

On the land of Zou, there was a large queue of Minks that were lined up as far as the eye could see.

Each one entered a building having the door closed behind a couple of them once they entered then they came out looking tired.

In each of their hands was a small brown fruit which was one of the chocolate fruits created from the Boin Island research.

Each bite taken from them by the Minks were very fast and big allowing for them to be finished quickly.

They quickly regained their energy back going on do carry on with their daily duties and activities.

Inside the room where many Minks were gathered, the Minks were holding onto metallic rods attached to a larger device.

A green light was shown on the device and there was a measuring meter on it too which had a pointer pointing close to the end.

Each Mink began to release their Electro towards their hands which travelled down the rod connected to the device as the pointer was slowly moving further to the right.

The green light turned off and a red one flashed so they all stopped what they were doing and went outside.

What they were all filling up was one of the large generators that Alyssia had set up on Zou during her time there.

It connected to several different areas within Zou allowing for some basic electrical devices to be installed in some more secure homes.

Meanwhile Alyssia was at her parents home tapping away on something within her own privately built space.

Her mother and father were both watching over the kids while she was busy at work once again after some time spent resting.

What was surprising about what she was using was that she had been able to reproduce a means of using a computer and she was busy working on it.

There were very few pieces of equipment so advanced in the world of One Piece unless it could be found in the Science Department of a larger organisation that had major funding.

Alyssia had been able to build her own computer while being able to find a way to power it and install working software that ran well.

Her Programming skill that had been maxed out was finally being put to use allowing for the smoothest running software available.

Her skill combined with many others allowed for her to spot additional flaws between the hardware and software until everything was perfected enough to allow for her to use them without any technical difficulties.

Her fingers moved at a rapid rate typing on the keyboard so fast that it was difficult to follow with the naked eye yet it was able to keep up with it and record everything accurately on the screen.

Lines and lines of code appeared on the screen until she stopped and began looking over it.

She finished placing some files in some areas linking up the imagery with the code and other features then finalised it.

A small box was linked to her computer which had a small blinking light on it during the time the screen was finishing the countdown of completion after saving and transferring.

It was done very quickly so Alyssia stood up and disconnected the box safely before carrying it towards a larger box opening up the back and plugging the box into it before securing it.

After tinkering with it some more, she flicked a switch and it suddenly started to make noise and lights came on.

A large grin appeared on her face. "Hahaha! Mom! Dad! Come play with me!"

Her mother and father came inside leading the kids who were behind then their eyes widened in amazement.

Her mother was the first to break the silence. "Alyssia.. what is this?"

Alyssia turned to her mother with a smug grin on her face. "Arcade Game Machine. Who wants to play with me?"

"Woow shiny!"

"The pictures are moving!"

"Hoh? You can control this with this stick and buttons?"

Alyssia was busy teaching them how it worked before moving onto the menu on the screen. "Now.. which one catches your eye?"

Her father was studying the images on the screen as Alyssia scrolled through them. "Super Mario? Mortal Kombat? Ninja Turtles? Street Fighter? Streets Of Rage? Which one is a little tamer? There are kids around us and I am new to this.."

Her mother and father were even more certain that Alyssia loved fighting after seeing the many violent games that were available.

They began to have a fun day playing together as a family whether is was a game that could be played as a duo or if it was the type to played in verses mode.

It took some time for the family to each find their favourite game to play.

Her mother really liked Tetris while her father loved to play Pacman.

There would be some times when Xena and Yao would look towards the flashing screen with big curious eyes.

They wanted to play too but Alyssia would not allow them since they were still too young.

It was just a small development to have fun shared with her family during her time off but it would have a huge effects on the overall development of the White Storm once computers and other software was able to be put to use by her for different purposes.

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