in understanding. Contrary to what Garp might think, Terumi fully understands that things were about to get a lot harder. As he stands currently, he may be about as strong as a Captain, perhaps even a commodore level if he went all out, but that would be his peak strength.

"I know, I won't let confidence or cockiness get the best of me."

Garp nodded before continuing.

"Good. Once we get to Marineford, you'll be enrolled in special training. Marines on the grand line are also different than the blues. You'll have to endure harsh training if you want to survive. I'll put in a request for you to be put in the elite camp, it would be a waste of time for you to go through standard training."

"Sounds good to me."

"Alright, now off you go, don't interrupt my sleep any further."

'As I said, I was here first.'

Terumi sighed and turned around, however, he was interrupted again by Bogard rushing towards them.

"Vice-Admiral Garp! Sorry to interrupt you, sir, emergency orders from Marineford! Fleet Admiral Sengoku is on the line."

"Huh? What is it now?"

Terumi moved to the side as Bogard handed Garp a transponder snail.

"What is it, I'm busy here."

Sengoku didn't comment on Garp's obvious lie, from the expression of the snail, it seems serious.

"Garp, I need to speak with you privately. No jokes. This is an extremely sensitive matter, are you alone?"

Garp then changed his lazy expression slightly before shooing Bogard and Terumi away.

As Terumi walked off, he wondered what it was about.

'Sengoku sounded serious, Garp also took him seriously, something big must have happened, but what?'

Terumi stood a good distance away, staring at Garp as he tried to make out what was happening. Garp's expression quickly turned from serious to angry soon into the conversation.

"WHAT? Those bastards dare come make trouble here and you want me to do nothing? Tell those geezers to screw off!"

Garp suddenly exclaimed, not caring who around the ship heard him. He then quickly hung up the transponder snail and turned around to look at Bogard.

"Bogard! Change course for Cozia Island!"

"Yes, sir!"

Terumi pondered intensely, upon hearing the command

'What could it be that made him this angry...the year is 1511...Cozia island...'

A faint picture started to form in his head.

'Germa 66!'

Terumi walked over to Garp, hoping to confirm his suspicion, before he could speak, Garp started speaking first, sighing.

"I see you have a fire in you, Terumi. I don't know what you plan to do with it, but as long as you wear that uniform you must always serve justice."

Terumi paused and thought for a moment before speaking.

"...What does that word mean to you, Garp-san?"

Garp closed his eyes and contemplated.

"I don't have any big answers for you kid, as long as the people are happy and safe, that's good enough for me."

Garp turned around as he stared off into the sea, his words seemed forced, as if he was trying to convince himself.

Terumi could read the atmosphere. He knew the inner turmoil that Garp was dealing with.

'Just a few years ago, his son Dragon had defected from the Marines to form the Revolutionary Army. Such a betrayal is a black blot on the history of the Marines, but Garp didn't necessarily disagree with Dragon either. Now, from what I can tell, he's being told to stand down against Germa 66's invasion of Cozia.'

"I understand, Garp-san. I won't lie to you and say that I have any inflated ideals about justice either, I have goals I want to accomplish, and joining the Marines will help me get there."

Garp didn't budge upon hearing Terumi's declaration, as if he'd already anticipated it, but he did not interrupt, waiting for his next words. Terumi paused for a moment, thinking fondly back of his loved ones in Shimotsuki village, and of his regrets in his past life.

"But I believe that everyone should have a fair shot at happiness, and people who strip that right away from others deserve to be punished. I won't claim to be a hero of justice, I have people I care about and I want them to be safe, but in this journey of mine, if I happen to come across scum along the way, I'm not one to shy away from a little cleanup duty, no matter who they are."

Garp seemed to flinch upon hearing Terumi's final words. His eyebrows furrowed as he understood the implications of what's being said.


"Garp-san, I respect you not as just the Marine Hero, but as a person."

Terumi interrupted before Garp could continue, a faint smile appearing on his face.

"You might find this hard to believe, but in my 'life' I've come across plenty of people who lie, cheat, and step on others to get what they want. That's why I can tell, that you are a good person Garp-san. When we first met, I could see the concern in your eyes when you saw me then, someone you've never met before. That's what convinced me that I had made the right choice calling out to you."

Terumi then put on a firm expression.

"I know you will make the right choice, and I will stand with you in that decision."

Garp sighed, shaking his head, before changing his frown into a smile.

"Heh, you've got some nerves kid. Let's see how that backbone holds up. Bogard! Full speed! Men, get ready for combat!"

"Yes, sir!"

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