
The Cure

The testing had begun as the samples were collected one after another and no cure was administered before they had been studied to have positive effects on those samples.

Each person could have a different reaction and one cure may not have had the same effects that it did on one person.

Some cures may have saved more than half but could have killed or harmed the rest so Alyssia did not take any chances even if the system had shown them to be safe to use.

The more samples that were tested, the more sure that Alyssia had become about how successful it would be to cure everyone but there was another thing that had left her pondering over.

Once she had cured a large amount of them, she had come across Carrot who had been waiting patiently but looked very drained of enthusiasm.

The moment that Alyssia appeared, her eyes had suddenly lit up as she said. "You are finally here. Have you come to cure me?"

Alyssia shrugged in response. "It is up to you whether I will do so but how has your training been going while in seclusion?"

Carrot was not sitting around doing nothing while she was infected so she had been working on progressing in her physical training and her bloodline limit.

She was too bored and had little to do so that was all that could be done during that time.

Carrot flexed her arm and smiled cheekily. "Sis Alyssia, I have grown so much. What do you mean about it being up to me?"

The overall appearance of Carrot was that she had progressed past the halfway point of her Sulong bloodline so she was technically half a Mink and half a Sulong, there was very little blonde hair left on her head as it had faded and was closer to being a white colour.

Seeing that Carrot had progressed well and had shown confidence towards her own strength, Alyssia examined her for a moment before nodding. "You have some options available right now so I will explain them to you now.

The first option is to cure you completely and to completely remove any kind of power it granted you. The second option is to suppress it enough to make it dormant for now until the time is right.

Option three is that we simply rush head on into increasing your abilities through numerous ways right away but there may be some drawbacks and you may not get the best possible results.

Option one will remove any advantages and disadvantages of the virus so that you can take your time and work on your other goals for now. Option two is similar but you will choose to keep your advantages you have gained but have to suppress them temporarily.

Option three will allow you to gain great power quickly but your body and skillsets may be thrown into disorder."

Alyssia had many ways to improve upon the power of Carrot but her own advancements in serum research, viruses and other areas could open up many other options as it improved further.

If Carrot decided to be cured then it could be possible for her to be infected with something entirely different and to have a way to inherit those abilities and changes without having the side effects.

If she decided to keep it then she would have those powers available to use but would have to take suppressants when things turned bad or she would have to keep it dormant until she fully needed those abilities.

The final option was to make use of her bad situation and to pile on other available options which she would have to adjust to all at once.

Carrot thought seriously and then looked a little confused. "Which is the best one?"

Alyssia shrugged. "The first is better long term but you are removing a potential life saving ability while the second is good for the short term mostly but is more stable than the third option that has no other options for improvements later. I would choose option one and take the risk of there not being an extra backup for now."

Carrot nodded enthusiastically. "Sis Alyssia will protect me if I have any problems so I choose one!"

Alyssia patted the head of Carrot who quickly became distracted then she was injected with the cure. "Rest up for now. Since you made this decision then I will not let you suffer."

She pointed towards a small box that had a strong looking lock on it. "I will give you this once you wake up and have recovered enough then you will join me."

Carrot looked very drowsy and slowly fell into a deep sleep as the serum started to fight off the virus. "Sis..sia.."

The changes within her body were being removed until the black veins and other mutations that had happened to her had been removed.

Once she had woke up, Alyssia had returned carrying the box that had been unlocked and what was inside would play a large role in the future path of Carrot who was among those that were the main pillars that would support Alyssia in the future.

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